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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. That's true. In fact, many reading this thread would like us to stop intimating that we will play finals next year - for it places a hex on the club!
  2. Yes, it reveals naivete. The only thing that would happen in October is one of two things: players get lazy and unfit or they maintain some sort of conditioning(ie. they went for the periodic run). That's it.
  3. A foil? Maybe, but we are looking to address a specific position arent we? Back-up ruck/FP - so that we can have a ruck to help Jamar and also not over-burden us with talls to take away from our running game. Another thing is: where do you put all these similar players. Petterd Watts Dunn Wonaeamirri Jurrah Green Sylvia, Bate, Tapscott Who does he push out? Anthony is purely a lead-up forward. He does it quite well. Not as well as Green though, and he will be there for the rest of his career. Assuming he doesn't have an aversion to one-year contracts...
  4. Leave Newton alone! How the hell was he supposed to know he was still going to be on the list?! Seriously though, I can't believe I was arguing with posters about the guy's application... He doesn't do enough, and this PS is his last chance. Not a great start.
  5. I would like a fade to blue... It kind of starts pink and fades to red. Notice left of Green and right of Chip... It's very good though.
  6. It's funny because he is the only player in the AFL 'who can replace the spot left by Bruce' because he is eligible for the VL. But I would prefer to bring back Macca. If we want to fill the second vet role then it's between Macca and TJ.
  7. Really good job. It's all Hankook though... Should be a shout out for the greatest anti-virus software in the world.
  8. We weren't criticising them. We were illustrating how every club has these issues to contend with. All clubs have players they push out the door before they are ready to leave. Why? Because no-one wants to leave. They envision the Churchill quote and stay past their use-by.
  9. I don't understand this sentence.
  10. But they got a flag out of it, which is what has blinded agent orange. These things happen in a game no-one wants to leave. We are on our way to the promised land and there will be many sacrificed along the way to get there. But they can enjoy it as much as the rest of us. I only want the FD to be honest with all players - tell them the truth and they, and we, can make decisions accordingly.
  11. 2008 B+F and the 3 games in 2005 pre-Guerra. Those three games were great...
  12. You sound like my grandma... There's always pruning to be done. If you want me to haul chicken manure, you can forget it!
  13. That makes sense. He has the engine for it and the smarts to run the other way and make the 'star' he is on accountable the other way. That was Godfrey's great issue. Endurance and fight, but no brains and an awful kick.
  14. You can be sure of this. Our talent is 10 years younger than him and yet we are making allowances because he has been here so long. The pattern of the club until Bailey came in was one of unbelievable respect of the club's stalwarts. To the detriment of the club itself. The club should be bigger than the individual, but that is our lot in the AFL isn't it. We are Melbourne. We respect our players. We don't care about flags - we just want to treat our B+ players with respect and let them play on their terms for as long as they see fit. MFCSS I have evolved from the syndrome. Anyone else?
  15. The games we can put into our talented youth next year is the worth of the season - not the 6th to 10th finish. But you still do need some leaders around the place. Although, having said that - I'm more of a rap for our leaders below the age of 21 then those older than that.
  16. I tell you what is important. We have become younger for the 4th straight year. With Junior and Bruce leaving it means we easily cover the 40 years of experience we gather each year. Hard to expect immense things for a team that is still getting younger, still rebuilding.
  17. About a year back we had a massive thread that explored this. I exaggerated the mission of a club. But the statement rings true - a club exist to win flags. Good clubs win flags. Great clubs win flags, and provide a good club environment. Everything other than success can be contained in 'good club environment.'
  18. I think he means that because TH and DB went after him in the first place they forfeit their claims for good judgment. But I would argue that 1st post is a forfeit of good judgment. MFCSS "For everyone that can go wrong, will go wrong. And it only happens to Melbourne, and we never have a decent FD, and why can't we be more like Collingwood. I really wish we could attract and keep players - other clubs never lose players like we do."
  19. MFCSS Oh, this is giving me the vapours!! How dare they look past the heroes of the 2000 GF... You do realise that Cameron was injured for the Granny don't you? We are trying to win a flag and you want to celebrate that by holding on too long to stalwarts of a failed past. We wanted to keep him, but he left for the price of a Rav4 and assurances of his 13th year of AFL. Excuse me, for thinking about the footy club... And a fracking flag.
  20. Suprised?! Effing oath we were suprised. We offered him his 12th year on less than market after paying him for most of the 11 before that above market. We expected him to sign on and finish his career as a one club player. Forgive us for not thinking that he would leave for an extra $20/40k after tax, and assurances of games and/or a year extension. He wants a flag and fair enough. But I think he will come to regret this decision.
  21. His own analysis? So Schwab says to Tim Harrington - "Hold off on your planning, Tim. I know you want to win a flag and we are paying you build a list to do that but we are waiting for our veterans to decide what to do." How could that possibly work?! All those names listed that were "burnt" were shown the door to hasten the event that probably gives you wet dreams - a flag. Forgive me for not caring about whether we pull the pin on 'heroes' a year earlier than they 'should' get. They got to play for the Melbourne Football Club and got paid to do it. A footy club is put on this earth to do one thing - win flags. "So I hear a word out of any of you that ain't helping me out or taking your leave, I will shoot you down. Get to work!"
  22. Here, effing, here! The guy had nothing to offer. I'm sorry to all those who think he was funny - I'm sure you'll enjoy Jackass 3D as a way of consoling yourself.
  23. We'll be fine without him but the statement I said before still rattles around in my head: If we knew Bruce was off I think we would have given Junior another. So now I can't help but get to the conclusion that TH's job has been dictated to by a former player. It does not sit well with me. I don't care about what 'it will look like' - I only care about a flag, and if experience is needed to drive this kids on then bring him back. We have leaders to replace him but... There are leaders and then there are leaders... Junior is/was one.
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