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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Well explained! Thank you for the different view. I guess I knee-jerked when I heard they’d offered him (an insulting) six months extension. I’m also still smarting over the whole Tim Paine situation. I know he was maligned by many, but I was a huge fan. Considering the circumstances under which he was (without warning) given the captaincy, I think he performed very well in that capacity. I mean, in the blink of an eye the top three (coach, captain and v/captain) effectively fall off the face of the Earth and Tim was thrown in the deep end. Even before the cheating I actually never liked Steve Smith, either. Maybe it’s because I was a big fan of Pup and it makes sense to not warm to his replacement, especially when he’s been replaced by a player I don’t like. And Warner… I can’t stand him. Never liked him, and especially dislike him more since the embarrassing scandal they put Aus through. Whoa, what a rant! I feel much better now having expressed that, though. 😁
  2. I love that yesterday was the first time an Aussie and a Kiwi stood on the podium together at a Winter Olympics. Southern Hemisphere. Represent. ✌️
  3. She nailed it all the way through to the final and then kicked it up a gear to take Gold. And so calm and levelheaded! 💚💛 Incidentally Macca, did you know this is the first time Aus has medalled (any colour) twice in one day in our Winter Olympics history? Pretty hyped, as Tess Coady might say. 😁
  4. Sure is. I think a clash of personalities may have figured in the outcome. Pat Cummins (for one) was not prepared to publicly back him. I can’t help but compare it to how our last coach went out (I was never a fan of Lehmann anyways) and thinking it’s a crying shame.
  5. Yay! Tess gets bronze! That was bloody nail-biting but so worth it. And Zoi the kiwi got gold over the American girl. All in all, terrific results. 💚💛 We can even forgive Tess for being a diehard Tigers fan. 😉
  6. Hey OD, is this the same granddaughter with whom you play Monopoly nowadays? Seems she’s been the apple of your eye since day dot. 💖
  7. Bummer about Matt not making it. 😕 But we have two other guys who did. So it’s not all bad.
  8. Yes, I watched Tess today. Was a little nervy hoping she didn’t get bumped out the top 12. But so happy for her!
  9. Shame on you, Cricket Australia! 😠 Watch JL get snapped up by the poms, then watch out!
  10. Jakara Anthony smashed it in the qualifiers today. Looking forward to seeing her in the final tomorrow. 💚💛
  11. When time permits I watch from the start. Watching the Dogs’ goals and seeing them take the lead makes the turning of the tide in the third SO much sweeter. ❤️💙
  12. …and a pint of his blood and a promise from him that he surrenders his firstborn?
  13. 🙋🏻‍♂️I must confess: I was one of those doom and gloom posters. I was on the front porch, smoking a cigarette and crying. I think I even posted that I was done for the night. 😬 Yep, Go Harmesy! And thanks a bunch Bailey Smith!
  14. Maybe I’ve done this correctly (?) I’m not sure if this works. I hope so, it’s a great read!
  15. All good points. But this year, more than ever, fans of all clubs are footy-starved.
  16. Please excuse my ignorance, but what do the things that look like maracas on the Melbourne line represent? Edit: never mind, I just realised what they are. 😑
  17. The HS is reporting no caps on AFL crowds for round one. That is, providing there’s no “dramatic setback” with Omicron. They’re predicting 170,000 fans in attendance on the first two nights alone.
  18. 🥳 Happy birthday for tomorrow! 🎉 Enjoy watching the best Grand Final ever. ❤️💙 Go Dees!!!!!
  19. Didn’t think this was possible. 😁 That’s another great thing about the GF replay on December 5th: because it was only Dees fans in attendance we got to indulge in the song so many times while the boys were doing their lap after the medal presentation. Countless times, in fact. And all consecutively. It was pure joy.
  20. I bet you smash out a mean Duck à l’orange, too. Just don’t ever invite Harmesy to any of your parties; I hear he has dreadful table manners.
  21. I first heard that expression in the Talladega Nights movie.
  22. Yep. It’s the “crazy” part that’s true. JK. Of course I’m a legit fan. I love the Melbourne Devils!
  23. I know it’s beside the point, but a fondue party? Are they even still a thing?
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