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Sir Why You Little

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Everything posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. Yes i am 45 and will always treasure the '87 September Round 22 was just Surreal. Hugging total strangers at the western oval & all the way down Dynon Rd. Top Weekend!!!! Great to see so many Young People on Here. We must organize a few more "Get togethers" soon. Raise more $$$$
  2. Smart Idea to get celebs on board. I know Shane Bourne is a Demon. Could be worth contacting. Paul Hester was a Demon but he passed on the same week as Broady. R.I.P.
  3. I just want the best person for the job. I heard Schwab speak on the weekend, he is a smart man. So is Stuart Fox obviously. When Schwab was with us what 10 years ago we seemed to be doing ok. Just get it right jimmy. Don't play favorites thinhk Hard headed Business. Stynes Has said He wants Melbourne to be "hated" again by opposition Supporters, Well first off, Go hard at getting the Best People. There would be a lot of people out there relishing a Huge Challenge to get this club Firing again.
  4. I have said this Before. I Barrack for the Melbourne Demons. QED The idea of the Melbourne Kangaroos or a re-located Tassie Demons team is not on. And i despise anyone here who decides to weaken and support an AFL Directive. Last Year $780 Million was put on the Table for TV Rights.No Club in this Comp should ever have to Merge. It Disgusts me. Take a look at this years weighted Draw. As Midnight Oil said 25 years ago "The Rich get Richer, The Poor get the Picture" The Melbourne Demons will not Die!!!
  5. Look a lot of you guys are missing the point Here. Macnamee was appointed by the previous board. Stynes has the full right to choose his own CEO. As does a new Prime Minister pick his Front Ministerial Bench. Macnamee was Gardiners man .Q.E.D.
  6. We have a Fine Man as coach in Dean Bailey. The last parting gesture from PG's Board. They did good with that one i have no doubt.
  7. I agree Whispering. The new Admin have got to be strong and Brave. Stick to their plans. If Jim needs a new CEO to do the job he wants-well do it.
  8. I have no problem with a Home Base at the 'G. "coming home to Momma" just like the old days when we were a hated club unlike now where we are a basket case in the eyes of the opposition supporters. The Dome was a good idea, but the budget has skyrocketed from what i have heard.
  9. As the new President Jim Stynes is entitled to recruit the people he wants. If he and Macca were having problems with conflicting agendas well then the CEO must go, as he was appointed by the Previous Board. What i will say though is that. The CEO that fills that vacancy now Must be the Right one. Get it right Stynesy please, otherwise i believe we will be finished Please Please get it right. We need the Gun CEO in Australia to work with the board.
  10. You forget we also won 2 years later in '89 against Geelong
  11. Hehe!!! No wonder cricket just doesnt do it for me anymore
  12. is that an actual strip or just an idea? I can't yell at a brown shirt & won't. What does demietrio say in relation to Collingwood i wonder, what occurred with Jumpers last friday was just wrong except that the Filth Lost!! but the Jumper thing OMG!!
  13. WHITE??? We are not the Bloody Western Bulldogs!!! A Clash strip can be made using Red & Blue. I am in the camp that says I don't think Clash Jumpers are needed. It's purely for Cash the AFL are doing this. The real Home ground advantage has been diluted so has the Jumper. I am not Happy..
  14. Hutchy is a disgrace, you can hear the "Muck Raking" in his head before he speaks!
  15. Davey is being played out of position to cover injuries this year, so relax please. He aint going anywhere (i Hope)!!
  16. These stats make me feel better. It was hard to watch the 2nd Half. Particularly with that Bloody silver Jumper!! A six Pack of "Chang" certainly helped aswell
  17. Course he would be woorth getting on a coaching Panel, doubt it would happen though
  18. Nothing wrong with Bringing back Schwab to Help out Macca at all. Bring it on.
  19. Kicked the Winning Goal against the Bears a couple of weeks ago. I thought of Y.M. as it sailed through!!!! I like cam, and if he has shin splints that explains the deterioation of his kicking in the last coupla years.Keep up the good work Brucey...
  20. Totally agree & that's why we need to do 99% of the debt reduction ourselves as Demon Supporters. I don't want other supporters money (unless they are giving it away) I would love it if Melbourne were HATED like Collingwood & Hawthorn. Hated & Feared every week. Bring it on
  21. Love it what a top bloke, it all helps. Bring on August
  22. Adem still has a chance to prove himself this year, but i think it was all summed up on Queen's Birthday in the last Q. We were a big chance to win that game. His selfishness definately contributed to the loss. I am a big Fan of the OOOOZE but i really think he blew it with DB that day.
  23. Well i think a direct debit drip feed is a great idea, and should be implemented immediately.
  24. How much did we make on the night? Glad everybody enjoyed those "Northey" Highlights it was a pleasure to watch Beamer and Frawley enjoy the old days! Those VHS Tapes have been in my cupboard for a long time so it was good to get them shown again.
  25. I have to disagree this once BB. Kids love Winners. And at some stage that means a cup. Hell i think i have seen every team except the Shockers Hold up that Bloody Cup at the 'G Apart From Melbourne. That has to be a huge factor in marketing terms. Scratchy old Photo's from the 50's don't always cut it (as great as they are)
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