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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. newton isn't currently earning a game grimes is....it's that simple p.s. grimes seems to be on the outer and not getting a go. i just wonder if there isn't something else behind this.....just saying
  2. half-wit? now that's generous
  3. get scoop stuie to scan facebook
  4. well you should never call a drunk a drunk, bbo
  5. talking of spitting and hawking, where's your mate jazza?
  6. sheesh....i just said thanks, rocket man
  7. i guess that would have been hilarious in romsey, bbo. they are probably still guffawing like the pack of hayseeds they are
  8. was that what it was?
  9. not as many as you from biting the pillow
  10. had to read that twice to make sure the him wasn't a her....................phew
  11. there were no jokers in the trenches.....
  12. wow, that sounds pretty nasty hardtack. definitely beyond bill mitchell's area of expertise hope the operation is a great success and the young feller recovers quickly hope there'll be plenty of premierships for him down the track
  13. yeah, i must be drunk, comrade read it again and i didn't see anything that hadn't been said before but i bow to your sober optimism and take it to cryptically mean he got a good scan result thanks for your interpreter expertise
  14. hate to think what r&b thinks a stab kick was
  15. did you mean oh deliverance me, od?
  16. what exactly was the good news. all i saw was twitterers fawning over each other. nothing about scan results did i miss something?
  17. wonder what the odds are of him turning up to his own appeal? lol
  18. well it was a rhetorical question, and as such a statement just to be clear, no i haven't bothered
  19. veerrrry generous
  20. why doesn't demonland publish the weekly results? to work it out i have to find last weeks post and do it by subtraction. and who can be bothered to do that
  21. can see grimes coming in. maybe jkh out, stretch or anb the sub?
  22. just to stir you guys up and be devil's advocate lovely rita, meter maid don't think she's impressed with the erstwhile mammalogist flannery turned climate guru nor with the 97% scientists claim and.....don't shoot the messenger
  23. but i don't think we went about it any dumber than carlton there were also 2 whistle blowers at carlton who were ignored/silenced but that's all history now
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