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Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. What a great week for this club. The re-branding of it is well and truly underway. 1. We beat the Crows against the odds in Adelaide. It was a bloody sensational win. 2. Our young gun, Jack Viney, is then the victim of a truly disgraceful tribunal decision. The entire football community gets behind him. Footage is shown throughout the week that depicts our young bull playing the very opposite of 'bruise free' football. Everyone in the continent watches it. 3. The new regime at the MFC stands behind our young bull and makes a statement to the AFL world - it appeals the decision. 4. Given the history of unsuccessful appeals, quite unbelievably, against the odds, our appeal is upheld. For the first time in a while, it feels really good to be a Demons supporter. Thank you Paul Roos. Thank you Peter Jackson. Thank you Josh Mahoney. And thank you Jack Viney. Special mention to the 22 players who took the field last weekend, the assistant coaches and Mr Grace QC.
  2. Was the umpire who waved 'play on' called to give evidence at the tribunal hearing? Surely his view is relevant.
  3. I don't normally advocate 'polls' on this site. But, in this instance, can someone put up a poll to the effect that 'should the MFC appeal the tribunal decision'? I expect/hope most users here will answer 'yes'. And then someone can email the statistics to the club. It will save us having to email the club directly, which I expect, for many, simply won't happen.
  4. Needs to be included on the Demonland banner asap. Potentially next to Paul Roos.
  5. Ironically - this is the best branding we've had as a club for a VERY long time.
  6. Not ever before has there been a tribunal decision that demands an appeal more than this. We simply must appeal this decision. It's time to draw a line in the sand MFC. I'm genuinely sick of seeing us whipped unfairly and then roll over and accept it. Make it hard for these mongrels. Prepare the appeal documents now.
  7. I'm confused - I had thought the AFL fined us previously for playing 'bruise free' footy - they called it tanking. Now this. Did these tribunal members receive their training in Syria? Incompetent, malevolent fools.
  8. This is red hot. Would perhaps accept the two weeks if Viney got the opportunity to shirt-front each of the tribunal members for being so utterly incompetent. Bloody joke. Only booze will calm me down at the moment.
  9. Dead set, if Viney gets pinged for that bump, I will be seriously annoyed.
  10. Good post. I had us losing yesterday by 45 points. After the first quarter, I thought - we're in this. At half time, I thought - we are actually really in this. But I knew it would still be tough to get across the line. That we did is bloody remarkable. In fact, that victory was absolutely sensational. No team in the competition finds it easy beating the Crows in Adelaide. I still remember Vardy kicking goals in the fourth quarter at AAMI in 2002. Needless to say, it's been a very long time between drinks. I am pumped. And slightly bewildered. I am close to cutting myself about dropping the games against the Saints and the Suns. Garland aside - I wouldn't change the team at all. If only to make a statement about the importance of having a winning team.
  11. Todd would have to have been very proud watching his son play yesterday. Jack's performance was bloody awesome. He is already a leader.
  12. I can't believe we just beat the Crows in Adelaide. It's bloody unbelievable. No negativity to any player this week please.
  13. Don't agree. Frawley is, and is seen to be, a required player. He understands why he is being played forward. And he's probably enjoying it. I expect he also knows it's not permanent.
  14. For what it's worth, I would hope/expect that Henry also loves Paul Roos than he does me.
  15. He'll downplay it. 'Encouraging, but a long way to go' etc. That said, there's no one I love more in Australia than Paul Roos. Sincere apologies to Henry, my one year old son.
  16. Bail's 'non mark' was a mark every day of the week. Except yesterday that is, in Adelaide. Could have been a crucial decision - fortunately we were good enough to overcome it. All my anger evaporated on the final siren.
  17. Forgot to mention Nev Jetta. 10 out of 10. The unsung hero yesterday.
  18. Pedersen is genuinely in our best 22 now. He was fantastic yesterday. The best midget ruckman in the league. JKH - how good is he?!
  19. Deanox - you're on fire. Everything you've said here is absolutely spot on.
  20. I suggest that all the Jack Watts detractors here, all of whom say the same stuff week in week out, listen to the last section of the Bernie Vince interview on the official website. I'll back Bernie's views over the repetitive keyboard warrior criticism that I continually read here about Watts. Watts clearly brings a lot more to this list, on and off field, than many here care/bother to recognise. Fortunately, I reckon the likes of Paul Roos get this though.
  21. This is what elite posting looks like. Thank you master - a great read.
  22. Bernie is my favourite player. I love the bloke.
  23. Probably time for you to explain to your 12 year old that life's complicated. Not everything is black and white. Unless, of course, you're a sloganistic politician trying to capture the support of the dumb ass majority of brain dead apathetic voters in this country.
  24. I really hope Riley gets the nod. I expect he'd play like a man absolutely possessed against the Crows. Pig Dog may actually eat a Crow on the field. In front of everyone.
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