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Dee Dee

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Everything posted by Dee Dee

  1. I like young Toumpas, he'll be OK. He's not the quickest kid on the park I admit but a good running coach can work wonders! Remember Kevin Dyson? Worked for him! Became a very good player with a bit more leg speed! And Dom's got more upside than Kev had!
  2. While I left the game on Sunday in a fit of depression, I have D Tyson to thank for my depression being less than suicidal. A ray of hope is he. And I wish Bernie Vince was 5 years younger!
  3. Agree, sitting with an old MFC player yesterday, we were quite pleased with his progress since last season. The kid's going to be OK. As for Tyson I hope we handle him well, he'll be a gem.
  4. 6: B Vince - not just a pretty face is he! 5: L Dunn - has matured as a player, and appears to have learnt to shut his mouth! 4: N Jones - as ever!!! 3: D Tyson - will be a star of the comp! 2: D Terlich - to call him an honest battler (which he is) is no insult. 1: D Cross - the best old bloke we've picked up in years. Sorry JKH, don't feel sad that I haven't included you in the votes just be pleased you'll be in the team next week , and not as a sub. Well done, you have a good head on your shoulders!
  5. Cannot agree on Watts, was BOG against Saints and a long way from WOG against the Weagles. In fact yesterday's game highlighted how much better Watts is than NicNat! NicNat is a tad more show than substance, and Watts, the other way around.And Jack's efficiency is way above most of the team. As for Trengove, I like many others felt disappointed in his showing yesterday, but the previous week he was OK. At the moment, a tentative pass mark. May I also say how impressed I was with Dunn yesterday and last week. He appears to have taken his game to a new level (less lip, more action). Last year most people on this forum had him as a list filler, this year, should he keep up the good work he could be AA standard.
  6. StKilda has been touted as the easy beats all off season. And as reported it got to them and it made them angry and determined to show the press the pundits and the public at large just how wrong they were. And I bet their change room was plastered with the negative newspaper articles. Melbourne on the other hand were expected to win and to win quite comfortably. StKilda's determination and application from about the 20 minute mark of the 1st quarter to the final siren was clearly palpable to this spectator high up in the stand. They won the mind game! They were determined to "stick it up their critics" and they did!
  7. I must admit I was pretty shattered after last night. However in the cold light of Sunday morning... 6: Jones N. In doing this, I long for the day when I can regularly give my top votes to another player. 5: Watts. Could well be this bloke if he keeps showing what he did last night! 4: Dunn. Maturity, courage and leadership, he's gone from bit player to essential. 3: Vince. More than just a pretty face and a great off season pick up, but needs to kick straight. (Maybe a few lessons from Dunny and Wattsy would help). 2: Tyson. Good game, but for a couple of bad clangers could have been a great game. (Refer comments re Watts). 1: Spencer. An elephant stamp for effort. And by the by, did anyone see #38 at the game? He was listed to play! Or did we play with just 17 men on the ground?
  8. Sounds like great fun, just like being back in the Young Libs all those years ago.
  9. Yes, I'm quite impressed. And he would have been Dr Spooner's favourite player!
  10. When young Max was picked in the squad for Friday night I felt a little concerned for the lad, as if we were throwing him to the wolves. But gee he went well, and what impressed me most of all was his very positive attitude. He's a rather skinny 18 year old, but he fitted in to the team beautifully. And when he kicked that goal his team mates were delighted. He's a good user of the ball, so In maybe 2 or 3 years we could have a really formidable ruck/forward on our hands.
  11. I use a tbox to watch replays of AFL and find the quality be be adequate. The tbox in general is a pretty crappy device (I got it for free) but fine for bigpond movies. I have just purchased an Apple TV and a large Panasonic -last of the plasma- TV and will give the AFL app a go. Living in the country has many advantages but ADSL quality is not one of them!
  12. Dee Dee


