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Dee Dee

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Everything posted by Dee Dee

  1. Why not try it yourselves! It does work. www.themeditationpodcast.com
  2. Just wondering if anyone can tell me how Dominic Barry's travelling? I haven't heard much about him, now into his second year so should be starting to develop a bit!
  3. Agree, I log in to read about the Melbourne Football Club and instead read columns of nasty abuse! This forum is loosing its appeal. Vigorous debate: yes. Angry words: OK! But the abuse thrown out by some (one poster in particular) is demeaning, juvenile and completely off putting! Please mods no more personal abuse.
  4. Interesting observation, especially the bit about play seeming to slow down etc. Many years ago Martin Flanagan wrote an excellent article on Robert Flower pointing out those same attributes! I'm not saying the kid's going to be the next Robby Flower but having seen a couple of his APS games I hold out hope that he may well be quite special! (And he's no di#k head - just the opposite.)
  5. I had a look at a couple of Casey games last season and was impressed by Jesse Hogan chasing the ball around the middle and (occasionally) into the back half of the ground. He is a ball hunter and should be considered in any discussion surrounding our midfield. And please, I'm not saying that he will or should be in the midfield mix a la Watts but from what I saw last season, he appears to be the sort of player who will go in and lend a hand when he sees a need. For a big kid he's very agile!
  6. Played school/ iner school footy (APS) for a couple of years. Then ran the boundary in the amateurs for a couple of years before heading OS.
  7. I think he was captain of first 18 not of the school as I don't believe he was particular academic. And both Watts and Dawes were at Brighton Grammar as regular school boys and not on "general excellence" scholarships! I think both their fathers are old BGS boys.
  8. The Daniel Cross to Melbourne thread on Bigfooty makes interesting reading! Many Doggies fans sad to see him go and like other supporters they reckon he'll be a good fit for us. In fact the general consensus seems to be that we made a good decision in recruiting him. The other interesting comment from the thread is the general feeling (not just Doggy fans) that this year we are not taking a scattergun approach to our recruiting and it is more professional in its approach. And this from a Bigfooty world skeptical of all things MFC!
  9. That hit to the throat was a very cowardly and dangerous act. It could well have ruptured Green's windpipe causing suffocation. If any player did it to another player it would be an act of outright aggression and if done in the street would lead to serious assault charges. Dean Wallis was in my opinion a coward, and remember Brad was being held during that encounter by another Essendon hero. Would I want a couple of seasoned Melbourne players to perform the same act on an 18/19 year old first year player from another club? No!!!
  10. I attended a wedding reception a few years ago where Wallis was a guest. My wife had to stop me making a scene (especially after I'd had a couple of drinks). I can never forget the 2000 grand final: what a f#*^ing thug. Good riddance. But of course his accomplice is still at large and coaching the Tigers!!!!!
  11. One of the very few good things about the '13 season was seeing Matt Jones in the red and blue. And it shows there's good talent to be had outside the 1st or 2nd round of draft picks (and from the VFL)! Well done to our recruiting team: Jones, Terlich and maybe Clisby.
  12. Rohan Bail is a decent young man. If I was his GP I'd tell him to quit now. Another blow to the head and we have the Danial Bell problem all over again.
  13. Gee Col's gone. I must be getting old because it seems just like yesterday that I sat at the "G" and saw his first game against Norf. Col got one posession that day, a handball. And that was 10 years ago? Does that mean he qualifies for life membership of the MFC as well?
  14. Apparently he wants to finish a university degree. After the saga of Essadon '13 he probably realises that there is a real life and a real world outside football.
  15. I just logged in no problems (and quickly logged out again). Site seems to be running slowly though!!!
  16. I thought we got close to 38/39k a few years ago when we were aiming for 40k during Jimmy's time! We need to aim for at least 40k again and as I've said previously, if the stars align we should be able to hit around 45k. We (the club) need the money and the supporter base!
  17. Roos + High Profile Recruit (or two) + a couple of early wins = excitement = 45k members.
  18. 6: Grimes 5: Frawley 4: Kent 3: Watts 2: Davey 1: Jones N.
  19. Saw Gary Ayres at the game on Sunday! I'm sure he wasn't there just for the fun of it!
  20. There's a bit of history between Brown and Strauss. Both educated at that bastion of Calvinist Christian conservatism: Scotch College, and when they first met on the field in (I think) round one 2010 apparently Brown told Strauss that if ever he (Brown) saw Strauss on the field again he'd fix him up!!! I think Mr Brown needs some of his own medicine.
  21. AFL players just keep growing and growing (as does the general populace)!!Have a look at the height comparison between players of today and yesteryear down at the gallery of sport at the G. 80 years ago the average height was 173 cm, today it's 187!
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