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Sir Why You Little

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Everything posted by Sir Why You Little

  1. We weren't good enough to win on QB because The Filth kicked the last goal-before that we were in front. I would so dearly love to play Collingwood again this september. They would be very worried.
  2. Correct, & our club will be around long after this administration is long dead, so i think the Clubs need to be more vocal on this. The Battle between Essendon & the AFL next year will tell us all a lot. How can Essendon be made to wear white, when the members will never vote for it. I hope they take it to court, and all the clubs back them. Not even the EPL force clubs to wear white.
  3. you can embrace whatever you like RPFC, no problem with that, just don't expect me to ever do it. And sorry i didn't quite follow your logic with wearing a white strip against St.kilda, not being nasty-just general fogginess. can you elaborate??
  4. But Chook where is the Logic for the MFC to wear an away strip against st.kilda, which we did this year as an example. The Implementation of these Clash directives is dodgy-And i just hope that soon the Clubs stand up it-it's absolute BS. The AFL just want everybody to get sick of it, and then stop complaining. I just don't think we should. (similiar to Collingwood playing the last 7 H&A games at the MCG, which will probably guarrentee them 2 home finals at least) Dodgy again.
  5. Who has ever said the team has to be fully primed to make the 2010 finals?? This year is about learning & that is exactly what 1-2 finals would do this year. Over summer in pre-season next year, who knows what will happen. Players may have long term injuries. Who knows what the future holds. You still haven't answered my question BB-If we win a final, where does that put your theory then?? Bring on september.....
  6. This will be a beauty, but it's up to the midfield to dry up supply, or at least get it out wide. But i hope chip can hold him to 2-3 goals. I hope it is Beamed into asia on sunday. Have had no luck with the Demons so far since i have been away-Collingwood every week!!!!
  7. Try and imagine if we make the Finals this year BB and actually WIN in week one. If you can do that you will see your arguement at a mistimed tilt is Futile. You write as if next year is already written-15 other clubs just might disagree. What we get this year we take-Do the Best we can. I repeat Junior McDonald in september-That is good for me.
  8. I grew up near Beaumaris, and think it is really sad that Pub is gone-during the 70's & 80's in summer that joint used to pump on weekends. I drove past a few months back, and was just stunned it was now dead-Primo spot for sure.
  9. That's what we are up against DC. I hope you wrote that-it's good!!!
  10. This whole clash strip issue will become way easier to defend when we are able to stand up on our own. Absolutely. An important point to take into consideration is the Collinngwood-Essendon & to a slightly lesser degree Richmond These 3 clubs pull big crowds we all know that, But they also pull almost as many to an away game, so regardless of who wins the Stadium is making coin. The Home Grounds have all gone to Memory now in victoria apart from MCG and skilled-So where is the advantage?? Putting the away team in an insipid white strip is a very big Psychological advantage coupled with a small crowd supporting them. In Round 3 this year we played Adelaide. If the Word adelaide had not been on the scoreboard, i would have had no idea who we were playing, as i refuse to pay for the Footy Record which has become a joke. Let's take away the away teams identity & see if they sink or swim is the attitude, and it really stinks. The MFC's biggest problem going forward is we supporters do not go to the Docklands in numbers-as the team improves i hope this attendance increases. But these white strips must be stopped within the AFL-it's wrong. Shall be very interesting to see what happens at essendon next year, as it is in their constitution that the members must vote on any jumper change. They will not vote for white-that's st.kilda.
  11. Hey DC i know what i have researched and read, is actually close to the truth. If people want to dispute it fine, but the Facts are there, and the fact that White has been specified as the away colour (for most teams, and not all) makes it all very dodgy to me. We will win in time.
  12. I said these discussions have been going on for 2-3 years, and yes they are the hottest deal in town. I work in TV RR, i have talked to people, i have also read a bit about it too. I never said Clash Guernseys were the Hottest topic involved, but it is all part of the package the AFL wants to put forward. Yes i will keep it up, i find Sport & Psychology very interesting, and very closely related. So it is far from wasted-Thanks for the encouragement.
