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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Because he didn't break any rules. Claiming a mark or a kick isn't illegal; though I suppose there's nothing inherently different between pretending you kicked a goal and pretending someone clocked you in the mouth.
  2. We are the Melbourne Demons and we wear navy blue with a red yoke. If any of those aspects of our identity disappear, our victories become that much less meaningful. A rose by any other name may smell as sweet, but that is not the case in the world of sport.
  3. I heard a fella ring up SEN years ago and refer to himself as a "Deemie." I think we should consider ourselves lucky that didn't catch on.
  4. Jack Grimes kicks it out on the full enough with out us chanting "Dee, fence" at him all the time.
  5. My response to that: On principal, you have to resign for valuing your own opinion over your journalistic responsibility to report facts.
  6. We hit Rivendell last year. If Paul Roos and Peter Jackson (heh!) aren't Gandalf and Aragorn, I don't know who else they could be. Our defeat of the crows is akin to the Fellowship's first big victory over the wargs in Hollin. When Roos leaves us, that'll be where Gandalf falls in Moria. Things will get back on track with the announcement of our next coach at Lothlorien. After that it will be smooth paddling until the Falls of Rauros, where (hopefully) things will go a little better for us than in the original story. We don't want Jack Grimes and Nathan Jones (aka Frodo and Sam) to have to carry the burden the rest of the way on their own.
  7. And I have to figure out how to get rid of that bubble wrap and tutu I was planning to wear.
  8. They didn't compensate us for our reputation loss.
  9. He knows which way the wind blows. He'll say it was the right call.
  10. Panel obviously took a look at this face and thought better of it.
  11. Appeal upheld. He's free to play!!! HUZZAH!!!
  12. If you want to learn a balanced attack, you must first balance a tack hammer on your head.
  13. I've got half a mind to come dressed in swathes of bubble wrap and a tutu. Can you picture me twirling delicately through the crowds as I try not to make contact with anyone around me?
  14. People get broken bones in soccer too, and that's not a contact sport in most people's eyes.
  15. In honour of the precedent set by the AFL's brilliant Viney verdict, I suggest we all pirrouette to avoid contact with any AFL games in the future.
  16. I usually find myself agreeing with Dermott Brereton. It's just that he usually sounds like a [censored] when he speaks.
  17. Because Georgiou's head didn't hit the ground. If Georgiou had weaker neck muscles, there would have been a suspension.
  18. The thing that shows this is a broken system is that either: A) Viney chose to bump and broke someone's jaw--in which case he should get 4 weeks, or; B) He didn't choose to bump and the broken jaw is incidental--in which case he should be found not guilty. Instead, neither of those options is taken and he gets 2 weeks instead. Why?
  19. Don't worry. Gleeson would just pirrouette delicately out of the way.
  20. Shock/horror!!! This must mean he's unhappy at Melbourne and wants to be traded back to Adelaide.
  21. Let's hope the game's not TOO close then.
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