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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. I’d definitely be going if I wasn’t going to the match. The DA members who were there on Saturday said it was so much better than the Sporting Globe which is where we used to watch interstate matches.
  2. They’ve yet to add the menu online. Meanwhile, feast on this… Brewmanity menu I have it on good authority the Barramundi is superb.
  3. Wow, what a post to end a five-year posting drought. 😅 Then immediately followed up with a sarcastic retort. Way to go @Twodogs!
  4. We’ve all gotta vote!!! Not just for Leb to win it, but also for Weightman and 🤮Stringer🤮to NOT win it!
  5. Both Judd and Blake are humble young guys with maturity beyond their years. Cool, calm and collected. So much poise for so little experience. At the first preseason training session I told Judd that as a massive Harmesy fan, I was pleased to see him get the #4 jumper. He responded with an air of humility, saying he wasn’t expecting it and what an honour it was and that he promises to “make everyone proud.” Both these boys are poster-children for our No D***Head policy.
  6. I’m pretty sure it will be since Saturday night was so successful. That night was like a test case, it’s only been open for a week and a half. This week is shaping up to be just as good, if not better. I will definitely post on here well before time whenever it’s on.
  7. On Saturday night I was giving out flags and giant heads etc. before the match. Towards the back of our bay I came across a “mixed marriage” couple, he a Dees man, her a Port gal. I said to him, “What happened here? You dropped the ball in the wifey stakes!” He said, “We’ve been together for 15 years and I’ve spent the whole time trying to convert her, now I’m just giving up.” I said to her, “And you’re fine to sit in a bay full of crazy Dees fans?” She said, “Have you SEEN Port fans??? I feel safer sitting with you guys!” 😂 Also, a family asked if there was any giant heads left. I brought the Chin head to them and said, “this is the last available giant head. But it’s by absolutely NO means the least. Chin is a much loved and respected young player and a future champ of our Club. The dad said, “I know, he’s my nephew.” And if there was any doubt, it was dispelled when I noticed the distinctive familial square jaw, even on the kids! 😁
  8. It’s on again for our Crows match on Thursday night! By all accounts last Saturday was a great success. A room full of loud and proud passionate Dees fans revelling in that incredible match. Great food, great beer, great atmosphere and all for a great cause: FightMND… Love you Neale❤️💙 THIS TIME, BE THERE! 🥳
  9. He was a cameraman at Adelaide Oval. One of our own DL-ers has a brother who ran the AV at AO for some time and said that the mystery was no one ever knew if he barracked for the Dees or just let loose with the woo-hoo for S&Gs.
  10. Your kids think it’s hilarious to be raced off to mum’s work on Easter Monday with mum crying while driving? I don’t even wanna know if they knew her reason for crying. Anyways, good on you for having a wife with a most unusual sense of humour… …. and an abundance of patience.
  11. As opposed to two international games which is extremely realistic 🙃
  12. Good question. I don’t think so. When they resumed it was the beginning of the fourth quarter.
  13. April Fools is all about fun pranks. Can’t imagine your kids will see it that way.
  14. Looks like one of those silk robes boxers come out wearing. Also, why is Howesie pulling that face?
  15. Perhaps he means actual time on the ground (?) But what would be the point of noting that fact?
  16. The AFL will always have bigger issues but that doesn’t mean they should let a smaller issue slide. This is a breach of the rule. Plain and simple.
  17. Yes, I found a great coffee… in Melbourne when I got home yesterday 😝 Happy to be back in our beautiful city. Going back to Adelaide on Thursday morning. Crows fans will seem like sweet little old ladies compared to those base Port cretins.
  18. Nah that’s Shazza Nibbla. She sat with us for the game and it was so cool to see her reaction to her boy playing arguably his best ever. Nibs hugged her, Chin hugged her, but the Clarrie hug was extra special because she’s close to Michelle Oliver and she knows in detail the pain his family has been through with those vultures in the media. Mrs Fritta didn’t attend the match last night.
  19. No and I didn’t even bother trying to sleep. Didn’t get home until 10pm last night, talked to Mrs Fritta for an hour about the match, and there was no way I wasn’t gonna watch the replay. Then I was so pumped after watching that I couldn’t sleep so I watched the second half of the GF. Similar vibes.
  20. He also said he reckons most other clubs would envy our culture. He’s about the only one who’s backed us this whole time, so you know he’s not just jumping onboard now that things are on the up.
  21. Aah, so it was noticed. Nice. We hadn’t planned on doing that, it just happened. Thanks for pointing it out👍🏽
  22. It really did feel like a final. ❤️💙⭐️❤️💙
  23. The moron in the crowd got off lightly with a “[censored] you” from Fritta considering he called Fritta a word that starts with F and rhymes with maggot.
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