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Everything posted by jabberwocky

  1. Regardless of some of the valid arguments on whether he should have, or shouldn't have it is hard being black in this country. You drink, take drugs, live off hand-outs and commit crime you are a failure and a drain. Succeed at the highest level in a chosen field and celebrate that empowerment and you get shot down.
  2. I never argue with drunks, junkies, bricks, jihadists, Essendon supporters or Catholic Archbishops.
  3. Just guessing, Bail and Jones possess speed and endurance for negative roles.
  4. This thread gets more interesting after today.
  5. The reality is that 100 point thrashings aren't going to make us all bright and cheery. I think there are too many outs putting too much pressure on too few. That is with a list that is till trying to transition from terrible to average.
  6. Which is? FMD some hairs need splitting over there.
  7. Great mark, takes them contested but most of them are smart intercepts.
  8. True that Cam Pedersen is a good footballer......until the ball hits the ground. Seriously though, right now is the best contested mark in the side along with Hogan.
  9. There is something in that. Numbers attached to young boys aren't as meaningful as many thought they were.
  10. Last post is spot on. Most days In don't like Jack's approach to footy. I like many of the things that he does with ball in hand but dislike a lot of what he does when he hasn't got it. I like Jordie McKenzie and his approach to footy. Unfortunately his lack of athleticism and skill will probably mean that he has eked as much out of his career as he can. He is the anti watts. It's ok to have these opinions and they are not formed after watching a single contest.
  11. I think it's pedantry not to consider that the issue is about focus in a marking situation in general and we are in the seventh year of this being an issue. I would be absolutely certain that our coaching group would be aware of it and addressing it as would previous coaches. On the positive side the demands on Jack to improve are very real and the threat of replacing him with a player who could have greater impact looms as a genuine reality now. Pressure for spots will hopefully drive the group upwards. If a standard Watts game isn't good enough to play in the ones, that is a great thing for the club.
  12. When he finishes he will be known as one of the great captains of the club.
  13. Come off it Binman. Keeping eyes on the footy in a marking contest has been a regular issue since day dot. It's not a crisis because Watts is a handy half forward and not a core mid or Kpp. Take away attachments to draft numbers and club loyalties and you have a mid tier player who needs to improve his game to stay relevant in an improving team.
  14. Who is more at fault, those who are over-critical of Watts or those who demand that he should be immune to scrutiny?
  15. Soft or footy genius? As usual the truth lies somewhere in between. He is a handy half forward who is clever and skilful who often plays with questionable intent.
  16. Inside 50s and scoring shots might be a better indicator.We should have pushed Adelaide, the form side of the comp on the scoreboard but missed shots. We did most things right except get them through the big sticks. Your understanding of footy is either based on delusion or dishonesty.
  17. The bloke is a competitor and has drive. Will fix his flaws because he wants to.
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