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Everything posted by ding

  1. You are free to block us any time you want.
  2. Least interesting coach i can remember. Makes me miss Danners more each time i see Goodwin interviewed. We need someone who has energy and inspiration for his players. This bloke has neither. Flat.As.A.Tack. Been saying it for years....Goodwin is a fraud.
  3. Run both way lads.... Run both ways.
  4. People can pot us all they like until the team wins the games it should, and also the games it shouldnt. We have no choice but to take the hits as long as there are column inches to fill, and we continue to underperform. A win in round 1 is more important than most people realise. Take the points with our first choice forwards out and confidence goes through the roof. Who knows what we can achieve when BB and Weid are back if the team is in form and confident.
  5. The result of this game has once again raised both of the most common emotions felt by MFC supporters. Doom AND Gloom. Yes, our kids didnt play well, but they mostly wont be in the round 1 team. Im happy to leave my wrists un-slashed for another month. Unless we lose round 1 then its on.
  6. This is more like it girls ❤️
  7. His incessant "growling" voice when something exciting was happening ****ted me to tears. If he could just have comentated without constantly asking for positive affirmation from his fellow commentators his legacy wouldnt have been as mixed as it surely will be. Isnt he? Wasnt it? Didnt he? Vomit. Cya Broocy.
  8. Awesome training report. i felt like i was there. Thanks everyone.
  9. Hard not to like AFLW when the quality is like this match. Yeah the comp started slowly, but it is rapidly gaining momentum. Genuinely entertaining that was. Go you good things !!!!!
  10. This is what building "culture" looks like. Well, its one of the ingredients anyway. Great initiative by whoever thought of it. The club deserves a pat on the back for this one. Would make a very interesting video for the fans as well. Love it.
  11. What have you done with our Picket Fence?
  12. Panic should always be initiated at the earliest possible opportunity. MFCSS demands it.
  13. So, ..... hows them membership numbers.....?
  14. This post is a great advertisement for Grammarly
  15. I would have said "the more popular one"
  16. Which is totally irrelevant unless you think that just because he had a poor (Covid affected) buildup to the draft like Max then he is going to be a champ like Max. That would make zero sense at all, and your posting history proves you are no dill. The kid has done nothing other than run well in a time trial, and many are talking like he is the second coming. It is really becoming embarrassing. I say we just remove the high expectation, which only gets him slagged off when he doesnt tear up games from round 1. Let him develop and hope he turns out a best 22.
  17. The hype on this kid is getting a bit OTT. He is a pick 34 without a long list of accomplishments, who is being lauded as a future champ by some, and its based on a few highlights and (admittedly impressive) aerobic capacity. Poor kid should just be given the chance to see if he can play footy before we go gooey over him. He is probably the perfect candidate to test our player development skills.
  18. Ahhh [censored] R.I.P. Mark. Hope you are with your wife buddy.
  19. Deffo a right footer. Good on his left as well, but the right is his natural leg.
  20. Pounced on this thread like a dog on a steak. Didnt think i cared about training reports, but i obviously do. Bring on the real stuff. Thanks for the report TK
  21. So from the clubs email it sounds like we are YEARS away from breaking soil on a home base. I really thought we were much closer than that. According to our plan we are supposed to start construction in 2023. only 2 years, and the feasibility study probably hasn't even started yet. I say there is little hope that we are shovel ready by 2023. The mens team fell over at the very first hurdle of our on-field goal by missing finals last year. We should make it this year, but i thought that the last 2 years as well so who could possibly be sure that it will happen this season. Grow to 75k members by 2023.? Absolutely no flaming hope unless we win a flag by 2022. If we miss finals again this year it might be a struggle to get 40k on board next year. Finals or bust as far as membership numbers go. Have a culture that inspires excellence and attracts new talent... MFC culture is putrid and 2-3 years is a very short time to turn it around to something approaching excellence. Yes we have attracted some talent, but how much of that is down to the coin offered? We COULD do it, but its a huge stretch inside 3 years to say we have completely changed our culture from one of falling over when it matters, to one of"Excellence". How will that be judged btw? Anyone know ? Financials.... even the email doesnt sound remotely positive.. "Combined profits of $4m will be more of a challenge given the impact of COVID-19, however, we are not currently willing to concede that goal" hardly inspires confidence. The whole email sounds upbeat and positive ( lets be honest, nobody including myself would have appreciated anything else), but there seems to be more issues of concern than reasons for strong optimism. On field success means EVERYTHING and is the only way we can possibly reach all of our goals by 2023. Does the team have it in them?
  22. ding


    Good luck Tim, hope its nothing.
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