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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. I was just reflecting on all of the changes in the off season, it has just been unbelievable. Clark, Neeld, and Craig for starters. The new assistant coaches. New assistant line coaches. Prendergast leaving. A new footy manager. $. Jack Viney training with us. Plenty more as well. Plenty more as well. What an off season.
  2. Boys you are lowering the standard of this great thread.
  3. Warwick just rang me and said he thinks its raining. Actually it is pouring up here. Not great for the holidaymakers though the locals might like it for their gardens. Warwick was very friendly and when i sat next to him for the photo I said "look here are two great ex footballers" and he immediately said "but only one won a Coleman." He is in pretty good nick for a guy his age but then compared to me most are.
  4. Agree. They have enough pressure already without adding more at this time. One can't even get on the park. Greeny should go one more year.
  5. Horse copped a bad check as he made his run along the rail. Good run and is getting up to his staying distance.
  6. And that is why we should have insisted that we play before our bye week or a longer break.
  7. Humidity really bad today up on GC and it really gets to you. Lions and Suns have a huge advantage on these types of days. If our opening NAB cup day played on day like today I would back them to beat us.
  8. Speaking of which I attended the Heart v GC game with Mrs. Redleg on sunday night. Massive crowd of 2098. Enjoyed it but it reminded me of why I love AFL football, because it is a great game. I will never be a soccer fan but as a Heart supporter, because my mate is a director, I will support Heart, even if that support, pardon the pun, is half hearted. As a sidelight I went out to dinner after the game with my mate and our wives and the Heart CEO, Scott Munn who is a former AFL official. He is a nice guy and was heavily involved in the set up of the GC Suns.
  9. :Not that there is anything wrong with it" - Jerry Seinfeld.
  10. It's funny the dislike of this new team and I don't even put it down to T$. I like the GC Suns and have even adopted them as my second team. I think it is just the professionalism and the people who are in charge of GC that makes the difference. They show a sensitivity to the difficulties of setting up a new club and the taking of existing team's players that GWS don't.
  11. Mae again - It's not the men in my life that counts, it's the life in my men.
  12. Is that a gun in your pocket , or are you just pleased to see me? - Mae West.
  13. Of all the people I have met, you are one of them.
  14. Have done my back and in pain and can't think or write. Struggling to read, though that has always been a problem.
  15. Can't wait for chapter 2, it is my new holiday reading.
  16. I would like to see a short history of the GWS so far. Would make for interesting reading.
  17. Very good run by both on their way to the longer distance races. Both will win, barring injury, when their fitness improves and the distance suits.
  18. Happy New Year to all Demonlanders and especially to readers of this thread. There is so much about the Dees that doesn't involve T$ anymore that we will have lots to discuss next year. For example the movie "Warhorse", is a good family movie, if you can ignore the dramatic music. Speaking of horses I have two runners today, No Dispute at Stony Creek at 3.20 and Noble Game at Cranbourne at 6.21. I make no predictions and note that both having their first start back from spells will be improved by the run and in relation to Noble Game, the distance should be far too short for him.
  19. Bit unfair on Green. Do you recall him nearly being paralysed when going head first for the pill? Do you notice who takes most contested marks? When younger we all loved him, now many knock him and unfairly IMO. I watched a few games again recently on replay and he can still kick a goal. We don't have too many of those. Yes he is coming to the end of his career, but he can still play and he is at the moment in our best team. Will also remain captain for one more year IMO.
  20. The most accurate assessment by far.
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