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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. To be honest, I think you are stuck in this "PR, advertising, message-driven" mindset that pervades our society. This isn't the Gruen Transfer, we are not selling something - we are trying to build something to buy into. Building a club isn't about product positioning - it's about honouring the past, making the most of the present, and looking to the future. We sent the entire club to China. The entire club. And invited past greats. We turned an exhibition game into a 'footy club' trip. The only journo on board is the club journo - Matt Burgan. This expensive sojourn isn't selling the MFC, it's creating an environment at the club for people to admire. And our song, ripped off the Americans as it may be, talks of an emblem of the team we love. What emblem? A figurative one? Left for the imagination? Schwab and Stynes said "Frack it, let's design an emblem that the club stands for." It wasn't meant to look good. It was meant to look busy and arrogant and proud. We will have the one-dimensional demon logos come and go but none will have the meaning and resonance that the emblem has. I stand by it, and I hope that boards for decades to come stand by it.
  2. The flame is representative of those that died at war. Our b+f honours them, our emblem should too. Overkill is an unfortunate irony... The emblem will be around, assuming future boards respect what schwab and stynes are trying to achieve, for a very long period and we have the various demon logos that will come and go. Yeah, it's busy, but the club's had a busy life. It doesn't work as a corporate logo? Too fracking right; we aren't a corporation.
  3. You realise that old55 was talking about the point of the thread don't you? Not me? I mean, I know you want to be clever but get the context right.
  4. You'd be surprised. Surprised how little there is to do in Canberra.
  5. PJ must be your illegitimate son, honestly... Noises about Newton, huh? We'll see...
  6. The FD don't make decisions on players after one exhibition game. I cannot believe I have been put in a position where I have posted that about 5 times this week... For shame, Demonland!
  7. As I am going for laughs again - can old55 please tell what the hell is the point of this? Tall players come later in a BA drafting process? Jurrah is hard to place? The spelling of players names is improving? Making a list is an important skill?
  8. Is it? Or do the 'regulars' on here like a statement to be backed up with a decent argument? I hardly think we are guilty of 'groupthink'... I can't stand the opinions of half the people on here...
  9. You know what, I was wondering about that first line myself but I stuck to gut reaction. I would like to think I let a lot go off my back and under the bridge but some things just rile. I remember this time last year I was just trying to get laughs and didn't take anything seriously at all which led one prominent poster to call me 'unreadable.' But this place in general is unreadable at this time of year. The boys are in China and we are off with the fairies. That's it, I'm going for laughs again.
  10. My view that it is misguided for Newton to be retained for a year to be resurrected into a KPD, is my risk averse mentality at play? I don't think it is worth our time.
  11. Of course, but it doesn't mean Cameron Schwab has to get out his chequebook.
  12. His goal against the Dogs in the wet was one of the finest peices of play I have seen at the footy. I hope he continues to develop. Can go missing for long periods.
  13. I appreciate your passion for this bloke. But we are a footy club, not the Reach Foundation. Footy is not more important than your life and he needs to get his right.
  14. OMFG!! I am getting sick of this place. Everyone is so bloody sensitive... We haven't butted heads BB for years, and yet I am slightly patronising and I get that?! Jurrah is a good player. He pulls out of contests. He isn't brave because he jumps on people. He can work on it. That is rpfc's opinion. By all means take offence, people.
  15. As a defender I am taking offence at the ease of which some of you think it is to play there. Yes, it is easier to be taken to the ball rather than seeking it yourself but remember - defenders have to worry about the pill and the man, and defenders in the modern game are asked to do more and more. I don't think the 'Newton switch' is easy and I don't think it is a necessary gamble. Our backline doesn't need it. It's only a rookie spot I know, but Newton has run his race.
  16. Really? You didn't see the sarcasm? It was pretty effective argument to - the bravest person in that instance is the bloke who shoulders are being jumped on. The guy has flaws, unbelievable!
  17. You're stealing credit here, Chook. You mentioned the caveat of shurt bursts, Olman Emubitter mentioned Frawley as a mid. He should mention the caveat if that is what he means. Isn't it amazing that we live in a world where your words are taken literally? Annoying...
  18. It started on our HFF. The basic premise was he was up the ground causing trouble.
  19. Why are we expected to be such a benevolent force in this man's life? I agree that Reach should be involved - I mentioned it earlier, but the footy club is just that. Krakeour is getting a second chance because of an attitude adjustment AND incredibly good football. Peterson needs to reassess, get out of the game, and come back when he has his mind right.
  20. Where was that caveat? Post it or we will take it as it's written. And the modern game sees Frawley doing his stuff in the middle of the ground from time to time anyway. And close minded? How did you get there from here?
  21. To be fair, that line was meant to illicit a response. You got it.
  22. He's on the VL which means a rookie spot will free up. Unless, we bring back Junior...
  23. There you go! I would take the time to post that when you bring it up. Good points, but the fact of the matter is he is an AA in his 4th year as a tall defender that rebounds quite a bit and gets into the middle more than many defenders. I wouldn't be changing that much. In fact, I still think our defence is our strongest 'line.' Give them a few years to settle.
  24. With all due respect to the idea that we 'should hear out all ideas and not immediately shoot them down' - the mention of Frawley going into the midfield was one line with no argument whatsoever. Give some backing for the argument, otherwise the arse will fall out... Posters put their ideas for them to get critiqued. If you don't agree with the previous sentence - "Blog - diasable comments"
  25. I have little sympathy for him but no animosity. I do love the story of his exit though, Bailey used him to stamp his authority on the group. Always good to hear those stories.
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