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Everything posted by Demon3

  1. I can take losing, after all, its been something we have had to get used to in the past, but for me, who loves footy like we all do, the worst thing is this club is back to being embarrassing. I'm embarrassed to tell people I am a demon, I am embarrassed to talk about my club. Since the prelim loss last year, everything its done has been sub par, mediocre and well awful. Its hard to fathom that not even 12 months on from winning 2 finals and losing in a prelim that you go from being so optimistic to downright embarrassed and that's a blight on the club, the coaches and the players.
  2. I think Salem has gone backwards the last 4 weeks. His skills are no where near what everyone thinks they are, and 90% of it is due to the fact he never pushes back from the mark with any urgency, he tries to kick of 2 paces and the kicks are now not low and fast, they sit up and are easy pickings for defenders, its because he has to clear the man on the mark.. my god its infuriating.. he inst alone either, and its due to this break neck speed play on get the ball going at every cost mentality the coaches have them playing,. The club is a mess, its an absolute mess and it starts from the coaches box, its sat and rested on 2 finals wins instead of reacting to a shocking loss that exposed all our flaws the Prelim.
  3. Goodwin is lost, Jennings is lost, the players look lost, the Leaders are not leading, the club is sick and has been all year. Players in the press basically admitting no one has any idea whats going wrong, Max saying they are a long way from a basic AFL team, Lever saying they fundamentals are not there.. its just bloody embarrassing, it really is, its a total unmitigated disaster and no one can arrest it.
  4. What i will remind you of is that he cost us 2 first round picks, $800k a year and cant kick and cant play 1on1. Now he has had 2 knee recos. He would want to improve because i can remember him playing 1 good game for us, in a match against Carlton where we won by 109 points.
  5. Smith Has to stay in, its no good him being in and out in and out. give him the rest of the year. OUTS ANB - Is simply and possibly the messiest player we have on the list, he just mucks everything up. OMAC - is symptomatic of the club, played ok last year when confidence was up - now looks like nothing but an ordinary country footballer. JWAG - plays one good game every 6 weeks. - he did that last week INS: MAY - - Take on Lynch his old mate, see how he goes. LOCKHART - is 10 times the player the ANB is. MELK - if he got through then play him.
  6. has he though? has he shown he is a "great" player.
  7. Yep exactly my point, he had a minor strain.. so put him back on and risk it becoming a major one for a guy who has battled soft tissue all year.
  8. Remember when Steven May went off with a sore Hammy last week, then came back on.. now he is out this week. I We seriously have learnt nothing from the past and putting re-injured players back out on the ground. I cant actually believe it. I mean it seems its only a minor hammy but goodness me.. the Club is about as professional as the under 16s down the road. utterly perplexed by it all.
  9. The heat is coming and it will be intensified over the off season all the way to the build up of 2020. Sadly, a club that has not had any success since the mid 19th Century, people rightly equate us with being a disaster of a club that neither offends people or is worth defending. You only a threat when you win.
  10. Every time i look at the Saints i look at how they always seem to be so much quicker than us, it does not always translate to wins, but the little guys are the ones that always worry me. Gresham, Billings, Sinclair, Lonie, Newnes and on and on. Also Nev is in pretty awful touch and looks slow and uncertain ( this is not a knock on him but its just how he is at the moment) at the moment.. hope he finds a bit of form.
  11. Without wanting to dampen the good mood, and i am really happy with it, do we know the length of the contract. The press Release says we have secured him for the 2020 season... surely its more than a 1 year deal.. surely?
  12. Terrific and the first step to becoming a true professional club. This is the exact appointment i want to hear of, going hard and getting their man, a very well renowned operator and beating other clubs and sports to the punch. Now lets adopt that attitude to players and better assistant coaching group. Show the supporters the club has a single minded approach to righting the wrongs of this season.
  13. Not adverse to throwing him forward in patches but we recruited him as a defender, he possibly has the best skill of our defenders (Salem in front) he needs to find his place in the team, he needs the next 5 weeks to gel with Lever and co. We need to use this time wisely to settle our defence. He is the cornerstone of that now, he compliments Frost beautifully.
  14. Good call, i agree, i think the run and carry and spread is just as important at this stage and his disposal while not elite, isn't disatarous.
  15. Yep, that all makes sense. But lets say we were interested.. how does our football department orchestrate a deal and trade for Brad Hill if for interest sake we offered a great contract and good terms that would be enticing for him? is is it Angus Brayshaw for Brad Hill (and sweetener) is it a Future first rounder.. just want spit ball it, because i see alot of posts saying Brad Hill is exactly what we need..
  16. Blaming the past is a favorite demon supporter pastime. Right now, the blame sits no where else but with the current Football department, and by that i mean, coaches and players. They have failed miserably this year. and teh flat earthers around here can blame others but its on them. And they should know it.
  17. So we would have to trade for him. What can we give for him being that we need to use first pick?
  18. Can someone tell me how we would might Brad Hill. Is he a FA or would we have to trade for him? Just curious.
  19. Good points but toplay Devils advocate here: AVB - Probaly done KK - Wont make it - hasnt yet, why would he now TMac - Showed nothing to suggest he is the saviour - Mirros the club as a whole Weid - Other similar players in comp have rocketed past him in development Melk - Cant hang our hat on a HFF. Joel Smith - kid has played 11 games.
  20. Also if you first response on this is to bag G. Lyon rather than take in what he says you are in serious denial IMO. Let your personal hatred of him go for selecting Neeld, its a long time ago, Kernahan appointed Malthouse, it was just as big a disaaster, but i dont see Carlton fans constantly smash one of their past greats. History is littered with it.. you think they do it on purpose, you think they want to ruin the club, you think they want to make a bad decision.. Its time to move on everyone, the club is the concern now, not who says what.
  21. When a 22 point win is our biggest of the season and our others are 5pts V Carlton and 1pt v Gold Coast which was a miracle we won it. The numbers dont lie. The club is bogged in Mediocrity, there is no leadership, we have got so much wrong it makes you appreciate last year even more that they were able to do what they did. Im sick of it, a Loss in the Prelim is a s close as we will ever get and its borderline disgraceful what they serve up. Lyon is right, we are no good. And now we will see what the club is prepared to do to get it right. Good clubs will not stand for this, but we do, we accept it as par for the course, where is the dramatic circuit breaker going to come from..just for a minute imagine this apathy continues next year.. its criminal what the club continues to spew out and any one can argue all they like, the rot set in the minute after the Prelim loss and seemingly very little was done to review it, recruiting plan was wrong, management of players injuries was horrendous, the messaging all year about excuses has been amateur and embarrassing, the coaching has been sub standard, stubborn and gone backwards. Goodwin is stubborn, he needs to relax and let others in. Or he will be out very quickly. In my 35 years of supporting the club, in some brutallly bad eras, i cant remember feeling this angry about them, The Neeld era was shameful but i felt sorry for everyone that it didn't work, this time I'm angry and losing patience with footy.
  22. Yeah there are teams that would love him.. might be a case up us upselling.. although it was great having him on the books when Max went down, he was competitive a t he sole ruck.. he isnt a fwd.. once again we all know it, the coaching geniuses dont.
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