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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Why is Brisbane the club of choice for Melbourne coaches’ out-of-fashion footballers to go and live out their last days? First it was Dean Bailey’s Travis Johnston; then it was Mark Neeld’s Brent Moloney & Stef Martin; now it’s Paul Roos/Simon Goodwin’s Lynden Dunn.
  2. It’s just fair payment for us, y’know…inventing the game and all.
  3. There's that 20 point margin. Let's see how long the Crows can maintain this pressure on the Swans' lead. Commentators just said Eddie Betts is the first small forward since Jeff Farmer in 2000 to get near 80 goals. And there's that 20 point margin obliterated again in short order by the Swans.
  4. Adelaide still keeping it interesting, but I'd be very surprised if they could get it under 20 points for long. Sydney is just doing enough after that massive first 15 minutes.
  5. We are. And not just on the wings. All over the ground, is the inside mail.
  6. That Adelaide crowd booing after one of their players basically karate kicked Lindsay Thomas have no idea.
  7. I for one welcome our new Giant overlords. (Anything to stop Hawthorn winning the thing every year.)
  8. And the funniest thing to me is that it hasn't even been equal between those 3 clubs, as evidenced by the fact that Hawthorn are going for 4 on the trot.
  9. You can't expect to receive preferential treatment if you don't network. It's social relations 101.
  10. Great Gawney's Beard! This post is the very definition of TLDR.
  11. So Rohan's basically saying that beating Hawthorn then losing to Geelong is worse than if the results were reversed, simply because that's the lasting taste we'll have in our mouths? I prefer the Paul Roos angle: That none of this will even matter next year and when the team is playing finals.
  12. Stuie be like: "I am become death, the destroyer of threads."
  13. Give him the complete first season of Vikings: The TV Series on Blu-Ray.
  14. Don't pretend you don't know what you did. EDIT: Removed idiotic quoted gif.
  15. Do you ever post except to disagree with someone?
  16. I haven't watched a Dockers game in 6 years. Are they still overly reliant on Matthew Pavlich?
  17. Part of me hates them for it. Another part smiles that one club has managed to find a way to cling to their VFL ground and turn it into a weapon.
  18. And how would you fix racism in Australia? By prohibiting natural conversation flow in online forum threads? The thread was actually about the rules regarding footy jumpers.
  19. I agree that railing against "political correctness" is too-often used by racists/bigots as a way to excuse their own actions without really changing. As for the Louis CK thing, it sure wouldn't surprise me that he did things described in that article. Influential men do that all the time and it's a disgusting abuse of power every time. David Letterman is one. It's not right, but I was under the assumption that you had some information about him being a child molester (which I'm sure you'd agree is another level of wrong).
  20. So youtube is a Louis CK centric site now? Don't just make me google. I found info for you, so now it's your turn to do the same.
  21. The guy is a loving father of two who made a child molestation joke that some people thought was over the line. I'll let you be the judge though (if you don't want to watch it, he basically said "Child molesters are rightfully treated like scum by society, and yet they still molest children. So from their point of view, child molestation must be amazing. To risk all that if you get caught, and still think it's worth it.")
  22. Seen all his stuff. Nothing pisses him off more than "think of the children" style political correctness.
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