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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. dunno why newton's name keeps coming up so ften has been pretty ordinary at the magoos
  2. while we are on the "two in a row" gig how about dawes and howe to play two good games in a row?
  3. meh! i'll take the 4 points though
  4. i wish i had the problem of a banana tree in the backyard....................
  5. what's the latest on facebook, scoop?
  6. nothing to do with money. who said anything about paying them more it's about spending more time perfecting their expertise and analysing their decision making......professionally as against part-time
  7. sooner they get to full-time professional umps the better
  8. Channel 9 news said 80k expected and will be the biggest game of "football" seen in australia - F M D
  9. Because we don't stand for anything
  10. and then there was a swans player who dared to suggest some players took drugs.....tsk....tsk
  11. lol - dawes and howe are kids?
  12. umpiring is so bad....but what's new
  13. look at it from the other direction. why are about 5 players in particular getting another game especially after being beaten by a crippled side like essendrugs? plus what sort of message are you sending to casey who had such a convincing win? you wouldn't have to play too well to be an improvement on certain players edit: i don't mind some getting another chance but fmd nil changes is too rich
  14. so nil changes so we are now tanking?
  15. team selection?
  16. and riley is a clear upgrade over dawes
  17. believe it or not - still climbing 35566
  18. knew a crapp who married a pizzey. they lived in hawthorn naturally.
  19. bronnie probably thought that using the chopper was a good example of heavy lifting
  20. sorry guys, global climate change is not a closed system. it is affected by non global events (many not fully understood) as an example even the simple greenhouse effect is not a closed system (note every thing above the light blue)
  21. and have a good win this week
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