    Roos and Jackson were most impressive and informative. Bartlett rather low key leaving the evening in most part to the other two. Paul Roos came across as someone with maturity and a sense of humour. It's easy to see why the players apparently respect him so much. The coaching team he has assembled is certainly far more mature and experienced than what we have been used to of recent times, and they were introduced by Roos with details of there backgrounds. Many of them have worked with Roos in the past and know what they are expected to do, so, as Roos said, he doesn't have to start by coaching the coaches. Brad Miller is of course one of the new boys and when introduced was given a hearty "welcome back" round of applause by the congregation. And the crowd wasn't as large as previous years but still very decent. I had the feeling that Jackson and Roos were quite surprised. Also good to see some current and former MCC committee members in attendance, as they should be!
  13. No, no, no, just lucky they got 'em when they did! Such luck we should have!
  14. Adelaide -Not a real football team and I don't really care for them. Brisbane -A "sort of" real football team (thanks Fitzroy for the premierships). Carlton -A real football team for which I have little time. Collingwood -A real football team put on earth to be despised by sane minded and thoughtful people. Essendon -Refer "Collingwood" above. Fremantle -Not a real football team. Geelong -A real football team that got lucky. Gold Coast -Not a real football team. GWS -An abomination, and certainly not a real football team. Hawthorn -A real football team to be grudgingly admired whilst being loathed. North Melbourne -A real football team to be grudgingly admired whilst being pitied. Port Adelaide -A real football team to be admired. Richmond -A real football team to be loathed. St Kilda -A real football team to be pitied and laughed at. Sydney -A sort of real football team to be admired West Coast -The first and ultimate non football team. The franchise with the phony Yank name. Western Bulldogs -A real football team, I sincerely hope they stick around, we need the real teams to succeed.
  15. I'm not sure about "superstar" but the kid certainly has ability and a great attitude. However I am hopeful that in 5 years he will be one of the better players for the MFC ( and not the Weagles)!!!!! As for Jones, as things stand with the team, he's better in than out!
  16. I like the team you named and am glad to see young Kent in there. I was impressed with his efforts towards the end of last season and think he has a real future. My one worry with your and other teams is the inclusion of Michie. Is he a really good prospect? Remember we got him for next to nothing. And had he been that good surely Fremantle would have kept him. And yes I followed the trading and drafting thread and know the general background to the deal but even still would he be more worthy of a place in the 22 than (say) Evans. Following year after year of getting real steals that didn't work out I hope Michie, Tyson, Vince and Cross work out for us!
  17. Peddling crap (as you vulgarly put it) I do not do! I like the writing of the Flanagan brothers and find it interesting that both Martin and Richard are attacked from time to time by Mr Bolt in blog and newspaper. I merely pointed out and quite correctly in my opinion that Mr Flanagan is a better writer than Mr Bolt! And, should you take time to read Martin Flanagan's essays in the Age you will I'm sure concur with me that his subject matter is wide and varied and often covers the same subject matter as Mr Bolt, but from a more humane perspective! What was it that Richard Flanagan said about Mr Bolt a couple of years ago? Something like "there are two objects on earth that can be seen from the moon, The Great Wall of China, and Andrew Bolt's enormous self pity"
  18. Ah well there you go!Read Flanagan often enough and he does write about the human side of politics.He has an agenda like all good writers and that's more often than not to put a human face to that which Bolt and others of his ilk attempt to de-humanise!
  19. Martin Flanagan comes across as a genuine human being, someone who's company one could enjoy in almost any situation. As a writer he is almost as good as his brother Richard ( that's high praise from me) and a squillion times better than Andrew Bolt.
  20. I would be surprised if, by the latter part of next season Salem was not in our best 22. And from the glowing reports, Kennedy-Harris may well be in there as well. Of the other "others" it will be interesting to see the progress of Barry, while Hunt and Riley are more long term prospects So progress by some others should be a positive showing the team is moving in the right direction.
  21. Correct, a fit Michael Evans will be a real asset to this team. And as for Dunn, I certainly would have him in the best 22 at present! In a one on one situation he is peerless.
  22. While I agree with your argument WJ, remember when we the MFC experiment it's called tanking! However I look forward to seeing how Roos handles Fitzy next season as I have little faith in Dawes ever coming really fit again. Fitzy is fast and agile and with his diabetes under control I reckon he has a lot to offer. Other players I am interested in are Grimes (if he can remain injury free) playing out of the back line, and Howe who during the latter part of the year had little impact and looked like a fish out of water! What will Roos do with him?
  23. Refer my post above. themeditationpodcast.com is worth a try.
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