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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Nice to see Ryley Sanders running in the right direction 🤣 Unlike last week
  2. I’m also yelling at the clouds coz I find that guy’s affectation super irritating. IMDb says he’s an actor, I say he’s an over-actor 😁
  3. Fully agree on that POS Answerth. What’s laughable is Zorko saying it’s not on and he’s gonna have a word to Answerth about it. It’s like, you started the whole pathetic thing, you moron, remember?! But if your second sentence is referring to this, I most definitely don’t agree. That wasn’t even on the same planet as Answerth’s gesture. It was hilarious, it wasn’t malicious, personally it made me stop hating Luke Parker and best of all, it was directed at an 🤮 Essendon 🤮 player so it’s all G 😁
  4. LOL my DA buddy said to me not 10 minutes ago, “I’ll shoot the first person who says ‘No Kozzie, no Melbourne’.” He then went on to say that this is what “clueless oppo fans and the media” will likely say. I said hold my beer.
  5. Wow, you sure are hellbent on ditching Clarrie. This is the second thread tonight in which you’ve suggested we trade him. You say he’s a country mile away from the player “we know he can be” which begs the question: why would we trade him when we know what he can (and will again) be? He’s playing with the fingers of one hand strapped together ffs.
  6. Dee-monic: knee-jerk minus “knee”
  7. Good. It’ll be nice n pointy for when he sticks it where it fits.
  8. Uhm thanks… I think 🤔 I’d need a 12-step program to 86 Demonland for good. 😂 At times DL is like a Krispy Kreme donut: I know it’s not good for me, but [censored] if I can resist indulging 😜
  9. I have absolutely no idea. My son was watching something, and now I think he and I need to talk. 😂
  10. Oi, I’ve got three kids and two jobs… I can’t spend all my time stalking players. 90% of the time will have to do.
  11. Nah that’s her part-time job. You see, the trick is to stalk the entire team at the one time thereby freeing up time for other things, for example, my precious chooks. Speaking of, I was at the stove the other day, turned around and this is what I was faced with… 😂 Jed (or Harry… who knows?) had got in through a window and climbed up onto a bar stool to let me know she was hungry.
  12. She was on her second pack of fags at 5am. She’ll be coughing up a lung before the game even starts 😂 Nah, I steered clear of DL this morning; another thread on here last night being the reason. Anyways I’ll just give other threads a wide berth for now and stick to this one… until the first bounce, that is. Then it’s straight to the postgame thread to celebrate a resounding win over the Lions. We’ve so got this it hurts. 🥳 GIVE ‘EM HELL, DEES! ❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙
  13. Thanks DD, but I actually meant a spew bucket.
  14. And Brother Dominic would've got 12 of the best from me. Anyways, no need to be so abrasive next time. I got the name of a town wrong, big deal.
  15. Where are you hermitting at? I wanna come with you.
  16. As I’ve tried to explain to CrankyPants (above) I couldn’t fully understand some of what the boys were saying. One can only say “Pardon, what was that?” so many times before it gets annoying. I actually googled Herman’s Bay while with them and something about the NT popped up. I assumed I had the right name. SO SHOOT ME FFS 🙄
  17. Firstly, I couldn’t understand some of what the boys were saying and vice versa. I heard Herman’s Bay. Secondly, I’ve not had the pleasure of going to Alice since I can’t afford to so should be forgiven for not knowing every single NT town, especially one with a population of only 500. Thirdly, it has nothing to do with spelling. Also, don’t ever question my spelling. End of story. And finally, you read about a group of young indigenous kids visiting from the NT, meeting our players, going to our match tomorrow night, and my misunderstanding of their town’s name is all you got from it??? You’re beyond cranky.
  18. Yep I’m rocking the lime green turtle neck and the dungarees as always.
  19. A group of kids from Herman’s Bay, west of Alice Springs were at training. They got to meet the players for pics etc. First time out of NT for them, and tomorrow night they’ll be at the game. They were extremely shy. I made them feel welcome (and a little scared maybe) and their guide translated for us, mostly smack talk since not one of them barracks for the Dees. 😅 Diehard Crows, Freo, WCE fans and a couple of Lions fans(!) Anyways, this is me with Nicholas (their guide), Joel, Byron, and Leo (the tall boy) who gets to toss the coin tomorrow night. I told him I’ll be watching from the front row and if Maxy doesn’t win the toss, he’ll have me to answer to. 😠 He knew I was kidding… I hope. Note cheeky bugger Byron isn’t wearing the scarf the Club gave him. It was in his hoodie pocket. He’s a passionate Lions fan so that’s where the scarf stayed, even during pic-taking. Gotta love the dedication 😊
  20. Oh, he was blinking… he was definitely blinking. And my eyesight may leave a lot to be desired but that was definitely Chocco. 😅
  21. Hmmmm. Weren’t you right next to me when I asked Chocco to blink once if Kolt’s in this week? Remember? He squeezed his eyes shut so tightly… and only once. 🥳
  22. Kolt is doing drills with the main group. It’s like he’s auditioning coz boy is he giving it everything.
  23. From a mile away! There’s mullets, then there’s the Kolt mullet. I can also identify Bill and AMW. Are they also who I should be watching out for?
  24. What’s rehab? Jokes. Pfft I know what rehab is.
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