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Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. A "twitter attack"?! Now that's sure to excite the keyboard warriors. But isn't he just making observations/comments by way of a social media platform?
  2. Interesting his comment, 'certainly hope that Frawley stays'. We need the back 6 to remain intact. And, if anything's clear, it's that Roos is of the view that defence wins the big games. Frawley is obviously pivotal to this.
  3. When do we play Carlton again?! Even if Pigdog's not at full fitness, I hope the match committee select him for this game. Match ups are a relevant consideration after all ...
  4. I reckon this guy will play 100 games for us. A great pick up. I have a heap of friends who support the Toyota Camry Crows, and none of them can believe the Crows let Riley go (ie, delisted him with a view to rookie-ing him). They all rate Vince too. Thank you Adelaide. And thank you Roos, Viney, Taylor etc - our recruiting last year seems to have been really astute. Unlike all other years in this club's short to medium term history, there's not been one aspect of the recruiting/drafting that seems questionable*. * Possible exception - not seeking to rookie list Jayden Hunt because of his physical stats, but that one's been well and truly answered.
  5. I don't know how you follow the club - but my affection for the club, and certain of its players, isn't altogether logical. Or clinical. And that's why I've stuck with the club for so bloody long. I should've stopped watching the Dees following our loss to the Dockers in the second semi final in 2006. Because, as a supporter, it's largely been a waste of a lot of time (and $$$) since then. In short, I can't turn off the tap emotionally on matters that adversely impact upon the club. When, and if I do, I'll just be another of those 'Dees' supporters who spends all winter skiing at Hotham, hasn't watched a game since the Granny in 2000, hasn't ever bought a membership, and yet who claims to be a 'died in the wool' Dees supporter. Required players (potentially) electing to leave the club are not in the 'whatever' category for me.
  6. I reckon he'll stay. And that's because I reckon we'll show some good signs this year. And, I suspect, all things being equal, he doesn't actually want to leave.
  7. If the talk is that he's definitely leaving, I hardly think he would've been included in the leadership group following an extensive Leading Teams process. His attitude towards the club and his future would've come out loud and clear through that. It'll be a big contract year for Frawley, particularly given that he'll be arguably the most sought after restricted free agent, and I suspect his manager's telling him to cool his jets for a while on the contract talks (ie, wait and see how the club performs AND what other offers are likely to be on the table). In short, no need to rush - it's only the pre season and there's a long way to go. Not necessarily good, or bad - it just seems to be a very commercial approach IMO.
  8. PJ is absolutely a required player.
  9. Bloody hell - if true, that's a whole world away from being an AFL head coach.
  10. Google Josh Kennedy, the guy the Hawks traded to the Swans for lowly picks and Ben McGlynn, after not being able to break into the Hawks midfield.
  11. You're better than this. Dead set, this country disappoints me. It is so hopelessly anti intellectual. That people can't have a certain view on the appointment of an individual as Australian of the Year is simply pathetic. Then again, we laud Ned Kelly. The Yanks respect Thomas Jefferson. Says a lot really. People have been labelled as racist on this thread. I can't see any clear evidence of obscene or racist views, but the label comes out, quite conveniently, because it is at odds with an opposing view. Labels that are used to censor opposing opinions are generally the domain of the inarticulate. Calling someone uneducated over the keyboard is not particularly clever either.
  12. Interesting to know whether this award will affect the way in which he approaches the game. Most sports people who've received this award previously have already retired from their sport. Surely he'll now have to be a lot more cautious before mouthing off at some annoying tagger during the heat of the contest - might otherwise look a little undignified if he fails to pull the punches. I like Goodes. Even though he's achieved a lot as a sportsman, I'm not convinced he's done more to deserve the award than some other less high profile people in the country just yet, although the arguments put forward by Jabberwocky are compelling. That said, he's certainly a much more inspired choice for Aussie of the Year than Mark Taylor, which IMO represented an anti intellectual low point in this nation's history.
  13. Exactly. And while Freo wanted to retain him, and I understand really rated him, the fact that he'd only played 3 AFL games would've had a material impact on his trade value. I reckon we've got an absolute steal here.
  14. I'm going to big note myself here. BUT I lay claim to having the youngest ever Demons member in our family. In the history of the club. The club kind of confirmed it too. For many years, I've been signing up the kids of my mates to the MFC. Some vaguely respect it, some hate it - including the father of my goddaughter who sold her membership on eBay for 20 bucks ( ... someone actually bought it too, which we both found a bit weird). So when my wife and I had a kid he was always destined to become a Demon. As many of you know, at the 20 week mark in a pregnancy, you can find out the sex of the fetus. And so we did. A boy. Within the week I had signed up the little fetus to be a fully fledged member of the club. I signed him up in about December 2012, Henry was born on 29 April 2013. When I did, the lady in the membership department quite appropriately asked me the date of birth of the kid. I responded 29 April. She then asked "year?", to which I responded "next year". She then exclaimed, "he's not even born yet!" I said "yep, that's right - but he will be. And we need the members", to which she responded, "yep, you're right there". And so Henry became a member of the Dees. At about minus 5 months old. It also served me well in another respect. My wife and I agreed on the name Henry, but not the middle name. Some months later, when my wife was putting forward various middle name options, I produced the membership card and said "too late. It's Henry Felix". And so it was. Timely thread actually - one of my mates just had a little boy, and I've got to sign him up - the Baby Dees package is an absolute bargain. Hopefully some of these kids will stick with the club over life's journey.
  15. Because he was injured for much of that period of time.
  16. I assume you're not excited about Hogan either ...
  17. There's a reason Freo wanted to keep him.
  18. Totally agree. Hudson's the best caller by the length of the straight at Flemington. McAvaney's always solid too. I can't stand Brian Taylor though. Or that chick who used to (attempt to) call games, I think on Channel 10. I had to mute the coverage each time she called the game. It was bush league.
  19. 14 and 43 for 58. No pygmies. Pygmies are notorious list cloggers.
  20. You drive a hard bargain Ben - but no. Seem to have got you down from the 40s though.
  21. Current market value - I reckon a low first round pick in the teens. I also reckon you'll be pleasantly surprised by Watts' performances this year.
  22. Of the top 10 players selected in the 2008 draft, I'd still take Jack Watts. Hurley, Rich and Hartlett are very good players, but I reckon Watts still has more upside than each of them. NikNat? I reckon he's a bit overrated. And pick 40? Well, that's laughable. Only Mark Neeld and you think that.
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