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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Bit of an overreaction mate. I'm not interested in players statements in podcasts - that doesn't mean I'm not interested in the club.
  2. I remember hearing/reading similar statements before the 2023 season as a response to 2022. Not interested until we show we've learned from it in a final.
  3. You don't talk up a Melbourne player by saying another team's player sucks.
  4. Fell off an absolute cliff and killed us with his softness particularly late in the year and in finals.
  5. This man will decide our flag fortunes next year. 25 great games from him and Max and we've got a tremendous chance.
  6. I think he's cooked, but will give him the benefit of the doubt one more time as long as he has an uninterrupted pre-season. Very much a continuity and fitness reliant player.
  7. Much maligned by me. He really would benefit from improving his disposal. I know he runs a lot and that probably influences how fatigued he is when kicking, but getting the ball is half the battle. Disposing of it is the other half.
  8. Aren't we always saying "less talk, more action"?
  9. One of the first early signs of a lot of flag years is the media putting out articles about how the premier-to-be is terrible actually.
  10. Too bad the logo isn't on the front. Our mids might kick to a leading target if it were so obvious.
  11. There's surely something to it? Possibly the club thinks it's better than it is, and that results will just come.
  12. Great mark from Pearce. Too bad she'd miss from the square.
  13. The amount of blind panic in every disposal is just shocking.
  14. That goal was desperately needed to say the least. Guess I'll have to keep paying attention to this one.
  15. And despite all the games played together, it looks for all the world like they've never played with each other in their lives. Absolutely zero connection.
  16. Can someone explain what has happened to this side? Did we really just beat up on minnows all year?
  17. Looks like change for change's sake. If it gets some saps to shell out for club merch then I'm fine with it. I'll still be rocking my GF Guernsey though.
  18. People also lose motivation by having nothing feel important, which is what happens when every day is just some nebulous search to get better. Having an enemy is powerful. Most of the great things done in history were specifically achieved with a single nameable enemy to overcome. This demons side plays like one that is extremely bland, and that's due in part to a poorly defined motivating factor. "Winning the flag in front of our home fans" isn't good enough - every club has the same motivation. What's our specific motivator that sets us apart?
  19. Not sure it makes sense for 3 teams to have "Win the flag" as a pass mark. What kind of grading system is that where only 1/3 of the graded teams can actually pass?
  20. Great first quarter dees. We're so clean and fit, running two ways and outnumbering at both ends. Could have been even further in front.
  21. Would be an absolute crime for JVR to win it over McVee. I'm OK with them sharing it but McVee deserves it all to himself.
  22. Honest mistake, surely. Humans are hardwired to refer to people as him/her and it takes conscious effort to get it right 100% of the time. While it's important to try to respect peoples wishes anyone who makes a gender/dead-name or similar mistake in good faith shouldn't be criticised as being "cringe". It's the ones who refuse to acknowledge the wishes of the person who we need to focus on.
  23. Insane decision to award advantage there. The advantage rule ticks me off to no end. I'd almost prefer that if you take advantage and stuff up the next possession you can always get it back no matter the result. Free kicks need to actually be advantageous.
  24. So you're saying the Dees players should look to learn a thing or two from the conversion rates of the supporters into members?
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