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Sir Why You Little

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Everything posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. Do it for jimmy. I cannot see the MFC or the MCC saying no, as long as all health and safety issues are covered. 33,000+ members sending love and wishes to our President. We are a great club getting better.
  2. But Queens Birthday is all about Melbourne & Collingwood. If the fixture is rotated then the day loses all meaning and just becomes another round. The Queens Birthday game is Melbourne v Collingwood-who cares what other supporters think. I don't always watch anzac day game once the pre game is over. Collingwood & Essendon do not turn me on. The day will become huge when at Round 12 Melbourne is undefeated, if filth supporters don't roll up good. More room for Melbourne supporters. It is Melbourne's day-somehow we have managed to keep it. It will grow with the team.
  3. How was that run through the Carlton Players very early on. R Flower could play today with that style...
  4. My God was that 9 years ago!! Our record is just beyond shocking interstate. The boys must learn to Bond-Do the job & come home. Block out the crowd. Its an oval of grass with 4 posts each end. Play as a team and back yourself.
  5. The boys will get more positive on that game as the week progresses. Collingwood didn't win, and that is always a good thing. And all the guys from the 1960 side would have been mighty proud of this "new" club. The Russian gave his all (reminds me of the way Jim Stynes used to play actually) Hold your head up Mark.
  6. I went to the Draw in '77 and the Replay, and i can tell you it was an amazing day...and to have the chance to go to another Grand Final was just Brilliant. I say leave the GF as it is.
  7. Great Game from the Big Russian. Geez he was knackered & Devastated during the Post Match Interview. I like seeing Blokes Bleeding for the Jumper. It means they really want to get better at the Game & as a team.
  8. Yes But the Key to all that Fluid Motion is the rapid acceleration of one A Davey. Notice the week before. He got well held, we couldn't mount continuous runs. I don't believe he is the only factor, but when the "Flash" is being creative we are always a chance to win.
  9. No No it's marvellous to witness the Pies Eating themselves & self destructing. They do represent the MOST over rated organization on the Planet Collingwood....... B)
  10. Plan A looked Bloody Good Yesterday. The Key to it looks to be Flash. When he can Run, the Team runs. Thus the team must allow him space, and negate Flash Taggers. B)
  11. that is ordinary-The Train operators would have well known that the MCG match was scheduled. Sadly the Trains in Melbourne have become outdated & unreliable. Which all Governments should be ashamed of. The Population is growing by 2,000 a week FFS.
  12. Garry Lyon was never Rubbish Please. His Balance whilst moving was second to none. Garry Took a lot of Pack Marks, which is what helped ruin his back (shaun Smith & Jeff Farmer didn't help i know) G Lyon wasn't the greatest overhead mark, but he sure wasn't the worst either So please refrain from using G Lyon & Rubbish in the same sentence thankyou-That is just ignorance.
  13. How good was it too see Frank Bluey Adams walk onto the MCG yesterday. 6 Flags he played in. Just think about that for a bit. I got a lump in my throat seeing those guys out there yesterday, each standing there with a little demon supporter. When i was growing up i only remember Bluey on "Football Inquest" or as a Commentator. It wasn't till i read about his famous coming together with Des Healy that i realized he was a Demon Player. But to see Frank out there yesterday made me so bloody proud of what Stynesy & co have done to this club. We are again proud of who we are, who we were & who we are Becoming. Take notice AFL we are almost BACK B)
  14. I think you are right Prof, The day itself has stuck in my mind. I must look it up and check all the stats. John Clennett & Glenn Swan..Both Names ring the same bell!!!! I do remember when my Dad Said "watch that kid no. 2-He's good" so it must have been on that day..Thanks for that.
  15. I saw quite a bit of advertising for it myself. After yesterday's result you can bank on it that next year will go close to a sell out. That's fine by me. The Day exists in honour of the 1958 Record attendance figure and the run of Grand Finals we had against Collingwood in that decade. WTF have carlton got to do with anything. My God SEN come out with real crap & Bollocks sometimes. After being there yesterday i know one thing. Our Blockbuster Fixture is looking pretty safe into the future now. A Proud day.
  16. The team at the moment is just simmering..it's like a new motor that is yet to be Run in. Still so much hard work to be done-But the Old Demon is now awake, that i do know. Don't forget yesterdays game went out to many countries & would have rated a treat without ANYONE turning it off. Still much work to be done, but you can feel the energy building, as you can feel it in the crowd now We made more noise than the filth a few times yesterday, Both sides were at civilized war yesterday. It means next years QB game will be a sell out for sure!! B)
  17. People i have heard over the last 24 hours keep saying..We need a result. A Draw is a result. After full time scores are level, cool. The Filth kicked Badly all day (until the last 5 minutes!!) We started slowly and gave them 3 easy goal start. The Filth entered there 50 20 odd more times, but we were far cleaner using the ball when we had it. The Game is a draw...2 points each. We got far more outa yesterday than the pies. We now have 4 games this year that can be used for training & learning. 2 loses, 1 win, 1 Draw. That's a good library. You cannot teach yesterday. It must be experienced, but once on tape it lives forever.
  18. That hits us all DJ 16. All the best to your Mum and may she feed on the MFC energy as well. The change in this club over the last 18 months is absolutely staggering, and it is still the early days of the ride. May you and your mum see much september action together with Jimma. We are Melbourne. B)
  19. Yes i pointed those signs out to my dad who told me he was there for 7 of those flags. love your mates comment-that's gold!
  20. Colin Garland played his best game so far for Melbourne yesterday. i have been a little worried about him this year, but yesterday he was cool in the crisis and ran really well. Nice one Judy. That is the game we need from you to help get those cups home in coming years.
  21. If his last shot had not shaved the post we would have won the game. From the 2nd Tier of the MCC Reserve it looked home to me although Brad reacted right at the end I am not completely disagreeing with the points made on this thread, i just think you are being a tad harsh on Greeny. I thought his 2nd half in particuliar was fantastic. You guys may be right that he gets to close to the man on the mark before kicking-that can be rectified with some training.
  22. Geez you guys are harsh. He played an excellent 2nd Half was always in front and presented.
  23. i think the Filth had far more yips than Brad Green. 31 shots at goal... Brad Green had a good game today. His 3 misses were mighty close.
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