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Everything posted by Gorgoroth

  1. Agree Jaded, i actually don't think the pies are favorites, i think we have a better chance than the pies.
  2. Its our 150th year. the number 3 is waiting for him. I'll cry if he goes else where
  3. Ian Johnson should offer judd what he wants and then sign bec to 7 for a million per year judd stays signed to us
  4. I am trying not to believe that we are in with a chance, i don't want to get my hopes up just to be crushed later, but its really hard not too think about the great man wearing the red and blue.
  5. As a supporter of Bolton Wanderers in the EPL we have a saying that we never believe a player is at the club until 3 things have been fufilled P.S.G. Pie, S#it, Grin.
  6. As much as i love Jones, i would rather Judd.
  7. Congrats and glad to see Becky has seen the light.
  8. Swann has said they will not give up the number 1 pick.
  9. We took off 9 of our best to rest them for round 2 WJ.
  10. Well if Judd does not want to do media, we are the club! No media pays us attention anyway. I do not think we will get Judd, i pray and hope but i have a bad feeling. I will hate him if he does go to another club though instead of choosing us! We have to throw what ever we can at him without crippling the club, our number 4 and one of TJ, Robbo, Green (if we can Bruce) hell bloody nearly anyone.
  11. Jacey, i hope you are right.
  12. Exactly right, if he wants to come here then, we have to walk up to west coast and say what do you want for him? Summed up perfectly, i do not care, if he will help us to a premiership then he is worth everything we can give him, and i believe he woulod be a major link in a tilt at the flag.
  13. For us to land Judd, firstly he has to want to play here and not else where. As for trades i would trade any one except, mclean, jones and would rather keep petterd, dunn other than that rest is fair game.
  14. That's awesome! well done mick for helping push this along.
  15. Just wondering how close we are to having the syndicate becoem full members? And how close the club is to getting to the target?
  16. Damn right it will, but with them gone, who will i whinge about being in the side???? This is weird
  17. Well i for 1 am happy at the delistings so far and hope that Jamar is added to that list, didn't see enough of neaves to comment on him.
  18. I will wait until i can see it written by a actual paper or tv or on the MFC site, then i will have a smile.
  19. I think this system is better than the old, west coast deserve the home final, they finished higher on the ladder and played a better team in their firsts final, what if geelong had of lost would you think that they should have to travel to interstate to play (hypothetical) if say adelaide won instead of the hawks? I don't.
  20. He spoke about things like where attacks should start from, ie the midfield, very low percentage to score starting your run from the back pocket. and went into all those sort of percentages and how at port they are conditioned to know the percentages and so come the last minute in a tight game they know exactly what to do in that situation, unlike scott thompson :lol: :lol:
  21. Pretty much agree, but at the same time i hope we just don't trade for the sake of trading.
  22. I really hope we hold onto trapper.
  23. I'd hope Viney would be approached, I'm still undecided on P. Williams as the midfield was decimated this year, I would like Scott other than that, who bloody knows.
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