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Everything posted by deeflog

  1. throw the cheque book at Brian Cook
  2. IN- Jetta, Tapscott, Dunn, Strauss, Kent OUT- Gillies, Sylvia, Nicholson, Jamar, Byrnes Sellar to ruck all day with Clark to help Gillies and Byrnes to go back to the cattery
  3. i would be going hard for brett ratten
  4. i understand maybe the players are not good enough but what has happened to player development at the MFC? I believe this is one of the first questions that needs answering
  5. one thing this week is 100% guaranteed..... we wont hear from schwab STAND UP CAM, GROW SOME NUTS AND GIVE US SOMETHING
  6. gee i feel sorry for our backline 6- Frawley 5- Garland 4- Terlich 3- Howe 2- N Jones 1- MFC supporters
  7. has totally lost me and is now officially the laziest afl player
  8. im not,offered nothing last week (he was in fine company too)
  9. will not solve anything, its up to the players to lift their intensity, their desire, their work rate, their passion for the jumper and most importantly their self pride
  10. i have sent 2 emails to the club and expect a response tomorrow or wednesday, and i will not turn up to another game until i get a response
  11. exactly what i said last night in one of the posts. 100% spot on
  12. you and i were watching a different jimmy toumpas.
  13. i loved it when the trainers went to help him off when he first got up and he just pushed them away, but needed the help when he closer to the interchange also i nearly jumped onto the field and took on the port cheer squad when they cheered when mitch held his hand up for help....SA scum
  14. i was prepared to wait and give it a go, but im not so sure this "moneyball" approach is not going to come off for Neeld I guess there is a reason they weren'tgetting a game for their old clubs
  15. OUT: Gillies, Sellar, Toumpas, McKenzie, Nicholson, Tapscott IN: Davey, Dawes, Trengove, Terlich, Jetta, Kent COUNT THEMSELVES LUCKY: Frawley, Watts, Dunn, Pederson, Rodan, Bournes
  16. do people really think its the coach? how many coaches do these players want to kill before the penny drops and they realise they dont have a long time in this game. these blokes really need to pull their heads out of their arses and start having a real crack on the field because the coach cant teach application
  17. no appetite for winning or for a contest, happy to just be known as an afl player
  18. is greg "[censored] smoker" denham on tv anywhere?
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