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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Wow Lynden Dunn has turned into a good player.
  2. The game is about Essendon. Melbourne is playing, but that's all.
  3. *shudder* But at least he's good at getting people to do what he wants them to do.
  4. I wonder what would happen if Col moved to Richmond. Would they finish last every year because Sylvia's presence would cause them to play shite every game, or would they win the Premiership every year because every game they play has Colin Sylvia playing in a Richmond game--in which he invariably looks a million bucks?
  5. Get him. It'll keep up the illusion that I'm tall enough to play footy.
  6. James Frawley has shithouse body language and is not a leader in any way shape or form. If he wants to leave, I say let him. Let's use the pick we get for him on someone who can help make the players around him better.
  7. Just like Ross Lyon could go from contender to contender winning them premierships. Oh, wait...
  8. Wise words often bear repeating... ...as many times as it takes....
  9. Am I the only one who actually finds the Paul Roos / Ross Lyon "defence-fest" really entertaining? I mean, I could do without chipping it 40 metres backward for no apparant reason (but then again so could Paul Roos I bet); but other than that I find it much more tactically interesting than the 30 goal a game alternative that I'm "supposed" to like.
  10. I thought Jamar was gawn, and I thought Gawn had made it. I was wrong on both accounts. Pedo was on my hit list, but I was wrong about that too. I though Dunn was just handy depth, but it turns out he's one of the first picked. I knew Jetta had it in him, but I couldn't for the life of me work out why he hadn't caught on yet.
  11. Our players have a choice right now. They can pretend they've made it like they did in 2010, or they can use the good results of the past few weeks as a springboard for real development. I hope they understand just where they're at, and how far they still have to go to be any good.
  12. This is a bloke who (when fully fit) was jumping on Justin Kozitchkie's head at centre bounces. He has all the athleticism to be a fantastic footballer. I don't know why he hasn't really come on like I thought he would.
  13. There are trades that--while fair--would destroy the fabric of the club. Nathan Jones would probably be a fair trade for Nat Fyfe, but to actually go through with it would do more harm than good for us.
  14. I think there is some legitimate concern at what Sydney might be able to accomplish with the team they've been able to assemble.
  15. I hadn't thought of it until now, but it was at this game exactly 10 years ago that I became officially hooked to footy. I had attended a few scattered games with my grandfather ever since moving down from Brisbane (luckily or unluckily the 2000 Grand Final was one of them); but it was a blistering comeback performance from Adem Yze and the gang on QB 2004 that truly brought me into the fold. Ten years later and still no Premiership, but I wouldn't have traded that time for anything else--unless it might be a gold car and a couple of hot chicks. Or a few more wins after about 2006. That would have been nice too.
  16. To me it feels like he's been around forever already. I still remember very early in his career he got towelled up by Nick Riewoldt for the first 15 minutes of a game. I wrote him off then and there, but (naturally) he proceeded to destroy Roo for the rest of the night. He's a handy player, but does a bit too much aimless running with ball-in-hand for my taste.
  17. Please do yourself a favour and go discover the purpose of a question mark.
  18. Makes me feel like a pretty good judge of footy players, TBH.
  19. Mentioned the fact that our biggest improvement has been our ability to keep the ball from turning over. I've been saying for years that the goals from turnovers has been the number one reason why we've sucked so much. Every week we seemed to average about -60 points in this area (coincidently a pretty close match to our average losing margin).
  20. It's pretty easy when you mostly post tripe. I should know.
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