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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. I’ve been accused of blind devotion to our Club but this is one instance where I believe the MFC failed. We took it lying down, so to speak. But that’s probably because any attempt to effect justice would have been futile and the Club knows this. Why waste time/money/resources on something that’s doomed before it even begins?
  2. According to this… Only Max or Tmac should entertain the idea of knocking him out since they qualify for the good guy defence. Hashtag as if 🙄
  3. They didn’t want him suspended because they didn’t want anything to jeopardise Collingwood’s journey to a premiership. This meant, among other things, having every player available for the remainder of the finals.
  4. I fully agree that this is true. Moreover, I believe from the moment he decided to flatten Gus the AFL knew he’d get off. But they had to look as though they were doing something about the zeitgeist, the head is sacrosanct, remember? So they made a case against him, except it was a flimsy half-baked attempt which they knew was destined to fail. It was patently obvious they didn’t want the outcome we all wanted, ie. the right and fair outcome. They made a mockery of the tribunal/appeals system in the process.
  5. I do. It’s called venting. Where’s the harm in it?
  6. Dermie wears more foundation than any woman I know.
  7. Right???? I knew we’d put a few cracks in ‘em but we might have snapped ‘em clean in half!!! At the end of the season I want us to be able to proudly say we started their 15-game losing streak 🥳🥳🥳
  8. Of course it would be great for Leb to win it but then we’d never hear the end of how he only won it because the two favourites were ineligible. Akin to Cotchin & Mitchell and their Brownlow.
  9. A lot of people are happy he wasn’t concussed last night because that means he plays next week. I personally wish he wasn’t playing. The emotions elicited by seeing him out there will be overwhelming, but in a bad way. Overwhelming joy, excitement, surprise, happiness and even nervousness or sadness, I can handle. But overwhelming rage is a whole different thing, it’s something from which nothing good is achieved. 😑
  10. Just today a DA member posted in our WhatsApp chat that yesterday he was talking to a close friend of one of our players. This guy said that when that slimy POS turned up at Gussy’s everyone was really [censored] off, Max opened the door and told him to “[censored] off.” He didn’t even set foot in the house. This friend of one of our players said that when this player relates the story he does so with “rage in his voice” and is still really angry that the AFL “smoothed things over for Collingwood.”
  11. Reid showing blatant umpire dissent but nothing happens.
  12. As recently as three weeks ago I heard he was still struggling to process the fact that he’ll never play again, and that he preferred not to sit on the bench during games for that same reason. As for a farewell, some believed it was out of character for him to not come and greet us after the Bulldogs game since the sea of Gussy helmets was a great spectacle. But I think he didn’t want a big deal made of it for the aforementioned reason. If anyone wonders when he’ll ‘get over it’ they’re wasting their time. It may take years… who knows? He may never get over it. Like everyone else, I really hope he finds peace and happiness in every facet of his life, but maybe it’s not that simple.
  13. Maybe she fancies you 😘
  14. Regardless of what happened, it’s never good to see animosity between teammates. Take that sch!tt to the rooms.
  15. Was it the same teammate he badly burnt earlier in that same quarter? Ginnivan ignored him on his own in the goal-square and missed the shot.
  16. LOL I just googled it so as to show you the ad TRAB, and this is what came up first… 😂😂😂
  17. … don’t forget Jamarra!!!
  18. Brad Close was instrumental in one of the most uplifting and beautiful 2-minute periods of our lives. For that we should be forever grateful 😝
  19. Or for something totally different, and for those of us who don’t like mint-flavoured toothpaste… Not cheap, but worth it. I personally love the coconut whip-flavoured one.
  20. He’s on my list of favourite non-Dees, along with Brad Close. 😝
  21. How’s your hubby holding up, @jane02? 🤭
  22. Wait for the sweet sweet sound of the final siren.
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