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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. Ah that is off topic. You are basically asking a what is the meaning of life type of question. Never did get around to Philosophy 101
  2. probably just because it was the first real hitout for the year. I thought the kicking was disappointing (c.f. the Rich/Coll/Carl matches) but the ground was supposedly a little greasy after morning rain and there was a wind factor (c.f. Etihad). A lot of it probably related to just getting re-adjusted to the increased speed in match conditions Too early to read too much into these sort of games
  3. Read the Wiki extract again It doesn't say the expression originated in 1966
  4. A Cup Of Tea, A Bex and A Good Lie DownFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search A Cup Of Tea, A Bex and A Good Lie Down was a comedy revue that opened at Sydney's Phillip Street Theatre in 1965. It was the longest running show at the Theatre in 1966. The cast included John Ewart, Gloria Dawn, Ruth Cracknell and Reg Livermore. Written by John Mckellar. The play's subject matter was Bex, a strong compound analgesic in the form of "A.P.C." or aspirin-phenacetin-caffeine tablets or powder. Bex powders were the housewife’s drug of choice in the 1950s and 1960s until they were shown to be highly addictive and responsible for causing kidney disease when taken in large doses. The expression 'A cup of tea, a Bex etc.' seems to have gained currency through much of Australia in the post WW2 period when aspirin became readily available. It was often used in the pejorative and abbreviated form 'go and take a Bex' to indicate to an over enthusiast person that they should take a more relaxed attitude to the subject being discussed, or to soothe a frazzled housewife. As such it had currency until very recently in bar room discussions, particularly where one person became animated in expressing a point of view that was contrary to the general view point of the group.
  5. Unfortunately my GUT hasn't settled down enough to tell me anymore than my HEAD or HEART tells me (or even the UNMENTIONABLE) I've even tried to study the entrails of small mammals and birds, but alas no luck so far Poking needles and other sharp objects into my GWS voodoo doll doesn't seem to be having any effect either. At this stage I have NFI and believe nobody ....but obviously I hope your gut is on the money
  6. dear oh dear....take the boy out and give him a good thrashing
  7. stuff world peace. we'll worry about that when the premiership window is closed and the trophy cabinet is full priorities....puleeeeze.
  8. Noticed that...hope you can make it to the season start......only a few more weeks....you can DO IT, yeah
  9. You all realise we are going to go through this same GWS carp AGAIN next year I don't know why the AFL gave GWS an extra year to have a go at uncontracted players, I hope they will regret it I think they feel this will soften us up for free-agency to follow shortly. By that stage I'll have no teeth to gnash anyway.
  10. ...or when someone tries to cut your lunch, tell you its good for you and tries to be your friend.....
  11. Just repeating. The only thing Tom could claim to know first-hand is whether he has signed an AFL contract. Beyond that he can say "my management handle that, I don't get personally involved, I just focus on my footy" Thats all I was saying. Apart from signing (or not) a contract he can claim credible deniability to all the rest I'm not saying he will claim CD or should. I just responded to some other posters comment which I've now forgotten Bottom line was supposed to mean the statement was Tom's management not Tom's words and I don't trust Player Managers not to twist the truth a little (or a lot).
  12. I can just make you out from my penthouse rpfc, sure looks a nice horse from here. You must come up sometime....
  13. still cracked me up wyl......in the nicest way
  14. hahaha.....good one wyl.....that one cracked me up B) keep on being non-hysterical
  15. Well Jnr's (part-time)job with GWS involves him being specifically in Melb not Sydney Additionally we are not talking about Jnr playing AFL but some third(or fourth) rate NSW comp Its all just Sheedy bulls***t to (as he puts it) annoy people and give GWS some free publicity
  16. So you've never heard of "credible deniability"? Velocity never said the statement was approved by Tom. Tom has made no statements. Obviously he would know if he had signed anything but he wouldn't necessarily know any of the other stuff.
  17. I know its picky but Tom Scully (himself) has not made a statement. The statement was by Velocity, his management. There is a difference, albeit subtle, but nevertheless important.
  18. I was wondering the same thing...... edit: fat fingered error
  19. Eddie on radio with Jim reiterates that Scully is going and that his "source is impeccable". Make what you want of it.
  20. Better make that next year Chop, otherwise we'll be more confused
  21. Gotcha. So pre-printed numbers (using dye sublimation printing techniques). Thought it might have been something high-tech to protect the players from Aint-syndrome
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