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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. You are baiting me... Much, much too intelligent. And handsome.
  2. Contrition is admirable. Said that many times. But apologising for not believing a poster on Land concerning players' contracts is not required.
  3. Now, I could take this statement the wrong way couldn't I DC?
  4. I didn't realise you were serious. If Bruce gets to play on in 2012 then he will be played - and not to reach some milestone. We should be pushing the top 4-6 in 2012 and you think there is worth in promoting a rookie in place of Bruce?! There will be 5-10 players on our primary list who won't get a look in before we start to think about playing rookies.
  5. They are just using all the space they are allowed. I'll let De La Rue paint my car pink if he wanted to. He gets what he wants.. Within reason.
  6. I wouldn't worry about it. However, there are still times where people can do things to apologise for without ever meaning to offend anyone. It happens.
  7. I'm hurt. Will you apologise?
  8. Jeez, people. E25 is saying that our games against the interstate teams and the game at ES will lower our average home attendances. It will, he isn't saying that we will have less people supporting us, he is just saying that we had home games this year against high drawing Vic teams and now we have less - therfore our ave. attendance falls. Read between the lines. Or the actual lines.
  9. Well I am silly then. This stays. I don't want the emblem to be changed for decades. Have the Demon logos to sell stuff but this emblem should be above the door at Olympic Park HQ and Casey for decades. The Gardners of the future that want to bring their 'advertising expertise' in to the frame and change the emblem will have no support from me. This stays.
  10. Contrition is a valuable thing to possess and express. I just wonder if Redleg_24 has placed the same expectations upon himself...
  11. Are you a former great, JCB? Do you want to tell everyone, or are you happy with allusions?
  12. Frawley is an AA backman. Let's throw him forward. That isn't the attitude that gets you from 10th to a flag. Let me tell everone here - if we win a flag, Frawley will be FB kicking someone's arse. Not floating forward and trying to snag a few.
  13. Thanks for that value-add. Meh. Tyre pumping. Some people have to.
  14. How rich are the socks?! If that's the ones they will play in I might be a pair and tuck my cuffs into them. I'll look the part.
  15. What if? You cannot replace an AA ruckman - if he goes down then you may aswell play a good kid, rather than hope to the gods that the NQR ruckman who has replaced him can give near the same output.
  16. There are, as TU said, around 25k MFC supporters in the MCC. Over 9k of those people are signed up MFC members for 2011. Those non-MCC supporters who have a problem with us can you know what. Those MCC members who can afford the $150 but take the $50 can do the same. Those MCC members that can afford the $50 but don't take it up can also do the same. It isn't a question of being 'with us' or 'against us' it's a matter of me not liking you because you support a cricket club you have probably never seen play (and never want to, bunch of arrogant....) until you pay the extra donation to the MFC. I don't care that the MCC gives money to the club, until you do - I don't want to know about you.
  17. Heh. I have no problem with the vison and awareness of Jack Watts. (I now rock back arrogantly in my chair.) Seriously, there are issues but vision isn't one of them.
  18. I will admit one thing - my argument in this thread is a pre-emptive strike for a future trade week when we offer (and I applaud) too much to get too little but it's just enough. If you don't follow that statement, don't bother replying. If you understand but disagree, persuade me over the merits of not being shafted even when it might mean being KOTD.
  19. If E25 is filling the void left by YM and the F-word then I am all for him. He can be a d!ck, but YM was pointless to read for the monotonous regularity of MFC-love and delusion, and the other one hasn't had a decent idea or notion or argument on this place. But that's just me. And, according to some on here, I am in collusion with E... I can't be trusted at all...
  20. That is the risk - he might not be. Or 'Art Vandelay' might not be - but taking him before he 'should' be taken is fine by me if he is considered a chance of filling our needs. And trading away picks to get a good player in a 'bad' deal is fine by me. Note: Anyone who thought that I didn't get the Art Vandelay reference needs to learn the subtleties of the subtle joke. He is meant to reference 'anyone.'
  21. rpfc enjoys some red rooster and his friends company in the outer when he goes to the footy. The dining room is for neutrals and those that don't really like football, but want to be seen to like football. Persuade me people, persuade me!
  22. I don't know about this kid. What I am saying is that fans who say 'yeah, he is what we need but 35 is ten picks too high for him' make little sense. We have got our talent everywhere but this gaping hole to help out Jamar. We need to start taking risks and if that means taking players in the draft 'before their time' the so be it.
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