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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Touche, Hemmingway and Uncle Bitter! If you check the demon wiki stats Tom Flower was a much better footballer than was given credit. In todays game an outside mid with pace and beautiful skills. Could kick a goal AND in fact , If I recall he kicked 5 in a game vs the Filth when the filth were good! I think Carl Ditterich didn't take to him and although almost a Filth player ( Tommy Hafey) wanted him he ended up in the VFA played in a premiership or two then retired! Pity, with a considered approach would have been an excellent 100 game plus player .Typical Melbourne nurturing! Should not be mentioned on this site, nor should Greg Healy!
  2. Hnmmm Subliminal Handballs! Worked well in Advertising! Hasn't quite caught on yet here!!
  3. A tackle actually means you are second to the ball!! I see him as a poor mans Isaac Weetra!
  4. Well If Daniher has a Mc Donald for breakfast and Mc Donald for lunch maybe he will have Lower gut reactions and play Shizennnnnnn!
  5. Yep agree but notwithstanding that other than Max and Jessie and maybe Kent, I reckon this is the best team we have put on the park.!! I reckon a "Shock win" is definately on the cards! I say Shock because we have been expected to win our last three games and havent! So I'll take a "Shock" win anyday!!
  6. LOL and dont ya just know it Dazzle, Tommy Mac will be caught out of position again and this will be reality!
  7. I cant see on what basis Weeds will get a game, was in horrific form in the last two games previous!
  8. I have stated this on another thread Watts needs to play FF with Hogan at CHF Agree!
  9. As did his attrocious Kick to Geelong player backwards Two Rank, under 12 Errors have cost us momentum and Games. Get him OUT!
  10. I wish I did. Perform or your out!! I dont play favourites!
  11. Watch Daniher towel up the Mc Donalds Brothers it will be Carnage!
  12. Sheeeit dont even think let alone say things like that!! These sort of statements seem to infuriate the footy gods and before you know it another situation- calamity will occur!Only at Melbourne! Now as you were sayin!!??
  13. I like this as well However I have a smidgen of a feeling that another mid might come in for Viney, ostensibly injured, rested, make what you will! I would think seriously about Kennedy or White and regig! Why cant Hibberd be part of a midfield rotation I liked his game a lot!
  14. I like this Macca.. By the way your avatar I have finally worked out. It is the millisecond flash in the Exorcist when the real demon inside Regan appears as an apparition. Am I correct??
  15. Its called Dual captaincy and it never ever has worked or will work PERIOD! If IF Jones is cheesed can't blame him, Viney is not a leader and I'll say it now never will be. Too limited a player, still tries to beat tackle after tackle, plays a limited type of game. The real captain out there at the monet is WATTS !! The boy cometh the Man!
  16. Not bad, not bad at all. What I am really worried about is losing Watts to injury in a rucking contest. a role he shouldn't even be playing even as a back up. He is our most skilled player easily and he is really needed up forward kicking goals. Stop this madness of Watts in the ruck.!
  17. Makes Stupid Game changing errors, that's enough for me!
  18. I have been a huge critic of our so called Zone defence for several reasons 1 Our defenders don't become accountable when turnovers occur 2 Our defenders make stupid under 12 Schoolboy defensive errors 3 Our defenders are not overly skilled! Nailed it!
  19. Yep, I reckon Jones Mentally might still be wondering How and why he was replaced and yes I said replaced by Viney who was still to prove himself. Viney is not a leader, Jones is. Single most damning mistake that Goodwin has made. The leadership at Melb FC has been comprimised!
  20. Hemmingway, how many "Matchwiners" have we had in the last 10 or so years?? And if you struggle to name them, why has every other side got at least 2 or more A Graders?? Who are and have been match winners?? What we have is maybe some B graders , but even that is questionable!
  21. ANB AND OR HARMES for Kent and White as well! Ring the changes Viney will and should be lucky to hold his spot!
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