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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Not the clearest example of the use of sarcasm, though. So unclear that I’m still not sure it is sarcasm.
  2. Huh????! They are extremely close.
  3. This isn’t about our membership numbers but it’s another example of why membership numbers aren’t really worth comparing imho.
  4. Good news! You can stop hoping, coz that’s EXACTLY what this is… clickbait with zero substance. Not only will Clarrie be back to his best, he’ll be back to his best and still wearing red and blue, forever. ❤️💙
  5. I smell a Zach Merritt win in the air. 🤬 NOT HAPPY, JAN! Please VOTE FOR CHIN 🙏 Round 20 GOTY nomination… our very own Chin We’ve got four nominees sewn up already for GOTY for this season. Let’s make it FIVE!!! Voting closes at 10am on Thursday. Vote as many times as you like, or better still… vote as many times as I’d like you to vote, ie. LOTS. 🤗 JUST GET VOTIN’ K?!
  6. Geez and I get told I’m delusional.
  7. Exactly. It’s impossible to be sure, isn’t it, Tom? Especially when YOU’RE MAKING SH!!TT UP.
  8. I posted this in the pregame thread… It’s our Retro Round this week. It’s always really cool to see folks in their 80s/90s gear.
  9. We’ll be there to pick up the pieces of PF’s broken heart, Layz. 🥹
  10. This coming weekend it’s our Retro Round match. Will be cool to see the odd duffel coat or two! ❤️💙
  11. This week we all need to vote for… Chin Chandler! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 Chin’s goal is one of the contenders for the Round 20 GOTY nomination. Round 20 Goal Of The Year nomination Chin is up against Tyson Stengle and Zach Merrett. Melky getting beaten by an Essendon player for MOTY nom last week sucked, let’s not allow another Essendon player to beat another Demon this week. So… PLEASE VOTE FOR CHINNY CHIN CHANDLER!!! Voting closes at 10am on Thursday.
  12. Totally agree. I hope he is earning a spot and he does get to play his 200th but I understand entirely if this doesn’t happen. I just took issue with the poster saying the Dogs didn’t want him and implying he currently has off-field concerns. Neither one of these has anything to do with him getting to play his 200th, even if true.
  13. It’s not about ‘owing’ him anything. It’s recognition of a 200-game career for one of our players. The fact that the Dogs didn’t want him has nothing whatsoever to do with this. Can your reliable source elaborate on his current off-field issues? I have a couple of reliable sources who say they know nothing about this. Even if he did have off-field issues (as other 200-gamers and even 300-gamers have had at some point), 200 games is 200 games.
  14. A flimsy excuse if ever I saw one. 😝
  15. Just a little heads up: the captain’s run always goes ahead and thus far has always commenced at the published time. But Mondays and/or Tuesdays at Gosch’s are sometimes cancelled at the last minute or the start times are changed. Best to contact the club beforehand. Or don’t and end up watching a couple of dogs running around the oval or the Victory players training on the adjacent oval.
  16. I don’t know which match would be ‘fitting’ I’d just like to see him make the milestone. I don’t think any player should be denied their 200th game, especially if it’s feasible to have him in.
  17. Yes there’s at least two relatively ‘new’ posters. New under their current username, that is. I’m sure they’re both incarnations of previous posters. One has actually implied as much. Called himself an ‘old sparring partner’ of Binman’s. The other is (I think) a poster who gave me a ton of grief two years ago, now posting under another name. Anyways, we know the trolls always lose in the end. 👊🏼
  18. Ugh I’m having ‘nam flashbacks to 2022 when so many haters on here were p’d off that we were ‘nursing’ Melk to his 200th. Not comparing the two players and I know there’s no room for sentimentality in footy, but what’s the worst that could happen should Lachie be given a guernsey this week?
  19. Yeah was doubtful about the seriousness, but one can never be sure. Glad to know it was a p!$$-take.
  20. I’m excited for 2025 and beyond.
  21. Uhm no, that’d be the Tracc goal that was wrongly called a behind touched by Caleb Marchbank. That’s what directly cost us the Carlton final last year.
  22. Straight Sets John doesn’t have the same ring to it.
  23. This is a great idea. I’ll self-impose this ban from here on in and I’ll direct my derangedness elsewhere for the duration of the weekly ban period. *tells her teenage son to brace himself for some extra hours of craziness every week* 😁😁😁 Loveya NC xxx
  24. Goody defends Clarrie and stomps out the smouldering embers of the Trading of Clarrie rumour fire. Listen up Cornes, Morris, McClure et al
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