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Sir Why You Little

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Everything posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. I have never been a Rohan Connolly fan but i give credit when its earnt. That article was spot on & i am glad it was written. Our 23-27 y/o players were bad, & i don't think the coach had a good day either. Anybody who has read the Official MFC Facebook page will have seen the natives are very restless-rightly or wrongly I expect the Footy Department to coach their asses off this week. We must show fight this Saturday.
  2. If anybody threw a scarf away after last saturdays game. I hope in the next 2-3 weeks they will buy a new scarf from the club Like people burning their beatles records in America in 1966 after Lennon said they were bigger than God. All those people re bought the same albums a few weeks later, and the band cleaned up!!! Was this just a media beat up by Robinson...?? i wonder. He is such a dull slob really.
  3. Fair point but it looked worse than bad at the ground. We could have lost more young kids to injury as there was just a lot of chaotic movement. I just hope Bailey starts playing Man on Man for a while, let the kids learn pressure-having an empty 50m arc serves no purpose in my view. I want Bailey to succeed but i honestly think he had a shocker yesterday, so i want him to put in a top game next week as well. Teach the kids to be accountable first, then we learn Flair.
  4. Good Post Roost. I just hope those senior players do not ruin the spirit and endevor of those top Draft kids. Weneed someone to kick to in the goal square!!!
  5. Right now i do not care what other teams are doing, all our energy should be focused towards the MFC. They must have a crack against the filth next week.
  6. Great Game Jordie....Hold your head high bloke.
  7. We should have kept Robbo for this year at least, he would have cost us bugger all, and if he had planted himself in the goal square 40-60 goals.Whatever the reason we did get rid of him i would like to hear from the football club one day. Cameron Bruce still gets a game Robbo shown the door. Bruce has never been right since he did the collar bone sadly. We can't wait 3-5 years for Watts to be ready, We need Watts to play with a KPF and learn the ropes..i have always given miller chances but i don't think i can cope at watching 3 years of him dropping marks!!! Maybe with the 2010 year book which i have just read..Great Read. they should have put a packet of valium in each book so at the 'G we could all just sit there and smile vacantly at the game. Yesterday was something i do not want to go through again. I have a lot of hawk supporter mates and they go in hard!!
  8. That's all i ask that yesterdays performance should have been way better-and my other bug is all these people who say we should not recruit a KPF because by the time the team is ready he will be on the pension! What a load of rot. Get the KPF so the young kids know where to kick and how to get to the forward line. A 3 year KPF would have been a great idea in my opinion. Kicking 1 goal to half time doesnt teach anybody anything apart from killing spirit. Bailey put in a shocker yesterday and our kids need better than that.
  9. Play the Kids Man on Man and let them learn as much as they can next week. I will be there in the stand yelling as usual!
  10. ii agree with you, but why does it happen? Why is our leadership group so timid and ineffective. We keep asking these questions yearly don't we. Bruce will never be twice the player of Hodge, i would play him at Casey next week myself, i am over his hospital hand balls. Otherwise play Bruce forward.
  11. i tend to agree with this in the next few weeks-our senior players are retarding the team more than anything- i hate saying that but it just might be the truth. certainly worth serious consideration
  12. Yes but add to that who hawthorn didn't play. On Paper with the right attitude before the game we were a chance, the way the game was executed was deplorable.
  13. Bruce and McDonald are 10 year + players so against hawthorns young players our structure should have been way better than what yesterday served up. My major concern at this stage is that the great kids we have recruited will not reach their full potential if they play continuous games like yesterday. Apart from Green it was hard for them to be inspired by any of our senior players. Hawthorns babies would have been pumped. Seen it so many times before over the years. I haven't given up, but i am concerned.
  14. It is true, Don't hide. Yes they were missing a lot of their older players, but who we played was who we played. Hawthorn also played kids as well.
  15. we were an older and more experienced side than Hawthorn-that's the part that really worried myself.
  16. No it doesn't. on field will always dip and peak but a business plan should always be feeding the football club to climb. We should never have a business plan just in order to survive-what's the point?
  17. But we are a football team, the on field should always be the ultimate situation. The Business plan just feeds it.
  18. Could be waiting a while E25, and with the 2 new teams coming in i wonder how much time we have. Were you at the game yesterday or did you view it on Foxtel?
  19. Yes i can see that,but..if we do not perform we will not generate enough $$$ to be able to implement a business plan. Why would sponsors want to be associated to a club people are openly laughing at. (My phone has been busy today-i have copped a hammering) i do agree but a business plan should always be in tandem to the on field. The CEO can drive a commodore if it means we keep a great player.
  20. Teach the kids Man on Man first, then worry about more complex tactics please.
  21. If we do not perform well on the field, nobody will come to watch. If a business plan helps us to employ the best people well thats great, but a good business plan will not soley save a football club.
  22. I follow a Football club not a cake stall. After yesterday things need to be said.
  23. you make good points that i agree with, but that does not excuse the tactics and game plan yesterday. That pattern of play will kill the spirit of even the greatest draft picks.
  24. with the 2 new teams arriving over the next years if we continue to be poor on field, no sponsor will touch us and we will die.
  25. If Newton kicked 4 yesterday, he deserves a game-simple. Lets not forget we had kicked 1 goal in the first half yesterday.
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