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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. There is luck in footy no doubt. Blues fall over the line against GWS who were killing them and then play an uninterested Swans side. They tank to buggery and don't get investigated. They have no injuries from the weekend or before that. Judd gets half of his Visy money in injury payments and gets his whole 3rd party payment and we are told no 3rd party payment to try and keep the number 1 draft pick of the year before. They have a supporter who helps them get 360 pokie machines to set themselves up again. Yeah there is luck in footy alright.
  2. As usual the injuries start to mount, before we have even started. Blease is the latest.
  3. Most critical thing IMO is disposal improvement. We are very poor in this area and unless we improve, the rest won't matter. The next issue is our gameplan in so far as it relates to creating the loose man and forward setup.
  4. I smell a piece of banana bread with that coffee BB.
  5. It is very hard to justify an appeal to the Courts when you are found Not Guilty of the one thing you are worried about. The Appeal could in the end, even after winning it, lead to further investigations and a reversal of that finding. When all you have been given in the end, is a stupid penalty, as the whole footy world agrees, for a comment by a staffer and a fine that will be paid by the roof body anyway, how the hell can you take it further? We are not looking stupid in this, the AFL is. Now the calls are for AD's head. What does that tell you? The only injustice in this whole thing is that other clubs are not being investigated, despite overwhelming evidence. The "Offsiders" show just said via Whately, that the AFL does not want to and will not take this further, for some hidden reasons. He said the media have been told unlike the Brock/MFC situation, if you want us to investigate go and get the evidence. Whately rubbished this in light of the Brock/MFC investigation and given the Footy Classified segment. A simple comment gets the MFC done over, but for the other clubs blatant admissions by Coaches and Players is ignored and the public/media is told to go and get the evidence. Whately said, investigate like Melbourne and you will get the evidence. The AFL refuses to do so. No integrity at all.
  6. I think he got offside with the Coach early on and that was it for his year.
  7. Anyone notice who was the Lions best player in both games and kicked a supergoal to boot?
  8. Do you think a Coach has ever said anyhting to the players they regretted? It was said in a private meeting and but for a bs investigation would never have seen the light of day. He even said to the AFL it was a joke and he is the only one who can know that for certain. It was used as convenience, to put a bloke out for 12 months when a salary cap rorting Crows CEO got 6 months. Go figure. I wonder if a Coach should be investigated and charged with attempted murder for saying to his players, go out and murder these bums. Some things don't really mean what they seem to.
  9. I have now spoken to 2 journos on different papers, who feel that the AFL will do what it can to stop a Blues investigation. Maybe a Chairman of the Commission who is a former Blues captain has something to do with it or 360 poker machines, but whatever the reason there IS no integrity in the AFL at the moment. What is more perplexing is that the press will not even discuss it. It is obviously a no go zone. The question is why and then how it effects their integrity as newspapers.
  10. It is amazing when you think of the possible stories that could come from the show and nothing.To not have a single mention of it is staggering.
  11. Spoke to him at the family day and he said the girls don't like it. I think it may be gone soon. BTW he is just the nicest boy, always friendly and happy to chat. I hope he becomes a star for us, enjoys team success and shoves it up a few people.
  12. I tried but they were out of bananas. Not the first time it has happened either. I had a pineapple and lemon crush instead. Quite good too.
  13. Solely on yesterday, you would have Sellar before Pederson.
  14. Did anyone notice in the last 2 minutes of the North game, 20 metres out, right in front of umpire 15 Nicholls, who must have paid 10 frees to North and 1 to us, Sylvia slung to the ground without the ball by Majak Daw. Obvious free and a goal wins it for us. Glad it is only the NAB Cup. PS. I really feel that Dwayne Russell dislikes us as a club. Snide comments and failing to put things in a balanced way are noticable.
  15. It was clear tonight, if we had disposed better we would have beaten North. That would have to be seen as an improvement. As for Jordie, he does a lot well, but disposal is his weakness. He must improve in that area or IMO there is no pace for him in the side, if we are going to be any good. Spoke to Neil Craig at the family day and he thought in two years we could be a very good side.
  16. I went with my granddaughter. Very hot and crowded which was good. [censored] that the carousel was closed as that is her favourite. Spoke to a few of the boys, all looking forward to the season. Hogan is a big unit and could get bigger.
  17. Can't believe I am saying this, when I think about another thread, but I agree entirely. I thought Pederson is smaller than we were told and was very ordinary, though plenty of time to show if he is up to it. Thought Flash was worried out of it by Morris and was useless. I also think Magner and Couch are not AFL.
  18. Not from me, he was very ordinary. Appeared not interested.
  19. Yes I did predict both losses but thought we did reasonably well. But for the super goal we win the first match and of course Sylvia's miss from 30 out straight in front. Thought our disposal was as usual pathetic and our turnovers are what is costing us football games. Forward line too crowded early. Jordie's disposal tonight atrocious. Hogan looks good. I have no worries with JV. Pederson was poor, Byrnes ordinary. Rodan good. Kent showed some promise. Dawes ordinary. The 2nd game we were clearly tired and the Tiges ran us off our legs. We lost 3 players, came off a hot first game and played a fresh side. Jimmy good. Flash not. Joel Mac's disposal still hopeless. Watts a great night and Jones too as usual. We were entltled to stop and get smashed but we hung in. Too many hardly had a touch, like Howe, in this game. Not disappointed in our first hitout. We kept at it.
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