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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. My teenage son. And boy, is he letting me know about it. I get up every morning at daybreak to let them outside except for the odd occasion such as today and he’s messaging me with, “geez they sch!tt a lot!” I would SO put him up for adoption only who’s gonna adopt an 18yo who eats the equivalent of an entire village, livestock included, on a daily basis.
  2. My vaccination from five days ago should still be effective right? Bugger it, don’t wanna take any chances, I’ll get a booster this arvo.
  3. That’s every game for me. EVERY. SINGLE. GAME. Seeing quite a few Dees fans here. More so than any other team (apart from the home teams). Seeing too many Collingwood fans, as well. I mean, I’ve only seen one but that’s one too many amirite??? 😝 I just walked past four awesome Dees fans, namely Max, Jess, George and Louis Gawn. Pushing the pram and blending in just like any other family out shopping. Any other family where the dad’s a 10-foot beanpole that is.
  4. I think you’ve got way more caffeine and guarana hurtling through your veins than I do, Deeves. 😅
  5. WAKE UP ANDY… IT’S GAMEDAY!!! There’s no GameDay thread. I don’t know whether I’m coming or going, whether I’m Arthur or Martha. IT’S KOYAANISQATSI !!!!!
  6. What happens in the Army, stays in the Army 😉
  7. Totally agree with Jon Ralph. They won the premiership six years ago. Just on that fact alone, they ought not be given assistance.
  8. Do you mean which is great? So, you think it’s great if an umpire isn’t impartial?
  9. The umpire based his decisions on the player involved, not the action. Despite this particular player’s history, that’s not professional.
  10. The AFL concedes some instances involving Ginnivan “were not adjudicated correctly” as stated by Laura Kane. In the same breath they claim that Ginnivan “is not umpired any differently to other players.” If his actions aren’t being adjudicated correctly but he’s not being umpired differently, does that mean all other players have instances where the adjudication is incorrect?
  11. This is what I used to tell myself during our wilderness years. But they did hurt, and they hurt just as much no matter how many consecutive losses, nor how big the losing margin. 😢
  12. Oh, I was already only too aware of the attitude to craft beer and the reasons for such, and wasn’t surprised at all. It’s the attitude to the name Brewmanity that I find puzzling. They support FightMND - in particular, financially - so they’re more than entitled to use that name, IMVFHO.
  13. Captain’s Run is usually a S&Gs event. 😁
  14. Schache is training with the main group, right @Bendigo_Demon?
  15. His 100th was HUGE! It was at Adelaide Oval. His entire family was there including cousins and second cousins and friends and even neighbours. I reckon half of Coldstream was there. A bunch of them came out on the ground for banner with us. And they partied hard, very hard, that night. 🥳 Can only imagine what his 200th will be like. 😅 One family friend just recently and very excitedly asked me when his 150th is. He’s only on 130 and already they’re getting excited. 🤣
  16. I’ll be your *responsible adult! Not for tomorrow’s match but defs for our Perth and Alice matches. *as long as I’m marginally more responsible than you, I qualify.
  17. If you’re wise you do what I do… avoid the GameDay thread from the first bounce ‘til the final siren and only visit the Postgame thread if we’ve won. Even then, only if we’ve won by lots, or in a gutsy nail-biter.
  18. @Queanbeyan Demon and @Demon Dynasty did a great job last week. Maybe they can whip something up again for this week (?)
  19. And if you had kept it from then you’d still be able to eat it now. Post-apocalypse there’ll be cockroaches and Macca’s burgers and nothing else. https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/food/us-man-unveils-79-cent-maccas-burger-he-purchased-in-1999/news-story/1e677e901387951985d3099f8310aebb?amp
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