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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Hopefully @kev martin or @Demon Dynastywill be at training this morning. I’m going there but I couldn’t do a training report if my life depended on it. A very good buddy and fellow DL-er said for me not to worry, just look out for certain players as possible replacements for Kozzie. But even that’s a slog. I mean, I still can’t tell Jed and Harry apart. 😭
  2. In BBO’s world ‘creepy’ and ‘romantic’ are interchangeable 🙃
  3. Both arms tied behind my back AND blindfolded… I’d still take down those two sad-sacks without even raising a sweat. 👊🏼 Note ⬆️ there’s no spaces between the periods in my ellipsis, precisely how it should be. 😉
  4. I’m imagining a bucket for this post
  5. I’d do it except I’m busy on that day. I’ll be washing my hair.
  6. What part of ‘Pickett Fence’ and ‘Bitter But Optimistic’ do you not understand?????
  7. Stop encouraging P. Fence!
  8. I find the fans who attend matches in Brisbane can be smarmy but those who attend in Vic are less so.
  9. Some were kids when Fitzroy was in the league. Some of the younger ones inherited Fitzroy and have stayed with the Lions. One guy I spoke with was wearing a Fitzroy jumper which looked older than him, and he would’ve been in his mid-30s. I’m guessing it originally belonged to an older relative. It was really worn and faded, but awesome to see.
  10. Would we have to be in the same room?
  11. Their banner crew (in particular, when they play in Victoria) comprises mainly old Fitzroy supporters and they are the nicest people you could hope to meet (in the race before the game). No malice, no ill-feelings, just lovely people who wish us well.
  12. I was taught to put a space following the ellipsis, before the next word, but no space between the ellipsis and the preceding word 🤷‍♀️ Also, no space between the periods. Soz, @Skuit 😬 Except not soz because you of all peeps know how pedantic I am, oh and that I’m never wrong 😝
  14. Set completed! I changed my shocked emoji to a sad emoji for this very purpose 🤩
  15. I actually want to thank the OP for reminding us all - albeit inadvertently - of the tireless efforts of Andy and co. in keeping this awesome site going. If you’re not a member, consider becoming one. It won’t cost you an arm and a leg, unlike most things these days. Along with everything else… you don’t need to see ads, and that’s always a bonus, amirite?! Incidentally, a donation towards the running costs can also be made. There’s a ‘Donate’ button when you scroll down on the main topics page. Every dollar counts as Andy likely runs this site at a loss.
  16. Duly noted, and amended. BTW, JvR is NOT a redhead!
  17. He may well already be a member. My future granddaughter will be a member on the day she’s born. I’d sign her up sooner only her D.O.B. is yet to be known. ❤️💙
  18. “Actually, Maxy Gawn and Petracca.” Eddie is the cutest and his parents should be proud. On the subject of kidlets, it seems hubbing with the families in Adelaide worked wonders for our team, as evidenced by the eight points that came home on the plane. 🥳 I don’t know whose child Leb was holding while singing the song after Thursday’s match, but talk about one big happy family!
  19. k.d. Lang and Jacob van Rooyen (to name just two) say 👋
  20. Duuuuude, there’s much easier ways to get attention. (I assume attention is what you’re looking for since you’ve posted this publicly rather than in a PM, you’ve even created a new thread for it.) As you can see by the responses here, your post is littered with typos - I counted nine, conservatively - so maybe hold off your criticism of others until such time as you’ve cleaned up your own backyard.
  21. I just think you need to tread carefully when discussing such a sensitive issue, especially while on a Demons forum. It’s a suggestion and a polite request. FWIW, ‘However’ is the same as ‘but’ when it comes to an apology.
  22. Great to see they’re focussing on the important aspects. 🤣
  23. Any apology that’s followed with “but…” shouldn’t be accepted because it’s at that point that the apology is voided. Anyways. I asked you in a civil manner to exercise sensitivity, you amended your post, and I appreciate it. Thank you. Incidentally, that I’m in contact with players and their families makes a grand total of ZERO difference to how badly that incident affects me. I’m a member and supporter, same as everyone else.
  24. @Dee Viney Intervention I can’t quote your post since you added it to another post but this is what you said… “Each to their own but I’m not sure why the optics aren’t good. What Maynard did and Kossie did are not even in the same postcode. No player remonstration, no doctor assessment, played the game out and player himself said nothing on it. Glad we are appealing because that was low impact. Wouldn’t even mention the word smother I would argue purely and simply low impact. The sad reality is whether we appeal or don’t appeal Angus is not coming back. Let’s just judge incidents on their merit. Free kick correctly paid, fine Kossie club tells him he dodged a bullet there and reign it in a bit. I hope my comments aren’t viewed as insensitive. I just don’t want us to be the club that constantly thinks about the “optics” because of what happened to Angus. If a Melbourne players crosses the line then they should absolutely wear the consequences, Kossie did not cross the line.” In response to the bolded bit… no, your comments are NOT insensitive. You’ve expressed your views on a very delicate and contentious issue with sensitivity and thoughtfulness. Thank you. 🙂
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