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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. rpfc

    Pick Upgrade

    That wouldn't be JCB belittling a poster, would it? Didn't think so.
  2. Maybe, but my first option would be to out and try to land someone younger...and better.
  3. I think he has. And on the the comparison to Macca: Macca was a tagger and a bloody good one, and when he was allowed to - found the pill at will. He has a much better footy brain than Jones. But in the end, it comes down to decision making and execution. Jones is getting better at the latter but hasn't progressed (and not many do) in the former.
  4. He's vulnerable to a trade. Bailey is obviously looking for a big lump up forward and Warnock is attracting interest due to the fact that he was in and out of the team.
  5. Dawes isn't that much more mobile than White. A mobile tall forward, Watts, Jurrah, and Green would trip over each other in the forward line. I think Bails wants a big lump to do what Jamar does from time to time, in the goal square hitting a pack. Jesse White is probably exactly what Bailey has in mind, Gawn might be a chance to be this, maybe Fitzpatrick. Martin can't kick, and therefore should not be groomed as a FF/FP. I would go hard after White, especially after his omission from the semi. That stuff hurts. Let's hope Longmire doesn't see White as part of his plans.
  6. rpfc

    Pick Upgrade

    Hang on... Nah, let go...
  7. Macca is, until the relevant list lodgement, on the VL. He takes the place of the 7th selected Rookie. That boy might be champing at the bit, but chances are he's crap...
  8. I really hope WYL knew that 2SJ was taking some urine out of him. I fear for him otherwise.
  9. Dunn went missing for 5 years... Everyone loves him now. Bate limitations are there for all to see - I have mentioned them many times. He has a lot of work to do but, as with most players, he needs an injury free PS and to capture some form. He isn't Flag Core but he can be valuable. Oh, and one the funniest moments of hypocrisy this off-season - the OP mentioned he could be traded to a team closer to a flag than us and he's 23! See you later Colin, Aaron, Brent, Mark, etc...
  10. If you don't want people to offer their opinion of your opinion - you need to start a blog and disable the comments. Welcome to a forum.
  11. The guy cannot kick. I would hate to see him and Watts fighting over the same ball, I'll be cheering for Watts to push him in the back, hit him over the head, trip him up, you see where I am going with this... I would prefer Watts kicking at goal than Clark was where I was going. This has been edited because I have an image to uphold - and that is rpfc doesn't make spelling mistakes. Above that.
  12. I love a nervous-MFC supporter thread of paranoia as much as the next anxious hand-wringing Demon but he is 2 years away! Can we save our energy for a time a little closer to the 2012 draft? And no-one gets to chime in with 'It's a forum, buddy' or 'who made you the thought police?' It's only a suggestion, guys and gals.
  13. Contracts don't run-out till October 31st. This desire to get everyone signed before we hit October is a foreign business model pushed by the media. Watts not signed as of September 7 doesn't concern me. Just as an aside - this was brought up on a separate issue and I don't want debate what some will debate here - but giving Bruce a three year contract from 08 to 10 in March of 07 was way too early to give someone a contract. Basic theme of this post: October signings - yeah, little late but meh. Late September/Early October signings - Perfect time for everyone. Early September signings - Taking trade off the table. Good time for clubs but I can see why agents wait. March signings - WTF?
  14. For those that don't know quote, it goes something like: Reports of my trading have been widely exaggerated. He twittered that many years ago...
  15. I think Mark Twain's famous line comes into play here. And he isn't a Flag Core, so he is vulnerable, but that doesn't mean he is gone. I would say that a third of premiership winning team are 'periphery' players. Nathan might be one.
  16. I haven't seen enough exposed AFL form from the last 3, and Wonna was a close one but I need some strong form from his hamstrings in 2011.
  17. It's subjective of course, but nailing down a position when you are 20 isn't a great concern for me. The more troubling behaviour would be how Colin Sylvia conducted himself in his early years. I don't hear anything resembling that so i'm pleased. And I brought up Colin to illustrate that yo don't have to be a together, ultra-professional superstar from the get-go to be a Flag Core player. It doesn't hurt though...
  18. I think 45 juxtaposed your post with a previous one detailing said rumour, to point out the fact that if you were 'passing on (said) rumour to demonland,' it was a tad redundant...
  19. I wish to coin a new term - 'Flag cores.' I think required player can be interpreted a manner of different ways. Whereas 'Flag Core players' are those that are vital to the MFC winning a flag in the near future. Those that form the Core of a Flag winning team. Those players are: Scully, Trengove, Watts, Jurrah, McKenzie, Sylvia, Grimes, Morton, Frawley, Garland, Bennell, and Petterd. I see only Jamar and Davey playing an important role out of the older players, but others will/could play periphery roles. As for how that comes into play here; keep your hands off the above players!
  20. And what is Dunn? He ain't a CHF. He's a HFF too. In a negation role for the most part. Who, incidentally, went missing in the biggest game of the year against the Hawks. I am pleased with his form turnaround but I don't want to give him a bigger rap than he deserves. He has done nothing for years, and 5 or 6 effective to good games and we are marrying him to a position to our long term forward line? Please...
  21. Maybe, but in the instance that they convinced Bruce to stay (not that he needs convincing - this is all probably rubbish) and they didn't act on Junior - he would not have had the farewell he deserved.
  22. This is a bumped thread. That comment was from May - against the Bulldogs. Bate can go missing in games - Dunn has gone missing for entire seasons. I know HT loves the Respect Ladder - Dunn is well below Bate on that ladder, while in terms of current talent and performance Dunn is ahead. 0 However, I believe that sometimes (alot of the time) fans get stuck on the last match(es) they saw. I know you are only as good as the last snap judgement you make...err, last game you play, but more reflection is required. Bate was struggling with injury this year and I would not be trading him yet. They both have hard work to do - but they both should be kept in 2011.
  23. You can't put players from other clubs onto oyur VL until they have been here for 10 years. So Pav would be 39... It's designed to keep the Brad Johnson's of this world around longer than would be afforded them on the actual list.
  24. You're right. We couldn't have waited for Bruce to make a decision; we had to properly farewell Junior. I don't think Bruce will go, but if he does, I am in favour of a full reversal of the decision to retire Junior.
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