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Everything posted by Superunknown

  1. How was Gaff's (wry? Happy) smile at the Eagles/Dees game. Hard to know what is going on. Was he at their Brownlow do? Starting to think he'll stay
  2. I had an Hawks supporter and Richmond sms-ing me that the umpires are obviously corrupt.
  3. Happy to swap a swag of Brownlows for more premierships please. kthkbye
  4. For forward/defensive pressure, better team balance, yes. Minus Hogan (and some others) + outside/mid/speed (whatever it is people say we need and whatever level they want to attribute) KPD (i.e. May or May-like) Preuss + Lever back I think with Weed, Tmac et al up fwd we are set there. Unless they want to try Hogan at CHB or back (which some here poo-pooh rightly or wrongly)
  5. Why are people saying ditch Weed? No thanks. He'ssshh a keeper.
  6. Gus, Lever or Harmes. Or someone who's not even born yet. i.e. we're such a good team with such a good spread that we become a team of vote stealers.
  7. I managed to get the article and kill the paywall but killed my browser tab and can't recover it. Otherwise I'd post. Sounds like more than the usual speculation to me.
  8. Can you post the article-proper please? It's paywalled.
  9. Thanks, noted. I had planned on trying to get #1 child to his first Demons game at Metricon or the Gabba (we're 90 mins south of Metricon) but will depend on draw. Otherwise a QBW trip for Dees V Pies might be on cards with a cheeky little Mt Buller trip so #1 can see snow. Or else I'll just wait for finals. Might have a peek when they're out and u/g to 3 game. We'll see. Fortunately I can fly from OOL or Ballina so the holiday market tends not to be affected so much by the GF. But we'll see. I might time a visit for GF well in advance and if nothing else head to Buller for a day so #1 can see snow.
  10. I would be happy to see him out of the seniors or with Damocles hanging over his head. 1 ill-discplined act that costs us a silly goal (choose your own measure) and he's to Casey for the year. Too many silly acts this year for mine.
  11. Sorry for my apparent ignorance, but if you buy a GFG, why are you going into a ballot (which is what I read from the above). I'm interstate so will Armchair it - if we're tracking OK I may upgrade to the GFG (assuming they're available)
  12. I am interested in what outcomes the first half drives. low tackle count, bad goal kicking, shocking indiscretions during disposals. What behavioural change and team/individual improvements does it beget? Hopefully it's turned into some constructive changes.
  13. I'm very happy with this year with the exception of: Geelong both games Hawks early in year St Kilda Sydney PF @ optus Port I can live with as we woz robbed by the umpires Let's all hope Goodwin rams home the unacceptable nature of the PF loss (1st half effort in particular) and the fact this might have been their one and only chance to win a flag (unlikely, yes, but certainly possible). Hope it drives them forward.
  14. An embarrassing and sad loss yesterday. On a micro level, bad. Feels like a death in the family. I've felt a blanket of bleakness this year - expected to lose the PF, but the manner in which we lost was not good enough - but, again, I think sunnier times are upon us. Take a deep breath and step back and there's a lot to like. Yesterday will be a lesson. Not to get ahead of one's self and what it takes to win a PF. This was a total wasted chance to snatch a flag. The disgusting ST Kilda game, add in a Geelong win (or two) and perhaps Port and we are top 4 (or two) and the finals look a lot different. Maybe a W1 win and a week's breather. Maybe no WC over there. I hope Goodwin rams that home. There may not be another one any time soon. Anyway, would be easy to fall apart, but... There lots of upside going forward. Notably... Spargo needs to get bigger and learn to kick goals in off season. Max, Max, Max - goal kicking please. Is it just me or is Brayshaw prolific but wasteful sometimes.? Petracca - I honestly don't know what to do with him but I am sure Goodwin does. Jones probably ought consider relinquishing the co captaincy with grace so that an orderly transition to retirement can be planned on his terms, and not be forced (and embarrassing). I'd like to see Lever get a VC and co captains - Gawn for the media etc and Viney mostly on field (I don't think he is a strong enough media performer which is kind of important). That's just me though and I'm sure others will disagree. Lewis has been good in the finals but he has had some shockers this year - without listing everything, there needs to be a conversation with him. Sort the backline out so Fritsch can get onto the wing. Dom needs to go (sorry Dom). There are gaps and you lot know more than me but the above has stood out a few times this year. Looking forward to seeing what happens over the trade period. Go Dees. (And Go Pies!)
  15. Making up for 2x Geelong and the st kilda farce though, admittedly
  16. I do value loopy handballs and handballs to intercepts from a 4x premiership player. Disc: very aware the team as a whole was pus
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