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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. I’d ask him but I wouldn’t want to put him into the embarrassing situation of not having an answer. ?
  2. Well if I wasn’t already excited, I certainly am now!!! I wasn’t expecting to go to this week’s game, but to my sheer Dee-light I am! Just gonna share... I have a husband and three sons, not one of whom is even remotely Interested in footy, nor sport in general. (I must’ve done something terrible in a previous life.) In particular, my 25yo son, a green tea-sipping, vegan, climate-change-active, tree-hugging, incense-burning, totes left-leaning, full-time uni. student who lives in a share house in Footscray that has no less than eight different recycling bins. He takes me to a handful of games each season but that’s usually after I wage a war of attrition, which I always eventually win. Incidentally, I find the most effective ammo in my arsenal is a protracted campaign of “can you take us to Mt. Splashmore?” type nagging. But... He just called to tell me he’s bought us tickets to Saturday’s game! I didn’t even have to ask! I am SO not gonna put him up for adoption, now. ?
  3. And on top of all that... He’s got that killer smile. ❤️?
  4. As I’m sure all AFL fans would attest, there’s nothing quite like watching your team win on a Thursday night (in this case, the mighty Deeeeez) then sitting back and watching the rabble battle it out for the remainder of the weekend. ?
  5. Mother of god, now I’m seeing this post in other threads, too. I’m so curious. Why “Good” for seemingly no reason?
  6. Are you posting the word “Good” for no apparent reason every 10 or so minutes, or am I just imagining it? Quite possibly I’m imagining it. Been up since 5:30am. That, coupled with the whole Fritta sitch, and the fact that I’m easily confused, makes a compelling argument for me to go to sleep.
  7. Ugh. Just the thought of Christian in a black and white guernsey. ?
  8. Forgive my seeming thickheadedness but I still don’t get it.
  9. Okaaay. I’m none the wiser.
  10. By “top book sellers list” you do mean New York Times Bestseller List, right? ? I just pre-ordered my copy ❤️?
  11. It’s not like it hasn’t happened in the past. Most Deez fans (IMO) won’t allow themselves to even think about daring to dream coz that leaves us open to bitter disappointment should the “bubble burst.”
  12. True. I guess since this situation is unprecedented the rules are kinda being made up as we go. Trial and error of biblical proportions.
  13. It would definitely be difficult to do something as simple as just walking when you are literally reeling, which I’m sure was the case.
  14. I don’t think that will happen anytime soon. The reason being the powers that be can’t, on the one hand, threaten five years prison for any Australian who attempts to return home from India, and at the same time allow 100% capacity on crowds at the footy. That is unless they were seen to be offering a trade-off, eg, mandatory mask wearing at the ground. I would happily wear a mask. Hells, I’d wear full PPE. But then my standards aren’t high since (as a result of circumstances beyond my control) I don't get to attend as many matches as I’d like.
  15. Saddest thread title change ever. ?
  16. Yeah, that was a little strange. I think Jones was quite overcome with pity for him and that’s how it was expressed.
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