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Sir Why You Little

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Everything posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. Jonathon Brown does it in the modern game-Reiwoldt does it what have the 80's got to do with this topic
  2. Until anything is signed it is worth nothing. That is what a signature is, and why it came to be. i do not wish to stir any pot here but there is no deal until pen and paper meet. Handshake agreements are fine and have been used before, but in court they mean nothing.
  3. An unsigned contract is just that Unsigned. It has no legal weight at all. Still think the report is fairly meaningless at this stage, although Bails i hope coaches his proverbial Ring off this weekend. Show the members what he and his assistants can do-get the team pumped to go, make the filth a little reactionary at times If the contract is not signed by Round 12 then i will take notice
  4. OMG just get up and find another seat!! Break your own leg so you can sit in a wheelchair seat-ANYTHING. They will Maul you in there B)
  5. If it was any different last monday i would be upset, but i am pleased to see it in print. Can i say almost "Line in the sand"?
  6. Yes would be great to beat the Filth by 150 odd points, i would enjoy that!! B)
  7. I'll rotate the Pocket with you Redleg, i have walked with crutches all my life so between the 2 of us we should be a Power housw!!!! B) B)
  8. I would love to sit down & talk to Ben Cousins RR, for all his Flaws he has got a lot of guts to come back to the top level. Life is a balance Good & Bad. Are all people who make bad decisions in life a "no go zone"? If you say yes you end fairly lonely Mate sometimes those who have trodden the dark road, can also be an inspiration.
  9. if we win the 1st or 2nd Quarter i will be happy as-that is our improvement right now. Baby steps. ("What about Bob"-classic Movie!!)
  10. You were the one who mentioned alcohol in that context RR i was only talking about his 4 premiership experiences but lets not ruin a good debate now!!!
  11. Anybody Hear the Interview?? Stuck at work without a wireless...
  12. Brilliant economics!! although the MCG is not as bad as Ethad for food prices-That place is designed for share holders-football was an after thought.
  13. Cool Mate. I envy your position & i may take it up next year if i can find the cash. I will satisfy my knowledge at this stage with Cam Schwab's whiteboard. The Demon is waking.... B)
  14. Yes i wonder the same Thomo, can we take these Top line kids to their potential as other clubs do. We haven't done it since the early 60's. Last Saturday on the Coodabeens Hassa Mann was interviewed & he alluded to the fact that a lot of the Norm Smith problems started with the Board not recruiting well enough through 1962-63. That '64 was our last chance before a rebuild (we just made it) Mann was captain between 65-68 his comment was they were Tough years We have the Training facilities now at least so it's up to the teachers skills in a lot of ways.
  15. I am Happy to win Quarters this year (first Half) after watching last saturday we are another year of pain away. Players may Progress quicker & returning injured players may prove me wrong, but i think its more our opposition is so much further ahead. I know i picked the Demons to win on Saturday, but that's because i will not EVER pick the Filth to beat the MFC-i can't!!! We may beat Richmond, North a slim chance, Freo if they are brittle in mind at the MCG. Can our kids play 4 quarters of high pressure Football yet? Thats the reason i will be going to the Footy this year to find out.
  16. Yes i am well aware of that-Lighten up ID no need to be so serious mate
  17. Ahh secret Hand shakes & all....Excellent Smithers..
  18. No worries PM i don't want to break cofidentiality either, but some General Feed Back would be great if you can. If not, you are a lucky man.
  19. So i take it RR if you hear Martin Pike on radio talking Football you turn it off and disregard it because of his off field problems? That's a little narrow minded i would have thought, but then as you and i may disagree on this, you once again make out that i am wrong (and that i leave myself wide open!!) FWIW Pikey's last indiscretion after the 2004 Gf loss could have many reasons that we don't know He was retiring and the official may have said any number of things to him-who knows, he may have absolutely deserved what he got. No Footballer is an angel, not even players at the MFC I think Martin Pike had far more than just "Moderate Talent" on a football ground but you are entitled to your views my friend. I might send the club an email with my suggestion and then they can make the call.
  20. i can't see any problem with a 4 time Premiership player having a chat to young recruits about Football, who is not long out of the modern game. Our past champions are Fantastic & its great they are around-but the game has changed so much since their heyday-it's just another perspective. I would love to sit down with a couple of beers and Talk footy with Martin Pike, i would learn heaps & as i said originally his career is unique in a lot of ways as he went from the very bottom to the Top 4 times. When i hear Martin Pike on Radio i always listen with interest, was just putting up an idea.
  21. Dippierdethuggero How he & Greg Williams won Brownlows is beyond me. I have taken little interest in the award since sadly.
  22. To all the above Matrix examples-Thanks, this is a fascinating excercise that we can all watch closely now over the coming years. Its a very simple formula, but highly effective way to now actually understand list management. Thankyou to CS for explaining it all-i now feel so much more a member of this Mighty MFC as to some degree i now can see the road we are on. Saturdays game is going to be easier to watch. I can hear it now-"Is he a cat 4-5..." conversations in the Bullring at half time!! I hope Brad Green becomes a cat 6 by careers end-last saturday took so much guts.
  23. I expect a full Report after each game KS, as i am sure you will have some insightful questions ready to ask!! Great idea-who cares who the opposition is, this is a chance to be privvy to match day routines at the MFC-a chance to see the Demon resurge.
  24. I could take that no problems-its not going to be easy with all that black & White around, but as long as the Team has a real crack, particularly in the first half, that is most important. Bailey at this stage has got to get the team up early, even just for the sake of going through the Tapes next week & to say "This 5-10 period you guys can Be proud-this is what we need to aim for a whole game" Thats the sort of thing i want to see, so we all know, including Dean that his Teaching is having a positive-He needs that reassurance as well for his own self belief.
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