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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. in defense of the op he did say warnock should still get a game next week
  2. grammar i can understand sometimes, but caps and commas? sheeesh!
  3. Not at the game I went to. Dropped simple marks, fumbled, looked lost at times
  4. exactly....its all the fault of those posters who called for this....shame on you
  5. yes, but the fwd press only works if you get more inside 50s than your opponent and this is best achieved by winning more centre clearances.... and this is exactly what we did. Give the credit firstly to the midfield then secondly to the fwd press.
  6. Your comments mirrored my thoughts Still, by far his best game at MFC and earned another week if not two. Was surprised when I saw his possession stats
  7. you mean a young short Glen Jackovich(sp?) don't you WYL?
  8. The Uglier Bater trying to take an uncontested mark
  9. Quite correct but it was easier to maintain forward structure hence fwd pressure because for once this year we had a big advantage in centre clearances giving the fwds something to work on. The midfield should take a bow (and remember how they did it for the rest of the season)
  10. If the boys are looking for some inspiration for guts, determination and leadership they need only look at the their co-tenants at AAMI the Melbourne Storm. After playing a test match for Aust against NZ on Fri, Smith Cronk and Slater fronted up 24 hours later for Storms win against the Broncos. C'mn boys you have enough incentive.....just DO it
  11. Dunno, but Hardwick's coaching is sure looking good tonight
  12. I couldn't care squat what the reasons are Its not what we were told was going to happen - bottom line Its worse than last year I'm sure the club are aware and doing what they can. we will probably have to wait till next year for any changes
  13. clever point......but what if the one game plan is inappropriate or just poor given where the game is at now? we could go around in circles on this for ever. What I don't like is the lack of versatility in the game plan to adapt to changing conditions and opponents. Its not really rocket science.
  14. wasn't there a letter from someone at the club which explained the team jumpers were different and made separately. Among the changes IIRC was a different fabric allowing for breathing or something like that. Also the player jumpers would have been made all together in one special batch.
  15. that must be a heavy chip there snoop I thinketh the poster dost protesteth too much
  16. pffft semantics............its "pinkish" and definitely not the promised "deeper/darker red"
  17. next you'll tell us that grass isn't green, the sky isn't blue and Bails is doing a great job
  18. careful here deejammim, you're getting too logical remember "Perception, whether correct or not, rules on this forum"
  19. maybe not so small.......and certainly quite vocal
  20. well if they don't change (alter, modify) the gameplan then the Crows will slaughter them look what happened to Aints in first half vs Crows last week when they played loose and zoned off A most important part is the midfield must make more of a contest of it to avoid easy entry into the Crows fwd line. If that means playing a more negative role or man-on-man then so be it Having one rigid game plan for all teams and all situations is plain suicide with our current cattle and development (don't tell me they are young and can't cope with multiple or sophisticated game plans either, time to stop mollycoddling)
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