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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. 10 days very soon. More names being thrown up and some training with us. Waylen, Marlen, Aaron, Freddie, Fletcher, Jai and let's not forget Tom. It really is an interesting draft.
  2. Have already had that discussion with marketing person and will be sponsoring the Coach with my brother in law in 2012.
  3. Bock wasn't there this year and Davis was mainly injured.
  4. 11 days. I think I have finally got you know who out of my mind. Just another ex MFC player, but unlike the others, with no redeeming features or part of our history. I "will" move on.
  5. No, it's the number of protein shakes I will have before the rookie draft.
  6. She was very attractive in her youth, when on Cheers.
  7. No point you being subtle on here, why don't you tell us how you really feel.
  8. Trying to lose some weight (again) and on the protein shakes, they don't make for a happy camper, except for when I have a banana one. Read in the paper today that many of the celebrities that got paid for doing Jenny Craig, like Magda here and Kirstie Alley in the US, have put all their weight back on and are ducking the papparazi.
  9. Did your question need a new thread? Talk about Clutterbucking this site.
  10. As I have said previously LJ can play up the ground and can crumb as well. This kid is also taller so I am not sure it is LJ's spot or nowhere. The other perhaps more important factor is that he might not be up to AFL standard. However if he can play as his results seem to indicate and he can adapt to melbourne life he might be a steal as a rookie.
  11. A better player than others already on the list.
  12. This is probably impossible to do, but I would be interested to know the percentage of rookies taken by clubs of boys training with them and others who don't. It seems to me that clubs are quite open with some boys letting the world know and yet hide others away. Maybe it is just that it is too expensive to bring too many over to train, or that they know they will take a certain player, so they leave him at home and look at others in the training environment. I must ask BBBP when I get to speak to him at a club function. If anyone can shed any light on this feel free.
  13. Disagree that his only spot is LJ's. LJ can also crumb and play a bit further up the ground as well. There is always room for talent in a side. Whether he is good enough is another matter.
  14. He still sounds exciting and I would take the chance as a rookie if we felt he could cope down here. Freakish talents don't grow on trees. A talent can learn to do hard work but a hard worker can't always get new talent. I sound like a philosopher. Anyway as a rookie if he developed and adapted to melbourne life he could become a star for us, at worst he was a rookie pick. Use the other picks for your needs or whatever. Just by the way Hall's you tube has also won me over and he could also be a good pick up. I think Couch as I have said before is a certainty for us, if available.
  15. And they probably will. Stand by for new GWS Salary Cap amendment late in 2012.
  16. I think the second H in your title should be a W, should it not.
  17. An even 2 weeks to go. Seems to be more happening about you know who and his dad. Will it never stop?
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