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Everything posted by Demon3

  1. Sorry, no he didnt, he played well, and had more touches, but sorry to say Judd was far more dangerous..
  2. My god, that is crazy talk. Sylvia is a massive let down who walks around like he is gods gift to Football. The guy obviously has skill, but he really is a prime example of where we are at as a football club. I think he must go!
  3. That might be true, but if we add an extra 10% lift to our game, we will be playing at 10%, which means we are still along way off!
  4. He should get dropped. He is a very one dimensional player, who is slow and lacks awareness. His undisciplined act, soft or not, halted our moentum. Just pathetic...
  5. Yep, i would rather another slow midfeilder, just what we need.. I Like daniel Bell, and like the rest of his teammates, they are struggling for confidence.. so hang in their, and well played for 50 games!
  6. Ins: Frawley, Garland Moloney and Warnock Outs: Miller. Would have liked to see Bate and Maric..
  7. I am, good things come to those who wait. Hopefully Maric and Martin along with Bate come in... But it doesnt matter, i love my club. Go Dee's
  8. Are you serious.. i wont have a voice by qtr time..
  9. geez louise... Loosen Up Rhino, not everything has to be a negative waste of time. I for one think it will be great, and for what its worth, I thought the Irish series was great.. Hang on, am i being to positive for you Rhino? um how about, oh yeah, Life is [censored]? How's that?
  10. Yep, as good a side on paper all year, Cmon demons, you got me screaming, got me standing on the edge of my seat.. Anyone remeber that Classic. I beleive we can win this weekend...
  11. That was the highlight for me, how well Did G move, god to have someone like him in our team at the moment.. I think his football ability gets lost in what he has done post footy. he was Brilliant. i remember one of his best games was against richmond, the week after Balmey got sacked, garry could hardly move, i think he got about 2 kicks, kicked one goal off the ground, but i thought he was nearly best on ground that day, his leadership and focus was awesome, would be nice to have that in our team now... jacka, what a flawed genius he was... Good times..hope their not far off again..
  12. Well after watching a very spirited performance against the cats, my daughter and i finished the weekend with a smile on our face, and with renewed faith our side. Even more importantly, we have decided on a number to put on her jumper. Thier were many players which deserved the privilage of having my little girl wear their number, which is great. Apologies to: Brock - hard and played well - needs to deal with a tag PJ - I thought he was great Aussie - exciting and fresh Cale - Super talent who will have his fair share of numbers on kids jumpers to come. But in the end, it was decided to go to Jarred Rivers. It was great to see him back, he just looks like he belongs, and i hope that while my daughter is growing up that the Melbourne FC is growing up and they can both be a part of a wonderful dynasty of success. Thoughts eveyone?
  13. What about the bug for Cale Morton - as in Morton bay Bug..
  14. Not sure about that, i didnt see Gerard healy play, but he has some uncanny Likeness to Lyon, Built like him, similar height, has great skill for a big man, and is footy smart. Exciting times.
  15. HI guys, after a couple of weeks of pretty hard times, i would like to ask for all you beautiful melbourne people to help me decide what Number i should get for My daughter on her new jumper? Without being to self indulgent, She is 17 months old and is the apple of my eye, and she is and will be a Melbourne girl for life. This week against Geelong is the game that will decide who becomes her favourite demon. The players dont realise it, but what happens on Sunday at Geelong will result in one player securing their biggest fan for life. I want it to be someone who hurts for their club, who shows courage and passion, and who shows strength in times of adversity.. I am asking for the people of Demonland to help decide..It's Demon Idol..vote for who you think is worthy of having their number on my daughters jumper for the next 10 years!
  16. My daughter has her new jumper, got it yesterday, so will be sitting infront of TV deciding which player cared the most for his team, his jumper and his teammates and then getting that number put on my daughters jumper. They dont realise this, but one footballer is about to get their number on my daughters first Demon jumper... Now if thats not incentive to play your guts out, then i dont know what is I love my club.. GO DEE'S!!!!
  17. Just thought i would throw this one up. Witha distinct lack of forward pressure, and a real reliance on Aaron davey to provide pace in the midfeild, is it time to unleash Austin W... Thoughts.. becuase we need someone who is quick to apply the pressure that Neitz, Robbo and the like struggle to do?
  18. i'm sorry, but i have said this before, and please, i admire what Benny Holland has given this football club. But if we need him in our side, then we ARE in trouble. Having said that though... Miller or Holland... if miller had Hollands determination..then he would still be average because Brad Miller is struggling..
  19. let this shut the people up in here that are very happy to bag Garry. It's quite clear that he is doing something very positive, and i have no doubt that what he is doing, will be a huge help to our club. For people to have eluded in the last week or so that he does not care and does not do enough should hang their heads in shame. He bleeds red and blue, and has done since he first pulled on the mighty jumper. He, along with a group of past players will help revive our club. I for one would liek to start a motion that if you want to bag past champions (and that is any one who has pulled on a jumper) then i suggest you go elsewhere!
  20. to the 22 players who represented Melbourne today for serving up the most insipid uninspiring, embarrising type of Rnd 1 football ever in the AFL... you are all a disgrace.. just pathetic.. no heart...no hope..
  21. i suggest you direct your rather ill informed misgivings to the producers of the show. And i might be mistaken, but i thought i saw it announced at a press conference. As far as garry goes, it seems a case of damned if he does, damned if he doesnt..
  22. Fair enough, but I think it is to easy to blame the host for no or little fanfare about the announcement. Perhaps like the majority of us, he is waiting to see how it all unfolds before trumpeting it up. I am just getting sick of all the Blame being put on one of our favourite sons for stuff that is not really his domain. Anyway, bring on the footy, bring on a dee's win in rnd 1 and let the start of the 150 year celebration kickstart a new era for the Melbourne FC GO DEE'S
  23. wow, reading the last few day's posts, it would be fair to assune Garry had killed bambi... i think the club's media department might be to blame for not really pushing the issue. Alot of people in here have short memories when it comes to what some people gave to this club as players...
  24. With all due respect Powelly, Not every one wants to be president. Harsh reality is what Garry wrote is sopt on, and yes, most of us know the plight, but coming from a club favourite, it carries alot of weight. I think Garry does a helluva lot for this club, dont forget what a great servant he was, and just because he wont be president, does not mean he does not care and is not doing anything.
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