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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. Just thinking... If my team lost it's captain and vice captain we would have a bit of work to do...
  2. I agree with all of that and I was leaning toward Moloney only a few weeks ago, purely because of the expectations he places on his teammates and himself in those important two hours; he demands a willingness of the contest. I have moved away from that because of various issues with off-field related expectations that are placed on the captain. Green looks to be the best of an adequate lot, primarily because of his leadership on the field but he is on a par with Aaron in representing the club and apparently behind him with involvement in the club and the younger brigade (of which we have such high hopes). It would be a difficult decision but as I have said before - I would understand either choice.
  3. With all that posturing aside... We would love to have you for a few more years, Tom.
  4. The very nature of the 'whipping boy' is someone unfairly targetted by people. It's a pre-emptive strike that Satyricon is making, so when someone criticises Bate for instance, it could be passed of as 'just another go at everyone's favourite whipping boy...' Minimising the impact of the criticism. For me - posters can criticise whomever they want but if you don't bring supporting arguments to be examined you will be ridiculed. I can't stand things like 'Bate just looked out of it today. I think he should have been traded.' Infuriating.
  5. Fa·ce·tious   /fəˈsiʃəs/ [fuh-see-shuhs] –adjective 1. not meant to be taken seriously or literally: a facetious remark. 2. amusing; humorous. 3. lacking serious intent; concerned with something nonessential, amusing, or frivolous: a facetious person.
  6. Can someone please find the monthly take-in of the Demon shop and compare it to last year. Just as important.
  7. Yeah, he ain't perfect. But Green is the same. It still beggars belief that he could have been such a ghost at the club while injured that he didn't even make the leadership group. That worries me too. Again, I think either one would make a good choice with neither being perfect. Or near it.
  8. Now this is an interesting comment. Does anyone (probably everyone) recall at the beginning of 09 when Green was injured and wasn't selected in the leadership group? That was because he wasn't seen or heard while he was in rehab. I thought it strange then, and mentioned it. Copped some criticism and that's fine. Also Green taking care of his body is fine too. But there are some leaders who go beyond a txt message to new players and actually call them. That's just an example not the reason for why Aaron would get the gig. It'll be between Green and Davey and I will understand why they choose whoever they choose.
  9. Can we please panic now? I know you want to...
  10. rpfc

    Jim Stynes

    I just got red in the face!! Start a new thread, instead. Jeez...
  11. I like to think of this bloke like Shepard Book off Firefly. Fans will know where I am going with this. Didn't really smother anyone with his religion and famously (to Firefly/Serenity fans) said to Mal Reynolds that he just wanted him to believe in something, he didn't care what, only that Mal truly believed in it. Man, I love that show! Anyway, my one belief - The Dees.
  12. Can you please keep Land out of the gutter thankyou. We are hosting some Ology refugees and I wouldn't want them to think anything other than rpfc as a good and proper poster. GG and TGR can go to Christmas Island, but.
  13. I have seen Watts cop a bit. Bate and Morton more and more. Batram's kicking has had me roll the eyes a few time. And, stay with me here, Jurrah has copped it for the same reason TJ copped it. Looks lazy. Melbourne supporters... Tisk, tisk.
  14. If you could do that we would still have Fitzroy and they would be an embarrassment.
  15. I'm hardly gettin into a theistic debate here, DC. And my second post was a joke from Talladega Nights. Your criticism has excited HO007 too. There are always consequences... And yes, there is only one true religion.
  16. They're gold, and you know it, DC.
  17. I like to think of Jesus as, like, wearing a tuxedo shirt? Because he wants to be formal, but he also wants to say "hey, I'm here to party." This has single handedly redeemed this thread. Amen.
  18. I agree with E25 - you seem to have a 'fundamentalist' (heh) view of atheism. I'm a atheist, but I have thought about religion in my life and studied it at uni. Religion has a lot to offer and the Bible itself is full of more useful allegorical anecdotes of good moral behaviour than the Harry Potter series. And the are 7 times longer and sold twice as many copies...
  19. Yes they would have. You gotta pay someone... That is the short version of what 45 is saying. All teams down the bottom of the ladder are overpaying underperformers. It's the nature of the system.
  20. I'm a not going to get stuck on the minutiae - I was just trying to give my argument some evidence (sorely lacking in some other posters 'arguments'). I have bolded the 'bruce left' bits of your post because that is my point. He left. We didn't force him out, I have tried to fashion a window into his motives and have tried to be logical about it. You're right that we don't know. We never really can tell what is going on inside someone's head. But he left the MFC. The MFC were willing to keep him and offered him above market and a 12th year at this great club. Cameron the Bruce left the building of his own accord for his own reasons.
  21. I agree with most of what you say here. Not the win-win thing. We lost a VC for nothing (but we wouldn't have got much so who cares). And also the 'we could have kept him' argument gives undeserved fire to the argument that Bobby is clinging desperately to. We couldn't have kept him within reason. Money wouldn't have done it. He's on less. Extra year? Maybe but getting toward irresponsible by the club. Captaincy? Yes, but irresponsible. So all things being equal and the club working in a (shock horror) reasonable fashion - we could NOT have kept Cameron Bruce at the club.
  22. That's not an argument against atheism, it's an argument against foxholes.
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