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Northern Summer

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Everything posted by Northern Summer

  1. How on earth did he become a Melbourne supporter when he grew up in Perth, lived there up until about 10 years ago (so deep in his 40s), and actually play for the WCE? I don't get it. Not complaining though.
  2. Amen. Glad to see some logic here.
  3. Would you say the ABC is impartial? (like it should be, being publicly funded)
  4. Terrible story. I remember seeing him out relatively frequently in that 2012 - 2015 period. Venues where that sort of stuff was rife although it was never my thing. He was always too slow. Looked like he was 38 when he was 28. Hang on, I'm 38 and look younger now ?
  5. Regarding your last line, spot on. Everyone loves Stynes and nobody would ever want to criticise him, but it's important to reflect on a few home truths. . Stynes, Lyon and Schwab were very very close to each other and had been for years. Stynes was the one who brutally sacked Paul McNamee on the spot as soon as he walked into the club as President and appointed his mate Schwab into the role. McNamee had only been in the job for 5 minutes, yet apparently his death knell came when he wanted to recruit Jonathan Brown on a big-money long-term deal. Suitors were hardly reaching out far and wide for Schwab and he didn't appear to leave Freo in glowing colours. It was clearly a boys club back then. Stynes might not have been well when the 186 debacle occurred, but his allegiance would certainly have been with Schwab over Bailey sadly. It continued beyond this. . Garry Lyon became involved and looked after Schwab (along with Stynes), giving Schwab a 2-year deal (which alone should raise eye-brows). Who hired Neeld - primarily Lyon and Schwab. Not one to excuse Neeld because he's clearly shown even in recent TV interviews his lack of self-awareness and man-management skills, something you would have expected he would have reflected on over the past 7-8 years. However, it's still my view that he was initially hired to coach with one mandate from Schwab - to [censored] the players in an old-school militant manner - much because of Schwab's knowledge of their distain of him. The reality in any management position is you can lose your direct reports (or players in this instance) in a single moment only never to get them back again - it's clear Neeld did this straight away and had no way back. Yes, it was his fault. Was it a condition he was hired under? Perhaps.
  6. Know some people will knock what i'm about to say, but one of the first things the AFL WOULD DO if it wanted to save money would be to abolish GWS and GC. It'll be a massive, but courageous, decision. GWS and GC are 30 year projects. The AFL will take well over a decade to get over this, probably 20 years. Sensible decisions need to be made now. The AFL subsidises those clubs completely. Massive money involved. They can hold a mini-draft and distribute the players evenly across the other clubs. This is what happens when wages and persons employed by clubs increases out of belief with little in reserve for a rainy day. Well that rainy day that nobody ever predicted has arrived. Strong leadership is required and controversial decisions.
  7. On the off-chance they do end up playing a 17-round season, my gut feeling would be that we would keep our Collingwood, Adelaide and Fremantle home games - because Collingwood is on Queens Birthday, Adelaide is in the NT and Fremantle is in the first 4 rounds. This would mean we would lose the St Kilda and Gold Coast home games, and theoretically get an extra home game. Probably a win for us, because we'd avoid two interstate trips. In reality, it would be a blessing in disguise if we lost the Collingwood home game if nobody could attend, if we were guaranteed it as a home game next season.
  8. The AFL CEO is the biggest 'politically correct' lefty going around, so I wouldn't be surprised to see this come about under his reign
  9. AGM's were actually in February every year up until perhaps 4-5 years ago, when they changed them to December. I wasn't even aware they changed it back. My understanding what that this member forum was designed to enable members to seek some sort of explanation for the 2019 disaster and raise questions in response to it, rather than act as a forum that always takes place at the AGM. I just presumed the club strategically placed it in mid/late November knowing most people were out of AFL mode by then, and have lost the heat of anger over the pathetic season, and somehow have a level of optimism back again, negating likely negative questions. .
  10. I've seen him in the MCC members in recent years with a Demons scarf on so he is a supporter as well!
  11. Lever or Gawn as Captain. It's hard to know the best choice without being inside the inner sanctum of the club. Lever does speak really well and looks a good fit.
  12. Bernie should come in to replace Tyson.
  13. Bernie needs too come back in next week
  14. I'm an MFC/MCC member and was able to use my membership number/barcode to buy tickets for the 2 finals. I presume I will also be able to buy a ticket to the Perth final then with this membership number/barcode. Just double checking because i've paid the big bucks for the flights over.
  15. Who has already booked? When are you going over? How many seats do the MFC get access to?
  16. The St Kilda game was, which followed Port. We got done over there too.
  17. How we lost is beyond me - We had two chances to completely ice the game and get to a 6 goal lead, but Petracca missed a very straightforward shot trying to be too clever, and Gawn dropped a mark he should have taken in the goal square. We probably would have won by plenty had we got that 6 goal lead. Kennedy-Harris missing a very simple shot with 120 seconds left. The Petracca torpedo with 90 seconds to go when there were plenty of players sideways and backwards to kill the clock. Vince spoiling and not marking Geelong's kick out from our last behind. However, like you said, Ablett pushing Brayshaw into the back with 40 seconds left was so bloody obvious and evident and right in front of the umpires. How this was missed is beyond me! The umpires did cost us the game with this.
  18. Closer to confirming a few names discussed last week I would have thought now. . nothing changes!
  19. This will be Matt Jones' third season. . correct me if I'm wrong but I thought he signed a two year extension during his first season, which would bring him out of contract at the end of this season? Also, Trefflich signed a one year deal at the end of last season (which surprised many), so no pay out needed there.
  20. Garland's problem is a bit like Grimes' in my opinion, they both take too long to dispose of the ball when they take possession/marks. Garland needs to back himself more rather than wasting vital seconds on the clock, by which time the opposition have man-ed up or flooded back and filled the holes. . it's the reason why (yesterday aside of course), generally we are too slow at moving the ball, and revert to kicking sideways because we have no other options. .
  21. Fair call, that's why I say it is a blessing for them because they have the chance to prove they are up to the level and worthy of a new contract.
  22. So we are 1/3 of the way through the season. Having so many injuries might be a blessing from a long-term perspective because it gives the club an indication which of the fringe players can step up and earn their spot, or otherwise demonstrate themselves as list-cloggers. At this stage, I would say the following players may well be delisted at season's end - McKenzie Terlich M.Jones Bail Fitzpatrick Players that may well be traded - Grimes Toumpas Howe Watts Trengove (if any takers) Thoughts?
  23. meanwhile, over in India, what a magnificent innings from both Cook and KP, and bowling from Monty. . looks very encouraging for those of us that like seeing the old dart do well. .
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