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Everything posted by Demon3

  1. Just thought i would throw this topic up, forgive me if its been done. I truly beleive the Matty Bate looms as the most valuable player in our side for 2008. A player who plays tall and small and has great footy smarts. If its not him, then Jarrod Rivers is. We missed his play reading and confidence last year. Thoughts?
  2. Neita is a great. Ox could have been Carey like, Lyon was a great for lots of reasons. point taken. I will settle that Davey is a good player. But is anyone understanding my point!!!!
  3. Ok, if he is not a star, then he is close. I understand his form has been a bit up and down, but still he is so exciting and in a team of very few matchwinners, he is one of them. Anyway my argument is about comparing Rioli to Davey being a bit rich...
  4. Its a fine line between going hard at it and focusing on rnd 1. I think its worth a shot, the coaches might have other thought though!!
  5. Maybe its time then we made it a relevant thing to win. Go against the trend. I guess im just sick of us being a fairly irrelevant force in AFL, this might just be a small step to bigger things..
  6. I reckon its about time we had a real crack at winning the NAb cup. It would be agreat way to launch the clubs 150th year and shut a few critics up. I know it doesnt mean alot in the overall scheme of things, but it would be a great way to start a new era. Thoughts?
  7. The kid is 17 or 18, its a very long bow to draw saying he is better than davey. Thats just crazy, Davey is a star, a blueprint for all other young forward pocket dynamo's about how to apply pressure. Rioli might end up as good as Davey, i hope so, but lets just settle down a bit...
  8. Where in my post did i say i "hate" him, if this is not a forum to give considerd football opinion, then i will stop contributing. dont get so precious because someone dares to give an honest opinion. BM is disapointing, has been for most of his MFC career, can any one argue with that. I dont think he has the qualities of a Barry hall, and i FIRMLY beleive he needs to lift. I will be hoping and praying that he can lift his game and carry us forward, but the reality is that he has not done that so far.. if that makes me a "BM hate basher" then i am afraid you are out of your depth talking football.
  9. Im afraid Miller has NOT got the potential to be great. He is NOT a great Mark, and he will never be a barry hall type because he is a DUMB footballer with neither the ability or the skills to crash and bang within the laws of the game and has no footy smarts. I see whu he is still onthe list, we are desperatley short on bigger bodied players, but i think he is very lucky and must start repaying some faith..
  10. Correct. Like it or not they are. They do things that influence the youth, both on and off the field, weather they mean it or not. My parents were great, but footballers were better. Its an ignorant and narrow minded view to say they are not.
  11. Whelan is the key to our back line, with so many good/dangerous small forwards around. Frawley hopefully comes on a bit. Wheatley is important. Miller is a liability any where you play him, Sylvia has to lift, Bate is our best hf option, Mclean better start worrying about getting a kick. Pettard, Dunn, Newton all have some way to go. In saying that i am excited. My Team. Whelan Carrol Frawley Whateley Rivers Bell Green Maloney Bruce Robbo Bate Sylvia Davey Neita Newton White, Mclean Jnr Jones, Dunn, Jamar, Bartram
  12. Oh my god, i cant beleive it would even be a thought. Whitnall was gone 5 years ago, the game has long past him by. If we were to pick him up, i would THROW UP!!!!! I think Brennan is also a risk for alot of money. Does the word potential not mean anything to the MFC. TJ had it in spades, did not deliver, Sylvia has it, but is treading water, Mclean has slowed down, Miller just does not have it, Brennan would be a risk, in saying that, he may be the Best available. Tough call..
  13. I am pretty certain that he said that a while ago, long before this latest incident, and i think he was spot on the money. A change MIGHT have helped cousins, the first thing you hear of is that half the battle is the people you mix with. But it is to late now, that oppurtunity has passed.
  14. Whatever your thoughts it is undeniable that he has got problems, and the reality is that he may well be an addict, he may not be, but he has got problems, and it's time something happened about them, i dont think you have to be any authority on the subject to work this one out.
  15. Yeah, im not sure brennan is the answer, didnt we just get rid of a player who has potential dripping from him yet remained a constant source of frustration..
  16. Hey guys, what should we expect from Weetra, is he a likely prospect for seniors this year?
  17. its horses for course in the PSD, if a player is available that might fill a hole then it should be looked at. But Maurie's list proves a good point. Although this year might see some more quality.
  18. If we get lance whitnall, it would be a giant step back for the club. They say he has a good footy brain... obviously not good enough if he cant understand that you need to be fit to play the game.
  19. I am shocked at Fergie getting axed. i think he was hard done by. Injuries cruelled him. I hope he goes on and does well, he deserves it.
  20. The problem with most players in the PSD is that they are all stop gap solutions, Perrie might have a couple good games but we dont want him, why... because we already have a stop gap tall who has handy hands, but is slow, and is not a real good kick. Ben Holland.
  21. Have to be careful who we pick up int PSD, we dont wont a dud, i think Brennan is a liability... i think more players will come to hand. Prismall from the cats would be a good option if available
  22. Mcevoy is a must. We need talls, he has great height and good weight, a ready made player. OUr midfeild is working class at best, but they get the job done, we need a big marking option up forward. its a no brainer.
  23. Holland never plays a bad game, are you watching the same team, your cred is really on the line man...
  24. Thats a joke, show some sensitivity man... Eagles were never going to delisy Cousins... unbeleivable..
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