  13. We ran collingwood close twice, which is way better than any other side this year. How should we have been down by 10 goals at Half Time on QB?? Yes i remember a flat spot, but the Team Fired up so give credit. What we have to learn is to play 14 other sides with the same commitment, no matter where the games are played. That's what Geelong do-they don't care who they play, they just play to a standard week after week
  14. But did he coach the Perth Demons?? I am not sure, he did coach at WAFL level
  15. I wouldn't ever expect to convince you RR, because you are infalable of course, but i can assure you that Months and months of marketing and Psychology has gone into the Broadcasting deals, Its no coincident that the Clash Jumper has become a hotter topic over the last 2-3 years. Like i said do some research, I guarrantee you will find it most interesting.
  16. It's the combination of both actually-and the Nuetrality of the colour. White is passive. Red is Blood and Fire if you want to get real simple. Red makes the heart rate increase, even slightly. With white it slows down.
  17. Do some reading RR. The Facts are all there. The next Broadcasting rights are not Being sold for around $1 Billion for nothing. All parties want the maximum return, and that includes the grounds on match day.
  18. Yes, i do not understand that logic at all. That is what a scared Club or player would consider. I for one think Tom Scully would love a bit of Mid field action in september 2010 as one example. Our coach might like it to.....He is one tough nut Bailey, not many could have stood the last 3 years without one slip in the media. (sorry he did drop the F word to Lethal, but it was in jest!!!!) DB deserves a Final if we manage to slip in.
  19. But Rohan Conolly barracks for Essendon, so that just shows how fried his Brain is!!! Ahh that Article he wrote on James Hird last year still makes me laugh- He must have copped such a hammering over that!
  20. "Massive Psychology" gets thrown at you every day 45 via any media outlet, and the fact you ask that question means that the Media outlet is so far winning the fight. The Club read this site, as do a heap of people. So i shall continue to discuss it, because its a very important element in our resurgence. If other clubs Kowtow to the directive, that's their own problem. But as a club that has existed since 1858 i do not think anybody but the members has the right to force us to wear any colour except Red & Blue.
  21. HaHa Muted Brown and white!!!! How 70's, not suprised it failed. Red is it, and we must utilize it in our jumper as a standard, I understand the AFL are standing over us right now-But we as a club are not always going to be drip fed. Look at Geelong from 10 years ago. Now the AFL don't touch them-they just roll. To all the people on here that believe the Clash Jumper is a done deal-Nothing is set in stone, it all comes down to supply and demand. When the Adelaide Crows started in 1991 did anybody say "Gee that jumper looks so much like the MFC Jumper"? No, they didn't because it doesn't. But Today the AFL tells us it does. I mean even Carlton and Collingwood have tweaked their jumpers in certain games-I mean C'mon Those teams know the difference.
  22. I hope it is 45, maybe you should do some reading on the subject of colours and marketing. It's Big Business i assure you. The Coca Cola label is Red for a reason, as is McDonalds (Yellow on a Red Background can be seen from a long way). Red is number one in the chain. That's just 2 examples, there's a heap more. Why do the Sydney Swans always wear the Same Uniform weekly??? There is another Clash Flaw that seems to escape scrutiny. Did the Swannettes wear white shorts last week?? Bet they didn't. The AFL want Sydney to look strong, make no mistake-The Market up there is to good.
  23. It's not silly if you have ever studied Psychology or Marketing, It is a very clever Tactic actually. You see the AFL never give an answer to it.-It's a directive sent secretly during the week. Studies have been done in the EPL. Red is the most powerful colour, white is by far the least. A team only has to be off half a % to get hammered these days-We the crowd often help the Boys win. When i watch the white jumper its just not right NQR & i definately do not get as pumped. I would love to talk to Vlad & Anderson on this one, Because as custodians of the game The Tradition of all the VFL sides is very important to me, and a lot of the Modern decisions are really putting them at risk. Look at North having to wear that pale rubbish against Collingwood in their own home Game!!!! Tell me there is not Massive Psychology being thrown at North by the AFL (and Collingwood). This issue is important to anyone who wants Melbourne to always be Melbourne-and it is we the Members who have to do it. Once that debt is cleared..Look out.
  24. Yes I totally agree, Booting Carlton out would be Glorious. Poor old Brock Mclean, and CJ for that matter (didn't he put in a shocker on saturday!!!)
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