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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Not unlike Novak Djokovic who has effectively denied himself entry into the record books as the GOAT. I agree with you Dub (us Dubliners need to stick together ☘️ ), it beggars belief that someone is willing to surrender so much for so little. But you’ve gotta admire him for not compromising his principles. That’s rock-solid resolve right there, and you can’t put a price on that.
  2. Ima go ahead and say it… I’m so over ppl bitching and moaning about the Round One match schedule. I know not many consider a Wednesday night ideal, instead preferring a Sat/Sun arvo or a Friday night. But ffs, we finally won a premiership. Personally, I’d happily attend this match even if it was scheduled for 3am on a Monday, and we had to come in full *PPE. GO DEES!!! ❤️💙 *… and we had to give a pint of blood and promise to surrender our firstborn. Oh, and toss in a kidney for good measure. Quit whinging… you’ve got two.
  3. As well as being a palindrome, it’s an ambigram… reads the same upside down. 🤓
  4. I’ve probs watched the last few minutes of the Round 23 match more than I have bang…bang…bang (which I’ve watched an ungodly number of times). For mine, apart from the actual winning of a premiership, the end of the Round 23 match was the highlight of the season.
  5. I just missed the entire third quarter. Idk if it’s me or Kayo but one of us is on drugs and I’m sure it’s not me. But stoked to see the scores.
  6. The gap should really be 27 points. Just lucky for us their last two shots were misses. One hit the post(?) Anyways, it’s gonna take way more than luck from here. Let’s see if the girls can turn it around in the second half. ❤️💙
  7. Vs. North next week. I watched North vs. Pies on the weekend and I wasn’t sure if it was that North were good or the Pies were crap. Regardless, a win tonight would be great leading into that match.
  8. Hearing Eminem singing Lose Yourself took me straight back to the ‘G. Pregame nerves aplenty.
  9. 58er, thus far I’ve resisted the urge to snap back at you at times when I’d be forgiven for doing so. And at times your posts are difficult to understand, a prime example being your first paragraph (above), but I’ve let that slide. I’ve even ignored it when you refer to me as ‘MCW’ and ‘my man’. But, I’ll NOT let you take what’s clearly your shi**ty mood out on me. And I know this is a product of your moods since surely you wouldn’t seriously dare me to go to an aged care facility and repeat something that I never said in the first place. Also, kindly stop thrashing multiple exclamation marks when addressing me. Thank you
  10. Too late. I’ve already sent it to him as a Get Well gift for his players.
  11. I got my Max and Jack back on Friday. Professionally framed by @joeboy (my DL hubby 😉). This pic doesn’t do it justice; try as I may I couldn’t avoid the glare, no matter the angle. Can’t wait for the next two! ❤️💙
  12. Anything I put in print I would say out loud. Period. I just wonder, where do we draw the line? Last week some DLers were saying Sarah Perkins needs to drop 20 kilos and the Crows AFLW side must have a huge food bill etc. I personally didn’t take offence but that may well have offended someone who’s obese. I’m just saying you ought not cherry-pick what you deem as having the potential to offend while other posts which could also potentially offend are let through to the keeper.
  13. So many posts can be construed as potentially offensive to someone. Why single out this one? Sheesh, lighten tf up. Please.
  14. At this stage it looks like it’ll be 100% capacity. That’s provided there’s no drastic change in circumstances re omicron. Fingers crossed!
  15. I also love the royal blue. Especially when it comes to stuff like caps and beanies etc. This is mainly because I’m sick of how often some random will say, ‘Go bombers’ or similar because they think they’re seeing red and black. Any other team and it might be tolerable. But Essendon? 🤮🤮🤮 Also, I reckon Ed will be the reason there’ll be more people wanting the clash strip long-sleeved.
  16. Looks as though he’s wearing his older brother’s hand-me-down. 😆 #He’llGrowIntoItOneDay
  17. Methinks Mr. D. Cutter was commenting in jest. 🇷🇺 + 💉 = 🚫
  18. On the subject of the Olympics, Lydia Lassila, who was until last night our most recent Winter Olympics Gold medallist, said she was thrilled to see the drought broken. A 12-year drought. It’s like, Lydia…
  19. I read somewhere he might possibly be getting a gig in some capacity with CA. Whatever he decides to do, we all wish him well, of course. 💚💛
  20. Yeah, you make a great point in that most of us fans tend to forget results from matches abroad. It’s easily done. As for last year’s series, same thing applies (selective memory, perhaps) eg. the thing at the forefront of my memory is that we bowled them out for 36 in their second innings in Adelaide.
  21. If she’s as talented a footballer as she is a Monopoly player, she’ll go far with the Dees. IIRC, she’s taken her grandad to the cleaners on more than one occasion. 😁
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