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Dee Dee

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Everything posted by Dee Dee

  1. The book "Glory and Fame: the rise and rise of the Essendon football Club" is on the remainder table outside the Gisborne news agency for $12.95, down from $39.95. Two copies left so be quick (no, I didn't purchase a copy).
  2. 6: McDonald 5: Brayshaw 4: vandenBerg 3: Garlett 2: Grimes 1: Jamar
  3. Do you reckon Rupe gets his digital copy of "The Collingwood Football Club / Liberal Party Gazette " each day over there in New York just to read the odd Dee's article.Probably doesn't even know the name of our captain!
  4. 6: Jones 5: McDonald 4: Vince 3: vandenBerg 2: Hogan 1: Salem
  5. TDI, while I'm glad we got Osc, that line "we couldn't believe he was still there" seems to be a stock saying by Melbourne recruiters year in year out. I think I may have heard it first when Jack Fitzpatrick was picked up late! However, from reports around the traps (big footy) ANB was well regarded before the draft. I look forward to following his and Oscar's progress during the year.
  6. The ground was completely re surfaced after the end of the 2014 AFL season. I'm not sure how far down they dug, but I do know it was a very thorough job costing some millions of dollars and the first makeover since the Commonwealth games. So, it may well be harder than before!
  7. I have a Telstra tbox and on it is an AFL app. which gives me all replays of all AFL games (including last seasons). There are two problems, the first is minor, having to wait till the next day to see replays, The second is major, having to put up with Dermy on Foxtel games, sh*t he's awful!
  8. I'm still smiling, but I'm also watching Hawthorn play Geelong and realise we have a long way to go! But I believe we're starting to assemble a side for the long term.
  9. 6: McDonald 5: Watts 4: Viney 3: Jones 2: Garland 1: vandenBerg Problem, so many good players tomorrow I could change my mind. But nice problem to have!
  10. You bet! And he put in all around the ground. A most satisfying effort. I'd also mention Jack Watts, maybe his best game for us!
  11. I think G Lyon deserves a spot on the list, he's certainly more deserving than Brad Johnson for instance. And The Ox but for wonky knees...(sigh)
  12. 1) I understand he was an Essendon supporter so when he kicked the sealer against them he probably thought - whoopee I'm now a Dee! 2) I have been told by people who know him from Brighton Grammar that he's a genuinely decent kid so like you I don't expect him to do the dirty on us. (And his dad doesn't need the money)!!!
  13. Don't pay any attention to the crap posted by some on this site. As a country member I (and I'm sure many others) greatly enjoy your reports and look forward to them. So keep posting and trust the mods to keep the discussion on track!
  14. The Melbourne Football Club is still/again a sporting section of the MCC. And most of the committee are Dee's supporters. Steve Smith may well be the next MCC president after (the Geelong supporting) Paul Sheahan.
  15. I believe this thread is a lamentation of unfulfilled talent, a talent that, had it been realised would have greatly benefited the club.
  16. I heard David Parkin praise Col a few years ago as Melbourne's only A grade player. That surprised me because at the time we had a few good players in Yze, Bruce, jr McDonald etc. and the few minutes a game put in by Col was really getting on my goat!I vividly remember his first game for us against North - one handball! Unfulfilled talent is sad to see and so I'm glad when less talented but mentally stronger players succeed (James McDonald springs to mind). (Parkin by the way has a soft spot for Melbourne and is a financial member).
  17. Thanks Wayne, it all sounds very encouraging. Maybe, just maybe the club is now coming of age as a genuine AFL club.
  18. But, to be a good football player you need to kick goals from a set shot 20 meters out, directly in front.
  19. We coulda/shoulda won at least three or four more games last season (dogs, port) but we lacked belief and courage. That last game against the Doggies being a perfect example. For me, anything less than eight wins is a fail. How will it come about? First of all the coaching panel (which as far as I can tell is the rival of any in the competition) has had a year to settle in and knows what the strengths and weaknesses are of the playing group. And the recruiting of Brendan McCartney only strengthens the development program. Secondly the players themselves. The clean out at the end of 2013 and again last year leaves us with a group of IMHO very competitive footballers, young men who won't take defeat lightly and will not "drop their bundle" when they are six or seven points ahead with six or seven minutes left to play! I realise that every other team is, like us, training the house down, but I believe we now have the infostructure in place to turn potential into reality!
  20. Over on big footy (enter at your peril) there are a number of threads about young Jesse. The current one asks who will be better, Hogan or Boyd with most non Bulldog fans going for Hogan. Otherwise, my vote is for Dean Kent! I liked what I saw last year and I think he may kick on from there.
  21. I suppose we enter the realms of semantics here. Gooey for me is a somewhat pleasurable sensation while goo is the green muck my kids brought up when sick. Certainly I was excited to see us recruit JT and the other bloke and my excitement was based on 1: what the pundits said and 2: what our recruiting staff thought. Gee 20/20 hindsight is great! And yes I was wrong! Like most of us who don't have the time or ability to attend junior football matches I must rely on the opinions of others. Emma Quayle does have a good reputation in this field and like others she appears sold on McCartin, Brayshaw and Petracca as the top 3 picks. However Jake Lever also bobs up in her (and others) reckoning. However I would not be surprised if 5years down the track the pundits here at Demonland are not baying for blood because we didn't pick player X who went at pick 20 something. Who knows!
  22. If we end up with McCartin I'm not convinced we'll see too much of a 3 big man forward line as some suggest. Of the few Casey games I saw last year, Hogan always spent some time hunting and intimidating further up the ground. With a change in coaching staff this year he may well be told to stay nearer the forward line, but I do hope he's given licence to roam and do a bit of work around the centre. McCartin appears more the stay at home type. However this is all speculation of course, as we await the Saints first pick. As Emma Quayle said in today's Age, it would be no knock on Petracca and no shock if McCartin was their choice. I like the idea of recruiting McCartin and Brayshaw, but the prospect of recruiting Petracca and Brayshaw makes me go all gooey inside.
  23. Dunny's certainly a changed man. And as for fatherhood, It didn't do Martin Pike any harm either!
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