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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. Having just read some of the other threads on Demonland, I am extremely grateful that this one has not descended to the nastiness of a few of the others. There is still a place for a laugh and a discussion on football and our club without being attacked.
  2. What do you mean get over myself, my post is not about me, don't try to make it that. So to understand your argument the current Board is pathetic for not knowing private info that Bates didn't disclose to it and Gutnick is pathetic for disclosing cheating. You continue to defame Gutnick by saying that his donations come from ill gotten gains. You mention that he was divisive, but fail to mention one single thing he did for this club, like his $2.7m donation, his opposition to the merger and his leading the club to only its second GF in 49 years so far. Do you think you have summed up his time at the MFC fairly?
  3. I think you have taken a bad stab in the dark, would you like to compare the list of players you have recruited to the MFC with mine. I'll give you a teaser a hit and a near miss. Graham Yeats and Wayne "dominator" Johnston, who we nearly got but for a broken leg to a Carlton player in a practice match. Read page 27 of the Dominator's book, you will find the story. PS. You also make the same mistake as many on here, you attack the man not the ball. I have the right to an opinion even if you disagree with it.
  4. Thanks Angry I forgot about the GF in 2000. You would have to say reasonably successful on the field, in that era under his Chairmanship.
  5. Have to disagree here. He was taken late, about 25, by North, as he was not seen to be AFL standard by any club earlier. He only played 2 games last year. Yes he has only played a few for us, but he looks very ordinary to me. I can't see any reason you would give him a 3 year deal. He is a short, relief ruckman and an ordinary forward.
  6. You have demonstrated to me and most on here with this post, your clear hypocritical attitude.You have said previously this Board was pathetic in not telling the AFL everything about the Dank affair and yet you condemn Joe for telling the truth to the AFL about systematic cheating on the salary cap. At the same time you don't mention those that were responsible for it, the Board at the time. You attack him for his corporate life and I am not defending that or commenting on it, as I don't know all that you know, but you fail to mention the fact that he donated $2.7m to save the cub and opposed the merger with others like Brian Dixon. For what it is worth I can give you another fact to digest, he is one of the biggest donors to Jewish and Non Jewish charities in Australia. He has personally helped many many families and individuals in Australia and there are plenty of hospitals and educational facilities that see him differently to you. Why the f..k would anyone help this club when they are opened to this sort of garbage attack on them. Please feel free to defame at your leisure.
  7. And you of course donated $2.7m to the MFC and was one of the main people rallying people in opposing the merger.I think I recall your posts back then, telling us to refuse his money, which saved the club at the time and urging everyone to accept the merger. You are obviously a fan of the fine job Szondy did for this club, nearly destroying it. Unbelievable!!!!!
  8. Can't find any banana cake, might have to make do with some banana bread and a banana smoothie.
  9. He has said he will stay longer if needed. I think he will stay a year at a minimum.
  10. I think he will make it as a forward/ruckman and he offers more to the side than Spencer. I could see Gawn and Fitzy as our two ruckmen spending some time as well in the forward line.
  11. Fear not, I am off to the GC for a few days and I know a place that makes great banana smoothies.
  12. Very good article and clearly applies to us as well.
  13. Had a very small slice of carrot cake today, forgot how good it is. It is even better than the great banana cake.
  14. The problem is that the vibe/rumour is that MN has lost the players and if that is so, he has to go. BTW they play like he has lost them.
  15. Interesting article in the Age by Michael Gleeson, on Dees and Dogs. It shows that the Dogs have performed worse over the last 18 games and despite the extraordinary events that engulfed the Dees and their injury list, we cop it, while the Dogs fly under the radar.
  16. That was not what I was actually getting at, as of course Gys was pick 11 and not the bloke we all thought we would get. But then again we aren't as smart as BP.
  17. If we continue on like we are and don't get one, no one ever will again, under the current system.
  18. What, you don't think we will get at least one PP and a high draft pick? I can see a high PP and maybe a lower PP and us in first or second position in the draft. Worthy recipient first!!!!!!!!! What about 7 sh-t years and then this year of sub standard AFL footy. The Dogs are better than us and played finals a few years ago.
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