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Everything posted by Demon3

  1. i dont understand you point, but by the capital YOU it seems like you cant be critical of this club without being accused of being irrational.
  2. Thats exactly what i am a supporter.. for a long time, financially and emotionally.. it was great to win.. but you enjoy it, it symptomatic of the club, happy with a win.. im happy to play and win finals.
  3. Angus Brayshaw described the win as "defining".. Honestly... I go on like a broken record but that is just so amateurish its not funny.. We fell across the line against a side that has arguably been the worst side in the AFL since us, without 3 of their best players playing. It was gutsy of us to hang on i admit that, 3 down and only 9 rotations in the last qtr shows we have some fight.. but there was nothing defining about it. Angus should have said, its great to win anytime, but in the overall scheme of things the season continues to be a major disappointment. Because lets be honest, it has been. Its been a disaster from start to finish, since the moment the siren went on the prelim final debacle, the club has sat on their hands and expected improvement but have done little to make it happen. Debate it all you like but the club thought they were in a position to for a flag but thought a style and team that got smashed in a prelim would take us there. The club from the top down needs to put their hand up and say we have got it massively wrong, because if they dont, 2020 will be the same and this time 50k members might not hang around, nor might sponsors, nor might good players. let see how "professional" this club can and wants to be, because right now, they have lost their way.
  4. Hogan has not had a good year though, played 2 ok games for the entire Season. If the club doesnt know how he plays and what his weaknesses are then the Coaching committee is not worth a pinch of...
  5. I wasnt flying off the handle, as i said, i only went off what a teammate said.. so its reasonable to assume there might be something to it.
  6. Well i was going off what May said on Fox Sports that he had hurt his foot before the QB clash.. Whatever the situation, i though 6 qtrs in the VFL wasn't enough.. you can train all you like but you need to get match fit and hardened and confident.
  7. Will be up to 4 changes for this weekend. lets just say the injury curse has not left the building.
  8. I keep saying it and i hark back to a thread i started "Professionals" - this club is so far off the pace when it comes to these sorts of things. It really does my head in. Changes should be: IN: Smith / Lockhart / Lewis Out: Wagner, Spargo, Lever (inj.)
  9. He is far from out of favour at the Bombers, in fact in the last month he would be one of the first picked.
  10. Honestly, Steven May just said on Fox that he had hurt it before the QB game.. if this is true then its reprehensible from this club.
  11. Jake Lever in doubt for the weekend with a sore foot. Honestly if this si some sort of stress fracture, can we stop the world because i want to get off.
  12. I appreciate your past DV8, was never questioning you or anything remotely like that. As i said each to their own.. you are a no, i am a yes. ALl good.
  13. he kicked 8 the other day playing for Old Xavs i believe.
  14. I agree Wells, he does look weighed down, i notice this a swell, there inst the spark in him there once was, who knows what is going on, i just think right now, he is best 22, albeit maybe just.
  15. Its a pretty outdated philosophy DV8 to be honest.. all players and people are wired differently.. i think with Jeff to many people look at what he isnt doing and ignore what he is. But each to their own.
  16. and without his 3 goals we would have lost by more, if Petracca had of taken the simple mark set up by brilliant Garlett creativity then we may have won.. They cant all be Jack Viney and go head first, players are different, they are made of different things. I just reckon Jeff is the least of our problems. Its a good talking point Mono.
  17. Good debate R&BR.. and respect your points of view. Whoever they go with i just hope they hit the scoreboard.
  18. That is all fair enough, he dropped a mark in Darwin that was pretty crucial yes, but we wasn't on his own. IMO Lockhart and even Spargo are not instinctive enough yet.. and our goals tally will tell you that we need goal kickers or creators. Jeff is still that, if he is getting goals out the back.. then at this stage thats ok.. hardly anyone else is kicking goals, certainly other small fwds are not, i would argue Jeff reads the play better so he gets in those spots. Anyway, im Team Jeff and hope he stays in, its the beauty of opinions, we can all have different ones.
  19. I disagree that he is rubbish, he is what he is, he is creative, he is clean and he is a proven goal kicker. those 3 traits alone are pretty much non existent in our team at the moment. The "he wont be on our list next year argument" is ridiculous, until we pack it in for the year, we pick the best teams we can, and right now, Garlett is a better option.
  20. Why would we drop Garlett? if you look at the numbers he is adding more pressure than anyone in the Fwd 50 and is our leading goal kicker in the last 3 weeks and 4th over all playing only 7 games. Take Spargo out.. and bring Lockhart in.
  21. JEFFY - 10 tackles and 5.5 in last 3 weeks. (leads tackles inside 50 for year and has played only 7 games) HUNT - 3 tackles and 3.4 in last 3 weeks SPARGO - 8 tackles and 2.1 in last 3 weeks TRAC - 7 tackles and 3.2 in last 3 weeks. *Jeffy has played only 7 games, is 4th on goal kicking - cant understand dropping him calls.
  22. I may be one out here, but i would keep Jeffy in the team. He is a one touch player, creates and is more capable than others. I know he is a bit scared at times and a bit soft, but thats not our problem.. goals are our problem and he has kicked 5 in 3 weeks, 10 shots.. and goal assists here is some comparisons JEFFY - 10 tackles and 5.5 in last 3 weeks. (leads tackles inside 50 for year and has played only 7 games) HUNT - 3 tackles and 3.4 in last 3 weeks SPARGO - 8 tackles and 2.1 in last 3 weeks TRAC - 7 tackles and 3.2 in last 3 weeks. *Jeffy has played only 7 games, is 4th on goal kicking - cant understand dropping him calls.
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