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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Yay! I did it! Just like the mighty Deez I never gave up!
  2. Soz for the poor quality... double Soz for not even sending the pic. Idk what I’m doing wrong ? curse you, error code 200! ?
  3. Re: I’ll give thee a wind...

    ”And I another.”

  4. Enjoy splashing about in these uncharted waters. ?
  5. I hope your kids enjoy letting their classmates know exactly who is on top of the ladder. ❤️?
  6. Noah had yet to build the ark. well, that’s how it feels anyways. ?
  7. The pic on the back page of today’s birdcage lining. ❤️?
  8. I reckon a lot of us are almost willing that first loss for the season to happen. To get it outta the way. It’s a human thing.
  9. Yeah, so like I was saying, I’ve been backing AGAINST us for the last few years and I’m thrilled to announce to all and sundry, this year... I STILL HAVEN’T WON A SINGLE CENT!!!! Poor, yes. But OH SO HAPPY! ❤️?❤️?❤️?
  10. Thank you! It’s not a joke. I should never have doubted you. ❤️?
  11. Not able to watch or listen. Please please someone tell me what minute mark are we at??!!
  12. ...listening to the radio, like a caveman.
  13. In keeping with the theme of famous quotes, here’s my offering: “The snozzberries taste like snozzberries.” - Willy Wonka My point is, motivational quotes are great ‘n’ all, but at the end of the day it’s actions and not words that win games. GO THE MIGHTY DEEEEEZ ❤️?❤️? incidentally, want your innocent childhood shattered in one fell swoop? Then look up Roald Dahl’s definition of snozzberries. I sincerely apologise in advance.
  14. Agreed, it’s not everything. But it’s also not nothing. At the very least it will serve as a confidence boost for the players. And for all those little kids, the mini Dees fans, who’ve seen no joy, top of the ladder would mean the world imo.
  15. At the risk of sounding cocky... Thanks for keeping the seat at the top of the ladder warm for us, Bulldogs. We’ll take it from here. Cheers.
  16. Am I the only one who didn’t understand a single word of this, bar the last line? ?
  17. I’m the complete opposite type of Demon fanatic. I don’t own a car, let alone a Range Rover; I only know what a charcuterie plate is coz I saw it on the Hans ad. on TV; and as for snow, the closest I would ever get to seeing white powder is if I’m walking down the main street of St. Albans and the meth-head in front of me falls over and the baggie of ice in his pocket comes tumbling out onto the footpath. (This actually happened.)
  18. At the local shopping centre and I just spotted an old guy sporting a Dees baseball cap that was so brand spanking new he may as well have left the label on it. I see this guy all the time and never knew he was a fan. In my neck of the woods Dees supporters are few and far between; ones who show their colours, anyways. It made me think about a tweet I read after Richmond won the grannie in 2017. It read along the lines of Now you’ll see only two types of Richmond regalia: Brand new gear or 32yo gear that reeks of mothballs. So I’m sure we have to expect a barrage of this type of discourse should we go all the way. Incidentally, the newest MFC merch I own is a guernsey I won in a competition two weeks ago. And not a single item of the sh*t-tonne of stuff I’ve amassed over the years smells of mothballs. Brave is the person who even entertains the idea of labelling me a bandwagonner. ?
  19. Great. Like we need another reason to hate Collingwood. ?
  20. “It’s ruck-craft, mate.” -Max to an umpire. God how I love him!
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