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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. Ahh, no! You're breaking the adverb/adjective rule. You can ask Steven whether he thinks what he said was that stupid, or query him on level of stupidness. But asking someone whether they think they are stupid is definitely a no-no. Forum etiquette is tough to get ones head around. But this place will be all the better for it...
  2. Would not have a clue about the worth of pick 12, but I will say this - Geelong when they filled a hole through trading (Ottens) - were a little ahead of where we are at at the moment. So I agree with Deemolition that if, say, a Jesse White came along I would be going hard to get him but filling a hole in a couple years time is perfectly acceptable when we are better and have a clearer idea of holes in the 22.
  3. I have always thought the football gods would never let this guy have success. Carlton get good, they get rid of Fev. Fev arrives at Brisbane as the empire crumbles. Steer clear.
  4. I know a certain someone who would like to punch you in the schnoz...
  5. I have a problem with recruiting brothers of good players. My memory is still haunted by the day when Damian Gaspar, Darren's challenged brother, stubbed his toe kicking out after a point. He broke his foot. I still stand by the opinion that you have to be very special to break your foot kicking out after a point. He broke his bloody foot!
  6. I prefer it that way: get rid of the 'keyboard heroism' and take it onto the streets. It's just a healthier way of living. I might take my keyboard with me. Not to type on though...
  7. Apparently the 'tone' in text is hard to see for a number of people... I would be far more respected on this forum than you Deelirium. In both content and tone. Is that fair dinkum enough? Jeez...
  8. I can't stand p!ssheads like you personally attacking posters.
  9. Jones had a better year than about 25 Demons - including Watts - does this mean that Jones has more to give in the future because he gave more in 2010? I have not said Jones is over the hill, in fact I said he could be apart of our flag team. But he isn't Flag Core and that makes him vulnerable. I wouldn't be comparing Jones and Morton. Completely different players, with wildly different attributes and weaknesses. And I think you are straying from the 'JCB Abverb Rule'... You need to say that what I write is a 'fair dinkum joke pal,' not myself - or else you're attacking a fellow poster and people are very sensitive about that... One might even offer to punch you in the face for even a perceived attack resulting from the inability to read the 'tone' of text. Fair Dinkum Joke, signing off...
  10. Maybe, but I still like the idea of a 200cm FF that gives Jamar a break from time to time and offers us a deep target. Suddenly Moloney can lift his eyes do what he used to do to Neitz - bomb it on his head.
  11. Otherwise dee-luded is going to punch you in the face...
  12. rpfc

    Pick Upgrade

    You have got to be kidding me... Yeah, deeluded. You're the zen master. And posters accuse me of being arrogant and condescending... Which I am. But I'm sharing the love here.
  13. rpfc

    Pick Upgrade

    You know what's funny? This post irritates me more than anything in this thread...
  14. You are forgetting how good he was before the Freo game and Sandilands cleaning him up. Him and Jamar were great. Brittle body, maybe. But if the OP is gone he can play for 5 more years.
  15. rpfc

    Pick Upgrade

    What the hell are you talking about? No offence, H007. But this thread is one of reasons why the human race is going to be here a fraction of the time that dinosaurs were here. And yes I am including my own rambling thoughts. Someone expunge it.
  16. rpfc

    Pick Upgrade

    Channeling WYL with your conspiratorial tone? And you're likening JCB to some sort of forum martyr. You have got to be kidding me. Actually, I don't mind the reference to someone's views with an adverb but what I don't like are those people who criticise posters for using a describing adverb suddenly turning around and doing what they criticise. You can't play the victim and then commit the same crime and then claim to be the victim again. Yes, RR can be caustic, and HT and Jaded dismissive, but I'm not their bloody forum mother. That's Nasher...
  17. About 4 days after it starts...
  18. Aaron Davey will keep Demon kids interested. Liam Jurrah will devastate fathers who support other clubs...
  19. rpfc

    Pick Upgrade

    Thankyou for that clarification. Basically, if you stick to adverbs - you can say whatever the hell you want. Oh, forums...
  20. What?! Don't embarrass us. The guy is a very good FF. Bailey would love to do that deal.
  21. I voted Moloney as I want my captain to be in the guts, and be a natural leader of men. I understand the desire to see Green captain and I would see him as a good captain. I just think that when the going gets tough, I know who will show the way under Jamar. And I have an issue with a HFF being captain.
  22. Slander! Yes. Bad day. But if you are positing that this stat can be read into as a guide for kicking ability then you cannot only apply to a few, or one. I think you are a guilty of picking and choosing stats. Pains me to say it, Nasher. It does. Now clean out your desk.
  23. Backwards step. Giving up a bloke who has finished in the top 4 in the Bluey twice in the last 4 years for a poor man's Robbo. I wonder if you would have said the same thing 12 months ago. I'm pretty confident you won't say the same thing 12 months from now...
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