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Rab D Nesbitt

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Everything posted by Rab D Nesbitt

  1. Don't they need the mirrors to take a long hard look at themselves ? ??‍♂️
  2. Surely this is the year we get the W in Hobart. It could be like the good old days with the Hawks and Roos propping up the ladder.
  3. Those three fellas are paid to speculate and offer their opinions which is what they have done by the sounds of it so no need for concern.
  4. For what it's worth OD when not furloughed I work in Armadale. Every second car in the back streets has the little Melbourne sticker we get in our membership pack. I walked into my go to cafe there one morning and the two baristas were talking to three other punters about the Dees prospects that week. I think we've certainly got our share of conservative leaning supporters but I'm less certain about that hampering our prospects of funding from Dan.
  5. He's looking more like Sir Les Patterson by the day.
  6. No. Just lots of old on the new home base.
  7. I've already lost the will to live.
  8. My first impression was that he's been dragged through a hedge backwards.
  9. Did GB just handball the responsibility of a home base over to the state government ?
  10. Glenn Bartlett looks like he's had a rough day.
  11. I think the Vic has been able to keep things ticking over because the council has let them have quite a few outdoor tables along the two streets it fronts. It's not an 'old man's / spit & sawdust' type of place but it straddles the hipster and traditional markets really well.
  12. LOL. I'm not from the era of prohibition Old Dee. They're actually one of those throwbacks that have come back into vogue recently.
  13. I think it also helps that Man City aren't restricted with a salary cap in the same way that AFL clubs are so can purchase quality all over the park. The principle still applies though. Rangers have done the same this season. Having relied on Alfredo Morelos for our goals in recent years we've seen a lot more coming from our midfield and even our right back James Tavernier has scored 17 goals. We also defend as a team having leaked just 8 goals in 29 league games to date.
  14. Still a good pub, holding it's own in an area filled with micro breweries and speakeasies. I was there a few weeks ago.
  15. Hi DD. It still has Hart's Hotel written on the Victoria St side of the pub.
  16. Happy with this. If they're letting crowds back in I could mosey on down after lunch at the Victoria Hotel just around the corner. I do hope this doesn't leave the girls with a slew of interstate games to play at the back end of the fixture though.
  17. I for one wish the guy well. If he gets a guernsey would he be the first first generation African to play for us ? I think Heritier Lumumba is second generation through his Congolese father.
  18. That coast to coast goal that ended in a Cunningham goal was fantastic. If we get the chance to play Geelong I think we're a chance to avenge our 186 point loss.
  19. Let me know if you need help packing Jeff.
  20. Sounds like you're all over this race thing Mydee. I defer to your greater knowledge on the subject.
  21. Yup, agreed. Hence the reason he wouldn't have been on the wrong end of racist abuse. I bet whoever did abuse him though only did it the once.
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